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John V


Post by John V »

What is the difference for a believer between " rebellion " and " falling away ( apostacy ) "?

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Rebellion

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Duration? Motive? What suggests to you there IS a difference, John?
Last edited by Victor Hafichuk on Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

John V

Re: Rebellion

Post by John V »

Spouse leaving, no interest in God anymore. But yet asks for prayer.

Paul Cohen

Re: Rebellion

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi John,

You say, "Spouse leaving." Leaving what? You, your church, both, or what?

You say, "No interest in God anymore." Was there ever true interest? Was your wife playing the game of religion and simply wants out, or did she ever demonstrate fruits of faith and now she's turned her back on God? Do you know the difference? Have you experienced true faith and repentance?

You say your wife is asking for prayer. What does she want prayer for? Ask her, and let us know. Tell us more, if you want the Lord to be involved in your situation.


John V

Re: Rebellion

Post by John V »

Hi Paul,

Thank you responding. Yes I have Christ in the flesh revealed to me in 1991. He took me out of man made religion, pagan religion and has led us on a very solitary walk, not knowing anybody that believed the Truth as God revealed it to me until l came across your website beginning of this year l sent Victor an email asking for prayer and he responded. God gave me a witness in the Spirit that he is a man of God.
As for the present circumstances I will not go into detail as this is a public forum. Suffice to say my wife has left after 29 years of marriage.
For further details, I have emailed Victor my phone number if you are interested in a follow up.

May God bless you......John

Sara V Schmidt

Re: Rebellion

Post by Sara V Schmidt »

John replied above.

Paul Cohen

Re: Rebellion

Post by Paul Cohen »

Okay, John - Lord willing we can talk on the phone at a time when we're able to conference together with Victor. We'll get back to you on this by email.

Let this be a heads-up for everyone not to bring up subjects on the forum that you aren't prepared to speak about publicly. This is a place for sharing with others for the edification of all. We aren't here just to speak theoretically, but practically, where the Lord meets us with answers to the issues at hand.


John V

Re: Rebellion

Post by John V »

Thank you Paul for responding. I have no problem speaking about this publicly. As there is
different aspects to this, I believe that it will beneficial to speak to you and Victor first and
let the Lord lead from there.

May God bless you.....John

Paul Cohen

Re: Rebellion

Post by Paul Cohen »

That sounds good, John, We'll be in touch.

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