Seasonal Allergies

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Andrew Battaglia
Posts: 54
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Seasonal Allergies

Post by Andrew Battaglia »

Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone had any experience in dealing with seasonal allergies. I have suffered with them my entire life and conventional medicine has never been able to help. My sinuses and eyes are the main issues I am dealing with. Rather than take a pill like my doctor advises, I wanted to reach out and see if anyone knows of anything that has helped. Thank you!

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Conventional medications exacerbate, never improve. Environment and diet are two things that come to me off the top, next to faith in God to address your situation. He answers all, Andrew.

William Woeger

Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by William Woeger »

Hello Andrew,

I use to suffer through seasonal allergies something terrible. For some reason it's been years since I've been affected by it. Can't say why but thankful for it.

I goggled "natural allergy relief" and found this site that may have some helpful suggestions:" onclick=";return false;

"Breakfast - the most important meal of the day." I use to have headaches, at least once a week, sometimes more. I've found that drinking enough water when I get up in the morning and later drinking water when I'm thirsty, helped me out a lot throughout the day. It's been awhile since I've had a headache.

So, I think what you consume in the mornings may help significantly with your allergies. Honey, garlic, cayenne pepper, lemons, I heard all are very helpful when it comes to flu like symptoms, maybe it'll help here. Sorry I don't have nothing to back this up, just speculation. But I hope, Lord willing, you'll find answers and relief.


Andrew Battaglia
Posts: 54
Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:37 am

Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Andrew Battaglia »

Thank you Victor and William for the replies. I agree, Victor, about conventional medicine and also that I can't go wrong if I put my trust in the Lord. I also agree that diet plays an important role in this and that is something that I am working on. I have not had the best diet throughout my life and it is only recently that I began to cut out the junk food and eat organic. Thank you William for the insight and the website provided, I will give it a look.

Jeannie Van Popta
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Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

Hi Andrew,

You can try taking local organic honey to help with your allergies. If you need help finding a source you can contact me and I'll try to help." onclick=";return false;

Andrew Battaglia
Posts: 54
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Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Andrew Battaglia »

Thank you Jeannie, I found that article very interesting. I don't use honey all that often but I will definitely give it a shot now. I've been using a honey called NOVO MEL Brazilian honey and it says it's raw, organic, and wild rain forest honey. It seems to be better than other choices I've seen at the stores near me but if you know of one in particular that I could look for then I would be open to suggestion. Thanks again!

Jeannie Van Popta
Posts: 302
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Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

It could very well be that the honey you have is better than what else is available in stores.

The thing about honey helping with allergies is that you need to use honey from your local area as it has small amounts of the local pollen you may be allergic to. Brazilian pollen won't help you. :)

Andrew Battaglia
Posts: 54
Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:37 am

Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Andrew Battaglia »

Ok, that makes sense. Thank you.

Lidia Hoar
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Location: Glendale Heights, Illinois

Re: Seasonal Allergies

Post by Lidia Hoar »

Maybe a neti pot would help?

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