Regarding Grander Water Technology

Our complete paper can be found here.

Regarding Grander Water Technology

Post by Dávid »

Dear Site!

Here's the quote I'm reacting to:

"Several years ago the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences spent over 2 years in a formal study of Grander. That study concluded by awarding Grander the highest honor possible, being the first non-Russian ever to receive such recognition. But Russians and Europeans are not proper scientists, according to Gene."

I just spent some time on the Russian Academy of Sciences' website (, looking through the names of those awarded anything by the Academy. I came up with nothing. Then I noticed that I was at the wrong website, so I went over to the (much more gritty-looking) site of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (

There were different kinds of medals there, but nothing to indicate the "highest honor". Also there was no list of names of who'd gotten awarded those medals. So I went on to check whether Wikipedia had more information on the subject. Then I noticed that the Academy of NATURAL Sciences is an organization that is heavily criticized for including members whose scientific background is murky at best and doubtful at worst (< ... 1%83%D0%BA>)

Therefore, in conclusion I can say that the Russian "scientists" who investigated the Grander water case were not proper scientists according to the proper Academy of Sciences.

Yours truly:

Paul Cohen

Re: Regarding Grander Water Technology

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi David,

Your email to us with the subject heading, “Regarding the “Grander hoax,” shows you've already decided this matter without any proof. The opinions of others about the credentials of the scientists belonging to the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences aren't proof that Grander is a hoax. You need credible evidence to support such a conclusion. Isn't that a paramount rule of good science?

We happen to know that Grander works, not because any particular scientists say so, but because we've seen it work in our own lives and the lives of many others we've known or met.

Therefore we believe the conclusions of the research done by members of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, which documented positive effects on water from Grander devices.

And these people weren't paid to produce such results, either, which isn't always the case with many of your “accredited” scientists who are funded to provide research that supports the aims of their sponsors.

Regarding your assessment of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences according to the website you sent us, we don't speak or read Russian, but even if we did, we're not necessarily able to judge the squabbling over credentials.

This much we can say, however. You claim there aren't proper scientists at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, but you need to prove your charge rather than relying on someone else's opinion as proof. I've selected some members of the Academy and ask you to show us how and why these aren't valid scientists: ... george.htm" onclick=";return false; ... golomb.htm" onclick=";return false; ... ihailo.htm" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... _Dmitriyev" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... -sciences/" onclick=";return false;

And isn't it true that there have been many scientists whose work is initially derided and labeled with derogatory terms by established “experts,” yet the non-mainstream scientists' discoveries are eventually verified repeatedly and accepted by most? As Albert Einstein said, “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.

Your letter has caused us to consider the wording in the quote you provided from our page, and to make it more precise about the award given to Grander:

Several years ago the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences spent over 2 years in a formal study of Grander. That study concluded with awarding Johann Grander its 'Silver Honorary Award,' making him the first non-Russian to receive such recognition. But Russians and Europeans are not proper scientists, according to Gene.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, David.

Paul Cohen

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