I hope this isn't a foolish question

The complete paper can be found here.
Marquita Smith

I hope this isn't a foolish question

Post by Marquita Smith »

Greetings y'all!

I had a question. Now I know that Christ didn't make void the law.. We (in my neck of the woods) have been having much debate concerning ART. My understanding was that we are not to make any images in heaven earth sea or anything to bow down and worship. But the way it keeps being expressed to me is that we are not to make them period. I enjoy art, sketching and painting. And have always believed it is an attribute of the creator, the greatest artist that could ever exist. But I've been told that it is the work of Satan.

But moses made the brass serpent

Bezaleel fashioned the ark of testimony

There were pomegranates created for the temple

Ezekiel made a model of the city

All these examples.. Yet in response, I'm told "God told those people to do those things, he's not telling you to draw and paint." And "if you are finna draw and paint, let the spirit tell you to do it."

So since I used to draw and paint before I came to Christ, that means I cannot do it now?

I'm confused.

Any wisdom on the subject?

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: I hope this isn't a foolish question

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

Hi Marquita!

If you haven't already, you can read Religious Images, Icons, and Likenesses

That paper should address your specific questions and more, Lord willing.


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