The tongue language.

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The tongue language.

Post by Rolande »

As a new born again Christian I have a question that is bothering me. A lot of Christians asked me if " I speak tongue"... sometimes you would be surprise to see the look on their faces when I answer No... :(

Do I really have to speak tongue ? Is it a prerequisite ( or proof) to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost? Can someone help me on that matter please.

thank you

Rolande :)

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: The tongue language.

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Rolande and welcome in the Lord Jesus Christ!

For answers to your question about the gift of tongues, read ... aptism.htm" onclick=";return false;

Avail yourself of the TPOT. It answers many questions and issues. But if you don't find the answers, don't hesitate to post your requests here.

I appreciate your candidly sharing with us. Not only does it help you, it also ministers to others. The Lord appreciates discreet honesty. Your freedom and ability to exhibit honesty about the unpleasantries in your life tell us the Lord is doing His work with you, the fruits of which will bless everyone.

The Lord is showing mercy to, cleansing, healing and delivering you, making you fit for His company, service and glory. Can there be better news and events for anyone?


Re: The tongue language.

Post by Rolande »

Thank you for the link and I certainly will go read. I really appreciate it. :D

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