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The Star of David

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:30 am
by Adam Edh
Note that I am not seeking to criticize, as I have no authority to do so. I have nothing whatsoever against the Jews, I would just like to hear God's view on this, and how it contrasts with that of my fallible, blind reasoning.

As far as I can tell, this symbol has nothing whatsoever to do with David or the true Jewish (Christian) faith. My research leads me to conclude that it is a pagan symbol with Satanic Kabbalistic connotations, rooted in (or at least intimately related to) occult revolutionary heresy.

These movements invariably declare that the Biblical account of Moses is spurious, and that he really was instructed by Egyptian mystical teachers to establish anew "the true faith" (essentially Gnosticism) that comes with three self-righteous promises:

1.) Immortality

2.) Infinite knowledge

3.) Personal apotheosis

All to be achieved by the personal wisdom and transcendence of the acolyte.

Now, these doctrines sound very alarming (distinctly serpentine) to me, and I feel that it may be unwise to associate with such a symbol. Again, not because I have anything against the Jews (quite the opposite), but as we all know, many if not most Jews have historically denied Jesus Christ, and there have been several subversive "primordial tradition" type teachings developed by such, some even pretending to be the Messiah (Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, the latter of whom taught that sin should not only be tolerated, but encouraged, this supposedly leading to a swifter inauguration of the Kingdom, to name a couple).

I fully accept that I may be utterly deluded in this, and ask you, if so, to correct me.

Re: The Star of David

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:14 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
You are in error, Adam, for the main reason that you aren't speaking by revelation but by lies, rumors and opinions, which never lead one to sound conclusions, even if mixed with facts and truths. Read: ... fdavid.htm" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... e-land.htm" onclick=";return false;

Forsake intellectual powers, the carnal mind, as the primary tool to determine right from wrong; it never works. Place your faith squarely in the Lord Jesus Christ Who not only answers all questions, but is also The Answer to all things.