Nutritional Supplememts

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Victor Hafichuk
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Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Think about it. Isn't taking supplements a clear act of faith in men, and anonymous merchandisers, no less? You're trusting the governing authorities, foreign and domestic, lawmakers, growers, processors/manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors. What faith in corrupt man we have! ... ngers.php3" onclick=";return false;

Eric Courtemanche
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Eric Courtemanche »


You're absolutely right. I stopped taking all supplements a couple of years ago, and expect to get what I need from the organic food we eat, and the sunshine that's prevalent around here.

Eric C.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

I recall taking supplements and looking back it seems it stemmed from a combination of nutritional ignorance and a desire to get a "quick fix" to make some improvements in health and appearance. Ironically I was simultaneously eating low quality chemically laced foods, exercising off low quality fuel, and taking low quality supplements. What a vicious contradictory experience!

As Eric said - a balanced diet of organic foods is really all we need.

Yes, corrupt men looking to other corrupt men. Can it be any other way? I'm thankful for the simple truths the Lord has been teaching here, particularly in "mundane" matters that matter.

Simon Mwebaze

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Simon Mwebaze »

Amen, Ronnie!

My mum had us take supplements in primary school but we stopped when we got to high school. I tried protein supplements for a month or two at University hoping to gain more weight (wanting to appear bigger) but nothing happened so I stopped.

Eating right is sufficient and am grateful that I've been given to accept my slim self. I'm less midnful of my slim appearance.

Scott Sandell
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Scott Sandell »

Good article. I used to buy supplements for different reasons for years. Looking back I can not report any positive effects at all from taking them. A year or more ago I stopped spending money on them for financial reasons. I am thankful He saw to it that the deception stopped and has given me good food to eat and clean water to drink.

Jon H Kail

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Jon H Kail »

Supplements have been a huge issue for me. I'm glad you brought this up, V.

Being an athlete from a young age and into working out and fitness, I somehow ingrained the need for them in myself. Not only myself but I've been very convincing to others in the past about how they need to supplement their diet and training with all of these different supplements.

For years, I've taken countless supplements thinking I was doing myself good or gaining an edge. I've been convinced that certain supplemments could take away certain deficiencies or weaknesses to a certain extent. When you think of it it's almost like drugs? If you don't think supplements have side effects too, they do in a lot of ways.. :?

What I've really found is that one is never satisfied, always moving along to something that's supposed to work better. Also I think I've really made myself sick at times choking down too many supplements. How ridiculous?

At this point, I really can't tolerate much at all (go figure :) I do at times find myself reaching for some odd drink or shake or greens or vitamin packets. I now justify by going for only the highest quality organic ones etc.. I think what my deficiency has been all along is faith and true discipline.

I've found myself in the past reaching for supplements when not eating right thinking to make up for it or to balance things out. That's just a lousy mentality. I can go on and on about this but I'll cut it off here and ask the Lord for His Faith to deliver me fully through this mentality. It lingers..

I totally relate to and appreciate the comments here, thanks!

Lynn Farris
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Lynn Farris »

I’m not surprised at the findings in the article, since as it states, dietary supplements don’t need FDA approval before being marketed. Not that the FDA is the final say on what is good, just that there is not much oversight in that area.
I’ve always been interested in health and nutrition, and if it hadn’t meant taking a lot of science classes, I might have gone to school for a degree in that area. :) Instead, I stuck with accounting.
Before I realized the way our food supply has been altered, I bought whatever was the most cost efficient. Now, I buy organic as much as possible.
As for taking supplements, I’ve tried different things here and there. Currently, I take some that have been advised by the naturopath dr. that I started seeing last year. Also, I have used and still use a tincture that Sara makes, called Immune Booster.
Is it okay for me to take those things? Also, what about the health aids that Harvest Haven sells, such as the E3Live Blue Green Algae (which I recently ordered) and the dandelion powder? Should I not use them?

Jeannie Van Popta
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

Hi Lynn,

I don't know about the E3Live supplement but dandelion root powder and Sara's tinctures are considered "food" to me. The same thing for fermented cod liver oil. I consider all these things to be on the same level as sauerkraut, foods that you eat in small amounts for their health benefits.

The supplements in the article Victor posted are not "food". The listed supplements in the article were: echinacea, garlic, ginko biloba, ginseng, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort, and valerian root. All of these (except I don't know what saw palmetto is) are foods, it's the "supplement" version they're selling in stores that are the problem.

Do you see the difference?

Sean R Fife

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Sean R Fife »

Yes, there's nothing saying you can't make your own "supplements," whether by harvesting and drying dandelion root or other medicinal herbs; making tinctures; growing and then drying or freezing herbs; infusing flowers in oil... any of these things where you know the source of the inputs.

Lynn Farris
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Lynn Farris »

Hi Jeannie,

Yes, I understand. Thanks!

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

One of the reasons I recall for buying the farm was because I was seeing the sky falling concerning food production and diet. I saw that the world and all its agencies couldn't be trusted. I wanted to be sure of what we were drinking and eating.

Harvest Haven - 19 years going on 20 with chemical-free production, aside from the irrigation water from our Southern Alberta river systems coming down from the Rockies. How 's that? So when we produce dandelion root powder, for example, an excellent substance to turn many cancers around and cleanse your liver, you know it's pure dandelion root powder, you know it's organic, you know it's safe and effective.

This goes for everything produced; God will not permit anything unclean. That's why the judgment on the people there now. It will glorify Him in every square inch of that farm that was, for many years, not Harvest Haven but Harvest Hades.

Our Great and Mighty God is now turning this great ship, this ark of safety and channel of healing around, casting out the wicked and replacing them with good and faithful servants. How's that?! Glory to God in the Highest! We have much to be thankful for; believe it.

I hope to see many of you there one day soon, Lord willing.

Sarah Stuckey

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Sarah Stuckey »

Hi Victor ,

Thanks for this information! I have a question. You said this:

"This goes for everything produced; God will not permit anything unclean. That's why the judgment on the people there now."

What does this mean? Was there something unclean being produced at your farm? Thanks for letting me ask.


Sarah Stuckey

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Sarah Stuckey »

You've told us of the deception thats been going on there, but I just didn't know if you meant there was bad food being produced as well without your knowledge.

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Sarah, only organic food has been produced from the inception of the farm, and the soil has been cleansed, amended and healed ever since then. The problem has been with the people, but God is dealing with that wonderfully.

Sarah Stuckey

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Sarah Stuckey »

Ok Victor. This is good to hear. Thank you!

Ingrid Benson
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Ingrid Benson »

Hi Lynn,

I saw that you were asking about E3Live. All it is is blue-green algae that has either been frozen right after harvest or dehydrated at a very low temperature to preserve its nutritional value, so I think it should be considered as a food.


Israel Lattimore

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Israel Lattimore »

God bless you all richly from His abundant storehouse.

I agree with the statements concerning supplements and the importance of raw organic foods but i wanted to ask everyone about a few products i have decided to incorporate for supplementation. I have attached pics of the products i am referring to. Also, if we aren't raising all of our own foods organically, how can we trust even what the grocers push?
I work in the produce department of a local grocery store and our organic section is very limited because it is not in very high demand in this particular section of town.
I trust, with the Lord's guidance, that He will bless our food if we are walking in His order and not doing things that are unresolved in our conscience.

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

I've had all kinds of supplements over the years and I'd have to say some have more value than others and some have very little value, especially for the money. Lots of marketing hype and man's wisdom in science to make the buck.

Several have come to us saying, "There's very little or no organic food where we live," but when they truly investigate, they discover there are farmers, farmer's markets and cooperatives available dealing in fresh farm meats, dairy and produce. "Seek and you shall find." The processed stuff is not the ideal way at all, though at times perhaps beneficial when you have little choice.

Jeannie might be able to help you with general counsel in this; she has helped others with her no-nonsense approach, sometimes perhaps a bit rad but primarily informed, logical and sensible.

Jeannie Van Popta
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

I'm glad you think I'm rad, Victor, I think I'm pretty rad, too. ;)

I'll look into these products for you, Israel, as soon as I can. Remind me if you haven't heard from me in the next week.

I'm sure you've said but I can't remember where you live. Let me know and I can see if I can find some local organic farmers for you. :)

Israel Lattimore

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Israel Lattimore »


Thank you so much for your offer to do this research but please don't go out of your way to do it. I can do the research and look for an organic farm myself (i'm not saying as prideful; i just don't want to detract you from doing more important things). I was just putting it out there in case anyone knew right off the top of their mind.

Although, regardless of whether or not you do this particular research for me, i surely welcome any new information you or Martin may be acquiring on any subject, for His holy intents and purposes. I thank God for you Martin and Jeannie and all of your precious babies.

Peace be with and IN you,

Jeannie Van Popta
Posts: 302
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

Hi Israel,

It's really not a problem just a matter of time. :)

This is what I found/think:

Raw Meal replacement-
All certified ingredients= good
All recognizable ingredients= good
They use two non-calorie sweeteners in the flavour blend (erythritol and stevia). There are varying opinions on these but I avoid using them. (I think this is where my rad-ness comes in :) ) Here's just one reason why: "Experiments on animal test subjects showed that ingesting large doses of stevoside can cause interference in the way the body absorbs carbohydrates. This can limit your ability to convert food to energy."
Anything that potentially messes with your metabolism is a big no-no to me.

And here is where I take the opportunity to share one of my favourite controversial articles. :)

The Super Green Formula has good ingredients but many of them aren't organic.

I do wonder what happens to all these grains, seeds, vegetables, and fruits when they're processed into powders. I know that some ingredients such as flax go rancid quickly and do so even faster when ground up. Rancid flax is worse for you than not taking the supplement in the first place.

The bottled water in the background makes me wonder if the water in your area has fluoride in it? Do you know?

The Tri-Iodine product doesn't seem to have any bad ingredients but I don't know anything about the type of iodine they use and if it's actually bio-available for you.

The Clinical Glutathione has non-calorie sweeteners and vanilla flavoring that isn't organic. Vanilla flavoring is often made out of many undesirable ingredients. You might want to email the company and ask them if they know what it's made from.

It also has hydroxypropylmethylcellulose which wikipedia says is: "a semisynthetic, inert, viscoelastic polymer used as an ophthalmic lubricant, as well as an excipient and controlled-delivery component in oral medicaments, found in a variety of commercial products". Safe? Probably. But I wouldn't want to consume it.

I'm sure you've already red the other comments in this thread and understand why food is better than supplements. I understand your concern is not having organic food available to you in your area. Have you found anything since last week? I'm glad you're willing to look for yourself, it's good for people to do that themselves but sometimes it helps having more than one person looking. Let me know where you live and I'll do some searching, too.

Oh and two things I recommend to anyone and everyone are raw sauerkraut and dandelion root powder. There are many other ferments out there as well but raw kraut is my favourite. :)

Dan Lysthauge
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Dan Lysthauge »

Thanks for the info Jeannie.

Farmhouse Culture makes an awesome kraut, they have a variety of flavors(Smoked Jalapeño, my favorite). I get mine at Whole Foods, I am sure you can find it at other grocer's.

Dan Lysthauge

Israel Lattimore

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Israel Lattimore »


Thank you much. No i have not found anything since last week. Although, we are friends with the professor of horticultural studies at the local community college (who is very knowledgeable on organic processes as the community college holds it's own farmers market) and Lord willing i will soon pay him a visit. I have even contemplated taking some of his courses. I live in Decatur, Il which is a very agriculturally rich environment as Archer Daniels Midland is headquartered here but i'm not sure how many of the farmers stick to purely organic processes. The big crops in these parts are corn and soybeans which equals BIG money in global agriculture but also BIG death!! ADM's sister company, Tate and Lyle, is also headquartered here which i believe owns the patent to Splenda, as that is one of their primary products. This city is filled with the industrial pollution of these two companies and is noticed from miles around, the stench.

Israel Lattimore

Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Israel Lattimore »


I missed the question about fluoridation. I'm not entirely sure but an obvious problem with the water supply here is the industrial runoff which indeed contributes greatly to atmospheric contamination in general. I think that local industry has opted out of investing in the proper filtration systems required by the EPA because if i'm not mistaken it is cheaper just to pay the fines annually!! I believe i heard this and it would be consistent with the "spirit" of our worlds evil industrial madness. If you have money you aren't accountable, it seems, in this wicked world.

Jeannie Van Popta
Posts: 302
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Re: Nutritional Supplememts

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

Local Harvest is a good site to search for farmers markets, stores, etc in your area:
This could be a helpful site:

Farms don't have to be certified but you'll have to ask questions about how they grow their crops or raise their animals. Anyone who is doing it the right way should love to talk to you about it and even give you a tour of their place. And if you make contact with a farmer who raises cows, for example, ask them about other organic farmers, sometimes there is that odd person without a website. ;)

Just checked and your city is fluoridated: ... r-supplies

And you're right there are certainly other toxins in your water besides fluoride. Do you have a good water filtration system? If not you should get a Berkey: ... filtration

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