Secular music - Sigur Ros

Letters and correspondence regarding music from TPOT. A full list of songs can be found here.
Michael Vavases

Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Michael Vavases »

EDIT: Just a note, I thought I had edited these links out of this post, but for some reason it didn't take. To be clear, I've received correction on this music, and that correction can be viewed in the Sabbath transcript posted below.
Last edited by Michael Vavases on Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

From the 09-24 transcript:

Victor H. says:
What do all here think of the music Michael and Luan are posting and discussing on the Forum? Any thoughts?

Martin V.P. says:
I've appreciated Sigur Ros and used to listen to their music often. That being said, I don't think there is any spiritual truth or comfort to be found there.

Tang W says:
I felt uneasy about the English translation of the lyrics. I did not understand the meaning of the song.

Joe V. says:
I've heard of Sigur Ros before, but since they sing in Icelandic, it's hard to get into.

Dennison R. says:
I just thought it was rubbish.

Sabine S. says:
I had never heard of them, but I didn't really enjoy it.

Martin V.P. says:
It's one thing to appreciate a song, but it's not good to be looking to worldly music for catharsis, Luan, or truth, Michael.

Lynda W. says:
Didn't do anything to/for me

James S says:
I have not checked it out yet.

Paul C. says:
I appreciate the way you put that, Lynda

Luan Cartwright says:
Amen, Martin, it did distract me from the correction I am still receiving

Martin V.P. says:
You used the word cathartic:

1. providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. "crying is a cathartic release"
2. MEDICINE (chiefly of a drug) purgative. nounMEDICINE 1. a purgative drug.

Michael V. says:
Okay, I will keep that in mind, Martin, though I'm not sure I listen to it for catharsis...I just enjoy it. Is that wrong?

Martin V.P. says:
Not necessarily

Paul C. says:

Martin V.P. says:
What "truth" did you see there, Michael?

Michael V. says:
To me, it represented freedom in Christ

Martin V.P. says:
How so?

Michael V. says:
Becoming as children, jumping off a cliff with nothing but Him to support you

Michael V. says:
It reminded me of this bit from the paper repentance

Michael V. says:
Repentance is a jump over the cliff into free fall, with sure destruction at the end, if God does not intervene or resurrect from the dead.

Martin V.P. says:
Probably better to seek Christ as He is represented in His Word and by His Revelation than through weak metaphors in secular music videos.

Martin V.P. says:
Did you read the translated lyrics?

Michael V. says:
I did, but I'd enjoyed the song for years without knowing the translation

Michael V. says:
I get your point, though. I was unsure when I posted it, guess I was wrong to. Sorry.

Marilyn H. says:
How are you going to learn unless you express those things?

Luan Cartwright says:
Amen, Marilyn

Michael V. says:
Well I should restate: I didn't question it much when I posted it, only afterwards

Marilyn H. says:
What do others have to say?

Martin V.P. says:
The lyrics are rooted in pagan Scandinavian folklore

Dennison R. says: Carmen: Was that not the third temptation of Jesus, hoping that the Angels pick Him up ?, is it not called tempting the FATHER?

Luan Cartwright says:
Me too. Also the fact Jonsi is homosexual has been playing on my mind

Martin V.P. says:
That's not necessarily the issue, Luan, although that kind of agenda and spirit can be written into the music.

Victor H. says:
Who's Jonsi?

Martin V.P. says:
A member of Sigur Ros.

Victor H. says:
But Luan, what of your catharsis by the song?

Victor H. says:
I had never heard of Sigur 'til now

Oneil R. says:
Musicians/ artist are story tellers, what they say is normally who they are/what they believe. It's not just entertainment as some would want you to believe

Luan Cartwright says:
I was holding onto a lot after my time away and feeling very emotionally blocked. Listening to one of them seemed to allow for me to cry a lot

Victor H. says:
Your "time away"?

Paul C. says:
When was this?

Luan Cartwright says:
I went to visit a cousin during the week

Oneil R. says:
I checked it out and some of their other works were disturbing, tasteless to say the least

Victor H. says:

Luan Cartwright says:
From Tuesday until Friday

Victor H. says:

Victor H. says:
The music is from beneath

Victor H. says:
It vexed my spirit

Martin V.P. says:
Agreed, V

Victor H. says:
Makes me shudder or cringe

Dennison R. says:
Same here

Victor H. says:
Not that I have any fear; nothing can hurt me, but it can surely vex

Oneil R. says:

Victor H. says:
Unclean is the operative word, I'd say

Ronnie T. says:
David played music under the anointing of the Lord, and devils were expelled from Saul. Certainly the opposite is true, depending on where the listener is coming from.

Sabine S. says:
They are trying to convince people to flee from reality, it's demonic.

Victor H. says:
So, Luan, I ask that the Lord deliver you of all spiritual uncleanness

Martin V.P. says:
Yes, Sabine. Like the Sirens.

Michael Vavases

Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Michael Vavases »

Just wanted to say a couple of things on this. First, I want to apologize to everyone for posting this again - it took me a couple of days to truly understand why this music was so destructive, but I do see it now. I would say it's amazing that I was so blind to it, but I suppose I should expect such things by now.

Second, I do believe that I was also seeking catharsis through this music. I told myself otherwise initially, but when I denied it I didn't feel right about my answer. The truth is that I was also full of self-pity when listening to the stuff, and as Martin said, it's really just another kind of masturbation. Shameful, but I am thankful for the correction. I really wasn't thankful at first, but the Lord gave me to receive it.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Magdalena Lamaison
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Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Magdalena Lamaison »

Amen, Michael! Thank you. Praise the Lord. He knows!

Larry Crutcher
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Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Larry Crutcher »

Hello, this is my first post. Grace of God be with you. Here is my view Michael.

No doubt our Savior Jesus was moved with feelings and emotions and identifies with the weakness of our flesh. When the world, including the religious systems of today, produces music, videos other forms of entertainment, you can be sure it will have an influence from corrupt flesh. I believe that the powers of darkness influence soul-seducing media that attracts our flesh to lust for times, events or places. These things are the passions of the world.

I can tell you a personal experience: many years ago, I watched a movie called Planes Trains and Automobiles. At the end of the movie, I was very emotionally affected and felt pain and loss as I saw the image of a loving wife and family, a perfect meal and beautiful home. I wept because something in me was triggered about loss; I wanted that Hollywood image to be my reality. I wanted my horrid childhood to be reversed and replaced with that! Later in life, I came to understand that was my uncrucified soul reacting to an offering of carnal satisfaction. I believe that is part of the LIE that we can be satisfied by something, anything earthly. The Kingdom of God is not about finding peace, love or satisfaction or anything offered by this world as a substitute for His Peace, Life and Joy. I believe it is seducing our soul to come apart from the real Kingdom to find and partake of fleshly satisfaction. The pleasure of the Spirit of Truth in me and in the called out ones, is far greater and completely satisfying and will produce real, lasting Peace. Walking in the Spirit means denying our flesh and worldly passions. Walking in Grace means the power of God in you to accomplish this.

Titus 2:12
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men. It instructs us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live sensible, upright, and godly lives in the present age, as we await the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.…

Perhaps you received some Spiritual Truth, as you said. But be aware: some Truth mixed with corruption or The LIE, only produces an evil mixture.

The Blessing of God be with you all,

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Larry,

Is this your first post? Have we not already posted something from you? See: ... ead#unread" onclick=";return false;

Larry Crutcher
Posts: 5
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Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Larry Crutcher »

Hello Victor,

Yes, my introductory post would be my first. I suppose I was thinking here's my first post on a subject.

Grace be with you,

Michael Vavases

Re: Secular music - Sigur Ros

Post by Michael Vavases »

Hi Larry,

Thanks for your post. I agree with everything you said, particularly "The Kingdom of God is not about finding peace, love or satisfaction or anything offered by this world as a substitute for His Peace, Life and Joy." That is exactly what I was trying to do in listening to this music. Thank You, Lord, not just for ridding me of the music, but for addressing the root of the problem.

- Mike

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