My path to be obedient to the Lord

“Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15). Repentance is where it all begins.

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My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Steel »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

My name is Jerod, and I prefer to go by my middle name Steel (for my own spiritual reasons). I live in the beautiful state of Washington, and have recently gone through a very touching experience regarding my path to be obedient to the Lord, so I've been exaulting him a lot lately lol. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I seek fellowship, and seems fitting to get such an invite during such a spiritual change in me. I always believed the Sabbath to be Saturday and appreciated that about your site too. That's awesome

Paul Cohen

Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Steel, Paul Cohen here from The Path of Truth,

Welcome to the Lord's website! I do have some questions for you - thanks for asking:

What was the experience you had regarding your path to being obedient to the Lord, and in what way has that obedience been manifested?

You say you've been exalting the Lord a lot lately - why do you add “lol”? Exalting the Lord is a sober and reverential matter:

“Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at His footstool; for He is holy” (Psalms 99:5 KJV).

What do you mean by the title on your Facebook page: “There Is Power in the Blood of Jesus”? How does this relate to what is taught in the Scriptures?

Have you been reading on our site? Here are some appropriate writings:

How One Is Saved
Religious Images, Icons, and Likenesses

Also read Our Testimonies. I think you need to know more about us and about what we preach before you'll be able to benefit from attending the Sabbath meetings. That is, if you're desirous to attend them after reading what the Lord has given us to reveal of His will and ways that confront the will and ways of man.

Let us know what you think and whether you have any questions of us. Lord willing, we will have more to talk about after you reply.



Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Steel »

Hello Paul, thank you for the response. I was speaking of my path to the complete obedience to Christ's law, and my experience is regarding the spirit that came over me when I suddenly realized that I never truly surrendered, and I felt the spirit at that moment, and it inspired me. Also I wept at what my heart saw. The true perfection of his love.

Sadly this does not mean I am out of the water yet, because I still have much to grow. I acknowledge my short coming, each and every one, and the ones I fail to realize I am not too proud for them to be brought to light.

As for the lol it means lots of laughs, and I'm not sure how that relates to me being sober. It was merely an expression to the joy that praising Christ has recently brought to my life. Before I exalted the Lord in a ritualistic manner. It's truly not the same as before.

What I mean by the power in the blood of Christ is what he was willing to sacrifice for the world, and I myself must be willing to do the same for love. The blood is the penance to the soul scripture says, and if that's the case no matter how much I bleed for God's will, it will never be as worthy as the lamb. I am beneath him, and his soul needed no penance so indeed his blood never should have been spilled. He chose to bleed for us!! That's powerful!

I've dabbled on your website, and slowly but surely I'll get around to all the content. There's a lot there!

Anyway you don't have to approve of me cause I'm just going to keep trying to be the best I can for my Lord regardless of who shuns me, and if I'm a bad man, or deserved to be shunned then I'll keep the faith alive that the Lord will help me to find the way no matter what I must face. Lords will be done.

Again thank you for your response, your time, and God bless

Paul Cohen

Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Steel,

You didn't answer the second portion of the following question, in blue:

“What was the experience you had regarding your path to being obedient to the Lord, and in what way has that obedience been manifested?

Are the “shortcomings” you mention sins you can't shake, since you're not “out of the water yet”? Are you still in bondage? Have you confessed your sins as God call for confession?

You go on to say:

Anyway you don't have to approve of me cause I'm just going to keep trying to be the best I can for my Lord regardless of who shuns me, and if I'm a bad man, or deserved to be shunned then I'll keep the faith alive that the Lord will help me to find the way no matter what I must face.

The Lord said “no man is good,” which means all men are bad. And it's for “bad men,” sinners, that He came:

“When Jesus heard it, He said to them, Those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but those who are ill. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Mark 2:17).

By the grace of God and faith of His Son working in us, we dare not shun any person, except heretics and those who refuse to listen or receive the Lord.

“And whoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Truly I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city” (Mark 6:11).

“Have nothing to do with people who continue to teach false doctrine after you have warned them once or twice” (Titus 3:10).

Are we not extending ourselves to you, sharing the Good News with you specifically and personally? What are you doing with the writings selected for your edification and welfare? You say you'll read our website, but what about taking the prescription given to you in the wisdom and knowledge of God? Or don't you believe we're serving Him?

You write:

What I mean by the power in the blood of Christ is what he was willing to sacrifice for the world, and I myself must be willing to do the same for love.

Isn't that what Peter said to the Lord? How well was Peter able to love as the Lord loved? Didn't Peter deny Him three times, just as the Lord said? So how was he converted from an incapable liar to a sure witness? How did Peter receive “the power in the blood”? Do you know and have you received this power? Tell us about it.

As for the lol it means lots of laughs, and I'm not sure how that relates to me being sober. It was merely an expression to the joy that praising Christ has recently brought to my life. Before I exalted the Lord in a ritualistic manner. It's truly not the same as before.

Ritualistic praise doesn't exalt the Lord - it exalts man, but it's surely a good thing to praise the Lord in spirit and truth. We see much “laughing out loud” among those who receive false religious spirits that tickle their ears and fancies. Laughter of the godly sort comes to those in Christ who through faith and patience endure necessary humiliation in the fires of God:

Psalms 126:1-6
(1) A Song of Ascents. When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.
(2) Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.”
(3) The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad.
(4) Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like streams in the Negev!
(5) Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!
(6) He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

What have you come here for, Steel? In case you're still interested in coming to the meeting, Sara will send you instructions on how to attend.



Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Steel »

I say to you Paul that I enjoyed everything you responded me with. Honestly I felt offended by your first message, and my response could have been much better, but I reckon that my pride blinded me. I have problems Paul, but I have a heart that is willing to burn for the Lord.

I live with my dad who has heart problems and his demons are very strong. I feel that I need to see him through till the end.. I am mostly alone, and although I put up a good fight Satan always finds a way to make me feel failed, and shamed..

One time when I decided to move extra slow, even painfully slow with everything I did, because I pictured in my head that Jesus took his time even when pressured by the world. I did it for three days and it even made my body sore. People began persecuting me heavier then ever, but I kept doing it, and on the third day when I got home my dad was drunk.

I was pursuing the intimate touch of the Lord, and each time I started to feel his presence the strongest my dad interrupted me, and harassed me about locking my door saying he could break it down if he wanted. Before the night was over he wrestled me to the ground and I held him from striking me but he pulled ny hair so hard I felt like it could be ripped out, so I screamed dad! Dad! The whole time he was possessed by Satan and would not even deny who he was. I got away cause he let go after I called him dad.

I ran to my room and prayed to the Lord that Satan not be allowed to enter, but my dad welcome without evil spirit.. he went for my door after screaming angry attacks at me, calling me names, and when he tried to get in my room he fell on the ground writhing, and started cursing me. As he was cursing me in the other side of my door I was speaking against Satan in my heart, and the most bazaar thing happened, Satan was using my dad to respond to all of my prayers against him!! This kind of bazaar thing happens to me on a regular bases, and I see when the enemy twist the world to persecute me. I am trying to stay alive!!

About the manifesting of obedience I'd say it's more like accepting what comes my way without feeling sorry for myself, and in that way I've made leaps and bounds! Glory to God for that!

As for confession I hide nothing from the Lord. Indeed when I have a shameful thought even I squirm inside, and present my shameful self to God saying his will to be done. All the world knows my shame, because I had to confess so that Satan could not make me feel afraid to not be accepted, but in the end no one rejected me so glory to God for that, and I must say it is a relief to not have such things locked in my heart.

I know that men are bad, and the scripture regarding. I was just expressing my desire to repent. I don't want to go on sinning, and I bear the cross everyday. Its painful!!

You are reaching out to me Paul and I appreciate it. Sorry if my responses aren't enough.. I'm trying to touch base with you believe it, and you're always welcome to reach out. I've got a good feeling about you, and I must admit that at first I was skeptical.. I'll read your page more, thank you..

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Steel, I'm thankful you came to the meeting. I feel badly when I read of your crying out, “Dad, Dad!” as he abuses you. That really hurts. I'm not condemning your dad; I'm just saying how I feel for you and perhaps both of you. Through faith, we can defeat the enemy, send him packing and establish peace with God, by His grace.

The Lord can change anything and has every desire to do so as you look to Him, believing and obeying. May the Lord grace you with humility and that earnestness we need to steadfastly look to and trust Him to bring us out of darkness into peace and communion with Him. Steel He loves you!



Re: My path to be obedient to the Lord

Post by Steel »

Thanks Victor! I'm always thinking to be humble, obedient, and repentant. I fail, but I intend to bear my shame, and let it push me to rise above temptation.. I will put my faith in your words. Thank you brother and God bless

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