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Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:48 am
by Naomi Storey
My husband is an ordained Southern Baptist minister (retired) and retired USAF .Lt. Col We are both in a second marriage and have been married for 38 years. I knew him for 6 years and dated him for 2 years before we married. My first husband had a very bad temper and was having an affair. I really didn't want to marry again since I had two young children. However, after knowing my current husband for 6 years prior to our marriage, I saw a kind, calm and caring man. About a week after our marriage, everything changed. He became a controlling tyrant with a very bad temper. His children were grown but he started making all kinds of rules and regulations for my children and me (like we were in the military). As he has gotten older, he has gotten angrier. He tells me he loves me but he doesn't show it. Just this week, we went out to lunch and he chewed out a waiter (more than once) because the music was too loud. He has disowned one of his grandsons and his middle son has nothing to do with him. I am so depressed that I have to take tranquilizers to get through the day. We are together 24-7 so I have nowhere to go He has given millions of dollars to Christian charities but we live like paupers. A couple of years ago, I had colon cancer. When I got home after surgery, I still had to wait on him and myself or I would have starved to death. I have been suicidal but since I am a born-again Christian, I know that it's a sin to commit suicide. I got him to go to a Christian marriage counselor once and all he could talk about was many Christian organizations he supported--nothing about our relationship. The counselor told me that he wasn't going to change. What can I do.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:05 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Naomi, I hear you and the Lord knows your plight. NOTHING is too hard for Him, NOTHING. Your cancer is nothing too difficult for Him; your marriage is not too difficult; nothing is difficult to Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Southern Baptists don't know the reality of what I'm saying here. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Southern Baptists.

You are not born again, nor is your husband. Jesus Christ is nowhere to be found in your life or your husband's. You two are living in the world and are of the world, under Satan's tyranny or you wouldn't be experiencing the things you are or do, neither of you.

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Psalms 84:11 KJV).

If you argue with me or are offended, you call God a liar. This isn't Victor speaking but the Lord Jesus Christ in the Scripture I just gave you. Here's another:

"If My people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14 MKJV).

If you're His and you turn to Him in full repentance of your lifestyle and attitude, He WILL hear and answer. If you're not His, it won't happen - unless He decides to make you His. Will you be granted that precious gift of true repentance? You are here now, seeking help. We'll see where this takes us.

This is not a putdown; it is a statement of fact with the intent of help for both of you, God willing. What I want you to do is begin to get honest with God, pray, and steep yourself in ThePathofTruth writings. It won't matter much where you start. God will guide you as you seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. If that isn't what you "seek first," then I can't help you; you're on your chosen own.

Here's more you can do: Give thanks. "In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you."

Read" onclick=";return false; and ... f-evil.htm" onclick=";return false;.

I'd appreciate an acknowledgment from you for the time I've freely given you here for your sake.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:25 am
by Victor Hafichuk
More for you, Naomi, in case you missed it in my editing of the first reply:

Here's more you can do: Give thanks. "In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you."

Read" onclick=";return false; and ... f-evil.htm" onclick=";return false;.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:06 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
​From: Naomi Storey
Date: Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 10:21 AM
Subject: Objection
To: The Path of Truth Forum

Please take me off of your forum. Because I have put up with being emotionally and spiritually abused by my husband for 38 years does not mean I am not saved. God did not intend that women (or men) should be treated in an ungodly manner.

Did God give you the right to judge other people. I can quote scripture too. "Judge not or you will be judged." "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Please e-mail your credentials and how God is giving you all of this insight. I have been in church for 40 years and many women have shared with me how their husbands have abused them, not only verbally, but physically.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:56 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Naomi, wasn't I right in saying you aren't saved? You know nothing about the Lord Jesus Christ as He IS, only as men like Southern Baptists MAKE HIM OUT TO BE. You are lost; you are a sinner. You suffer the consequences of sinners only because you are a sinner.

You look for sympathy and "understanding." You want to have your cake and eat it too. It won't do for the Lord. He wants your heart; He demands repentance. You are anything BUT repentant.

People, who came to John the Immerser (that would be, "Baptist," for your information) at the Jordan to be immersed, also had been churchgoers like you for many years. They had their "credentials" as you presume to have as a believer. John didn't give a damn about their claims. "Who has warned YOU to flee from the wrath to come, you brood of vipers?!" he publicly declared to them, without diplomacy, political correctness, "churchiness," or "Christian" Southern Baptist "love" he knew to be so much adult male bovine excrement.

What were John's credentials to "judge" that way, Naomi? Who commissioned him according to men's definitions? Did he need to send them an email telling them what Bible school or seminary he graduated from and was ordained by?

You, Naomi, perish because of your sins. You have the husband you do and are incapable of dealing with him and your circumstances because of sin. You've had cancer because of sin. You pity yourself because of sin. You contemplate suicide because of sin. Where's the Lord? HERE and not there! Now when we test and give you God-ordained wisdom and counsel free of charge to see how you'll respond, you lash out as you do BECAUSE OF SIN. You are an altogether wicked woman.

Recommendation: Read my testimony, my story, and the writings we've posted from God for people to be informed and then YOU can tell ME what my credentials are and from whom. Without humility, confession, and repentance, none of that will happen.

I fully expect you'll go your way, indignant, upset, angry, sulking, and condemning us. So be it. But know that in coming here, you've stumbled on the Stone the builders have rejected and It now falls on you, crushing you.

So be it. I no longer pity the snarling devils who presume to demand that John, with the help of ushers, gently take them by the hand from the shore, give them baptismal garments, ear plugs, eye goggles, clean water, and gently lead them into the water of ideal temperature, asking no questions, having to do exactly as these brats like you expect of him. We're not here for that, Naomi. We're here to call you to repentance, without which YOU ARE DEAD. Your call.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 3:22 pm
by Lynn Farris

You came here looking for help. Consider that the Lord has brought you here to hear the truth and is answering you through Victor, giving you what is necessary to be delivered from the hell that you’re living in, and have been living in for 38 years, in spite of all of your church going.

Re: Angry Husband

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 4:05 pm
by Steve Beiler
Naomi, it grieves me to read your reply, after receiving sincere,gentle words from The Lord, through a mere man, words calling you to repentance, for your sake.

All of what Victor shared in response to your first post is right on; he answered with gentle Words of Truth, calling you to repentance, in Love.

What an opportunity you have. Will you take it or will you turn your back and walk away in anger, wagging your head, just like the religious people did as Jesus was dying on the cross, paying the price for the salvation of the whole world!

I can testify with what The Lord is doing in my life that what Victor is telling you is Truth from The Lord. The more it hurts and the harder it is to accept, the more revealing it is for the need of repentance.

I declare to you that The Lord Jesus Christ is the answer to ALL your problems, ask Him, trust Him, in faith to reveal The Truth to you, desiring His Will ,for His Glory and not yours, He is Faithful.