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A Curious "Christian" Seeker of Knowledge

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:38 am
by Ronnie Tanner
From: Thebe
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:04 AM
To: The Path of Truth
Subject: Query
Importance: High

Hello there,

I stumbled upon your website –" onclick=";return false;

And where you list false teachers, you state – (talking of John Piper)
- ….Would you make something in your own image, let us say conceive a son, knowing and purposing in advance that you would be consigning a sentient being, your very own flesh and blood, to torment that will never cease? What did Jesus say on the cross? “Father, burn them all in hell forever”? Or did He say, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”? Do you think His prayer was heard and honored? Jesus said that the Father always hears Him because He does that which pleases the Father….

And where you cite John Calvin

- That he is murderer and that he instituted the death of Michael Servetus

From what I read on your site – is that you both confirm that there are righteous men who do the will of the One True God, which is right and I agree with. And you also go on to cite that there are wicked men who go about creating conceived images of their own christs and have hearts of the evil one.


1. What then I need to understand from you is that – what happens to these two groups on Judgment Day, when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats?

a. Also does pre-destination play any role here?

2. Will anyone go to the hell that the One True God promises that it’s the final “resting” place of the beast, the false prophet and the evil one?

3. And will every human being that ever lived go to heaven and spend a blissful eternity with the LORD? This including, but not limited to, Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, the Mao Mao, Jan Van Riebeek, HF Verwoerd, Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Al Qaeda, J Edgar Hoover, Alexander “the great”, Yasser Arafat, Cleopatra, Socrates, Lot’s wife and daughters, “Mother” Teresa, Spanish slave-ship-builders, Judas Iscariot, to name but a few?

4. And who in the book of Revelation to John will be thrown into Gehenna and why?

5. Was the story of Lazarus and the rich man, a parable or an actual event that Jesus is referring to?

6. And lastly, what is it that’s required for one, while here on Earth, do to make it into the Presence of the One True God forever, to fully realize love and life without ceasing?


Thebe Moloto
South Africa

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:04 AM
To: Thebe
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: Query

Thebe, read the following postings from our site, which answer all your questions and more:

The State and Fate of Hell
The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
The True, Scriptural Meanings of “Forever,” “Everlasting,” and “Hell”
The Rich Man and Lazarus – A Pagan Parable
How One Is Saved
The Cross - Only the Death Sentence Will Avail

And if you find any questions not answered, it’s only because you need to live the truth you’re hearing from us in order to know the truth God reveals to those who love Him.

Gaining knowledge isn’t His goal for you, but being made in His likeness, so that it may be said:

“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made to us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption; so that, according as it is written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord’” (1 Corinthians 1:30-31 MKJV).

Paul" onclick=";return false;

From: Thebe
Sent: July-19-16 7:14 AM
To: Paul Cohen
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: Query
Importance: High

Hi Paul,

Thanks for coming back to me.

I however hoped you’d be specific to my questions rather than refer me to a book where I would still need clarity and context after reading it.

Although I appreciate the resources – I somehow feel my query is being taken very light even though it speaks of matters that are very serious. I had hoped you would take it as seriously as I did and not be as aloof as your
response is “if you find any questions not answered, it’s only because you need to live the truth you’re hearing from us in order to know the truth God reveals to those who love Him” – this sounds like something you’d hear from a clairvoyant individual.

I would expect that special and loving care would be taken when someone enquires about such matters, especially when it has to do with Our GOD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.

But thanks anyway.

Thebe Moloto

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:04 AM
To: Thebe
Cc: Paul Cohen
Subject: RE[3]: Query

“The full soul despises a honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Proverbs 27:7 MKJV).

What do YOU have to do with Jesus Christ, Thebe?

You show yourself to feel entitled, presuming to have right to our time and energy.

Your questions are on the doctrinal plane and we have already answered them in the links provided, but you, o high and mighty “Christian,” expect personal service with as little effort or cost on your part as possible, while others bear the burden. Did you hire us?

You expect us to reinvent the wheel for you, a special order, if you like, because you are a curious “Christian” seeker of knowledge? Many others also seek similar answers and we have provided. Humble yourself, take your place in line and be thankful for whatever you get.

According to the commission of the Lord, we deal with the heart, as we did here:

if you find any questions not answered, it’s only because you need to live the truth you’re hearing from us in order to know the truth God reveals to those who love Him

Your heart was already addressed and you didn’t even know it because of its hardness. You fell on the Stone and now the Stone falls on you as we address your arrogance, presumption, and hypocrisy.

We know this: Those crying for love and respect are invariably the least loving and respectful of others. You, Thebe, are a self-righteous liar and hypocrite. Worst of all, and for which you aren’t held guiltless, you take the Lord’s Name in vain. How good is that?

For a refresher of how the Lord speaks to such as you, read Matthew 23. Then try to repeat how wrong He is.

No phony wishes of cheers or thanks here to you,

Victor and Paul

Re: A Curious "Christian" Seeker of Knowledge

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:12 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Thebe,

I’ve red the threads on this posting and I have felt motivated to reply to you, however menial you might think. I’ve been attending TPOT’s meetings and reading the free literature on the Site, for quite a number of years and I can assure you, most certainly, nothing is taken lightly, here. For you to equate a clairvoyant individual with the Lord’s servants is, quite frankly, blasphemous, disrespectful and downright rude!!

If you’re looking for “special and loving care” Thebe, you have it from the thousands of “well-meaning” false Christian churches out there and, more especially, from the hundreds of churches popping up virtually every day, in South Africa. It seems you’re employed at the South African National Treasury? Well… need I say more?

Finally, the Website has answers to every single one of your queries… and more, from the Lord. Sadly for you, all you’re doing is “taking it very lightly” and probably just being nosy and self-righteous. Not a good state or frame of mind to be in, Thebe.


P.S. Your letter reminded me of the “pastor” in a remote SA town, who insisted his followers eat rats and snakes or some other gross stuff. I should have mentioned this “loving” pastor to you: ... ion-snakes" onclick=";return false;