Poem - Stoning the Mirror

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Sara V Schmidt

Poem - Stoning the Mirror

Post by Sara V Schmidt »

A poem Victor wrote in response to someone who didn't like hearing the truth about themselves - January 2011:

Stoning the Mirror

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Wherever did you get your gall?
I’m not guilty of such things at all!
Mirror, mirror, take a fall!

I have a different image in my mind,
Of myself that’s much more kind;
A finer person you’ll never find.
Surely, mirror, you are blind!

Mirror, mirror, full of lies,
What you show me, I despise;
What I see, my heart denies,
Things not fit for holy eyes!

Who holds this mirror before my face?
I find your judgment cruel and base.
Is your agenda my disgrace?
You need to learn and take your place.

I will now even the score;
I will escape what I abhor.
Crash goes the mirror to the floor,
A false impression to give no more.

Now I live but shattered dreams.
There is no longer peace, it seems,
Only eyes full of beams,
A state no decent being esteems.

Victor Hafichuk

Marina Carnat

Re: Poem - Stoning the Mirror

Post by Marina Carnat »

I like it a lot: simple and clear, but at the same time - profound!

Terri Cabreros
Posts: 147
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:52 pm

Re: Poem - Stoning the Mirror

Post by Terri Cabreros »

Wow...awesome poem. Reality

Joyce Wentworth

Re: Poem - Stoning the Mirror

Post by Joyce Wentworth »

Yes, truth spoken!
Sure impossible to run from a mirror's reflection, as much as I've wanted to, and tried to, so many times. An eye-opener!
Joyce Wentworth

Simon Mwebaze

Re: Poem - Stoning the Mirror

Post by Simon Mwebaze »

Yes, the reality of who I am and want to do. It also shows God's grace to me and all by keeping us from walking away (no free will) after seeing who we truly are in part.

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