Email them with love

Peace is to him who brings war for good, but woe to the one who speaks peace to hide war.

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Ronnie Tanner
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Email them with love

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

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-------- Original Message --------
From: Bai
Date: 3/31/2015 9:57 AM

[ accidentally came across thi your info.n I am from Nigeria and a christain .lets assume these preachers are as you said although I believe ther are exceptions and question is,HAVE YOU EVER PRAYED FOR THEIR CONVERSION FROM THEIR WEAKNESSES OR EMAILED THEM ABOUT THEIR MISTAKES ;if no that means you are also tearing Gods people mountain of fire specifically I have been so I know to some extent their practices.what am trying to sayt here is they can fall because preachers are devils targets.what u need to do is email them with love and pray for them so that God will renew them.but for those purposely going against the bible may them fall and be exposed.but you don't do better than they for condemning them just like that.may god use those that think are doing it for Gds sake so that multitudes can be saved.God bless you

-------- Original Message --------
From: Bai
Date: 3/31/2015 10:17 AM

its not that what ur saying is a lie.but it pains my heart you don't rebuke them first.even peter was rebuked by paul so please help the kingdom of God by restoring your brothers.God bless you all

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2015 11:25 AM
To: Bai
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'


"Have we rebuked or prayed for the conversion of those Nigerian preachers?" you ask.

No, we haven't. Were we supposed to? Do you find such a blanket principle in Scripture?

Did Elijah pray for the 450 prophets of Baal, or Samuel for Agag, or David for Joab, or Solomon for Adonijah? Or Moses for the sinning people at Mount Sinai or for Balaam?

Do you think that perhaps Jesus prayed for Judas Iscariot, for example, or Paul and Barnabas for Elymas?

Did Jesus pray for everyone?

"I pray for them. I do not pray for the world, but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours." (John 17:9 MKJV)

Perhaps the Lord doesn't consider those particular Nigerian preachers brothers in Christ and therefore there was no direction from Him for us to rebuke them? Is that possible, Baibaix?

You err when thinking God's men are vulnerable to Satan. They are only his prey when they deliberately walk in sin. Those are not always to be prayed for.

As for a rebuke, the Nigerians have been public figures displaying their sins publicly and therefore ought to be rebuked publicly. Should they see our publicity of them, and if there's any good thing in them, they will receive the rebuke, repent, come to us and we will deal with them as the Lord wills.

Truly, this is in God's hands, not yours or ours. Jesus Christ is the One Who determines all things, choosing whom He wills.

I can tell you this: The Nigerian preachers in question are proud men who would scoff at our personal rebuke. They "have better things to do with their time than to listen to" us. This is so for practically everyone we have listed as false teachers.

Meanwhile, our intention is to warn everyone of these charlatans as God gives us to speak.

You need to avail yourself of the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth, instead of judging after the appearance and believing everything you see and hear. Religion has blinded you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bai
Sent: April-04-15 2:30 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'

Thank u bro victor.if u really stressed the uselessness of praying for dem as Gods will its ok by grieves me to hear human headin for hell.but r u sure ur judgments r from God.isnt any1 capable of getting carnal for sins? Must dey knowingly b of d devil?

If u had known me, u wud kno am v serious abt dis cos I dont trust men esp dose claiming to b of u mean Jesus cant save dem as 4 now. Take 4 instance chris oyakilome, he says masturbation not a sin.dis I cant argue he is not a demon.

but some like olukoya that reveals d dark kingdom n teaches people spiritual warfare n to dis I can testify.just because he uses dr thats all he's doomed.I neva come across him contrdicting d bible.angel of darkness cant go thus far with spiritual warfare confessing jesus n co.God sees all.

I myself am not a full blown spiritual christain but no one can really twist d bible o doctrine 4me.if its not in d bible count me out attitude.I will still pray 4God to save d non occultic ones.infact plus d occultic ones.y does God save people from d dark kingdom by apearing to dem.can u giv me d answer? Please pray to God 4their conversion
Not d world.not the free will satanists.or have any idea? Pray 4me too, that is if u are of God.God bless

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:48 AM
To: Bai
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'

Bai, you ask:

"but r u sure ur judgments r from God.isnt any1 capable of getting carnal for sins? Must dey knowingly b of d devil?"

How are you sure anything you say is from God?

Not sure I understand your second question.

Almost all who serve Satan in the Name of Jesus Christ aren't aware they do so.

The Lord has an appointed time for each man to be saved, whether in this world or the world to come.

When you use the word, "doomed," we suspect you mean "damned forever and ever." That isn't true of anyone.

"olukoya that reveals d dark kingdom n teaches people spiritual warfare"

That is your Opinion, Bai; perhaps Olukoya can teach some things about "the dark kingdom," but so can Satan. How much did Jesus and the apostles reveal about it?

"I neva come across him contrdicting d bible."

Again, Bai, Opinion. Does he preach the Scriptural truth about The Sabbath, The Purpose of Evil, The Restitution of All Things and The Asininity of the Trinity , for examples?

"I myself am not a full blown spiritual christain but no one can really twist d bible o doctrine 4me."

Which presumptuous statement tells us automatically you are deceived:

"So let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12 MKJV)

"y does God save people from d dark kingdom by apearing to dem.can u giv me d answer?"

Yes, we can give you the answer. Is He appearing to them? Who says so? How many witnesses are there? Are they true or false witnesses? Bai, you ask unlearned questions yet you have determined you have ability to judge. How so?

Should you write again, try to think before you write and address us with considerate language and accurate expression and define your terms, for examples, if you can.


From: Bai
Sent: April-11-15 5:06 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk

U sound harsh.harsh in that u can't bear the burden of the unlearned as u call me.I respect Gods Sabbath.but the bible says don't let any1 weigh u down with festivities n Sabbath.I feel u r a Jew extremist.I wouldn't have written u if I never loved people n God.n I shouldn't have contacted if I don't want knowledge.a full blown spiritual Christian I meant one who hears from God directly.else I read my bible n try to keep Gods word in my life.pls its encouraging to hear God saves at appointed is it biblical for God to save one after death on earth?I never heard that.patience and love are characters of Gods children.sorry if I offended.but be sure you don't twist Gods word either.n I won't mind if u don't write again.God help us all

From: Bai
Sent: April-11-15 5:19 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk

I know God appears to people within Satan's kingdom n I am not received.God appeared to many Muslims in Nigeria you can't deny the fact.let me tell u in a resounding way that I am not deceived.I am a biblical Christian that doesn't put trust in man.don't lay burden on people by ur sabaths.and don't just judge by initials.I don't go to the churches u listed.only compelled me to write about some of those u condemned cos I don't want them in that category.that was my only concern .God knows the best.

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:27 AM
To: Bai
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'

No harshness and none intended, Bai. It's your lust for affection and tenderness. Why? Is reality not to your liking? Your reaction is that of a man alive that should be dead, and would be dead, crucified in Christ, if he had the faith he needs to have.


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