Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

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Ruan Hanson

Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Dear Brother Victor,

It was very interesting to read your personal testimony of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was due to a meeting with a Nigeria brother on the street today, while he encouraged me to listen to pastor Lazarus' crusades tonight, I searched the website to learn who this man was. Therefore, I found your website and dug in a little bit about you.

Thanks for sharing your vivid personal story. However, you omitted many crucial periods without any explanation and caused me to wonder why. But it was not critical for me to write to you. The reason I wrote to you is the following:

1. Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again? You had a life change around 25 to 27 years old. Was that time you were born again? What actually happened to you if you were born again? I believe that we all know this question is crucial to every true beleivers of the Lord Jesus Christ. IF you can share.
2. You testified that you received many spiritual gifts after you and your wife asked for receiving the Holy Spirit. Have you practiced with these gifts since so many years? What happened to these wonderful spiritual gifts?
3. Reading of how a person to be saved article, I am still in doubt of your writing. Have you hidden something that the Lord revealed to you? No offence at all. Satan always wants to corrupt or stop the chosen ones to reach the shore of heaven. I just want to know a little more as I know sometimes Christians do not expose every precious things online.

This was my first time reading your website. If you have the related articles online, please guide me kindly. Thanks.

May the Lord bless you and keep you all.

In His Love,

Ruan Hanson

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

Dear Victor,

The other article caught my attention is “The true day of worship”, in which, you wrote that “the Sabbath is never called the day of worship in the scriptures. Are you sure?

Does the Bible say in Leviticus, 23:3 “ There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a day of sacred assembly.”

When we keep His Sabbath, we shall hold a sacred assembly to worhip Him with hymns, songs, and praises, thanks, and sacrifices and gifts.

BTW, which church do you two go weekly? Did I ask a wrong question as you two do not go to any local church? If online preaching is the main work, you might be decieved by Satan as he can send many false ones to use up your precious time of your life. Meeting people or true beleivers are crucial, even in catholic churches, or other denominations.
Peace be with you.

You can reply to me to Please ask me for consent if you want to publish our communications. Thanks.

In His Love,


Ruan Hanson

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

Dear Paul Benjamin Cohen,

After reading your personal testimony, I have no idea of whether you were saved or born again. Is there the other version of how you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ? I would like to know more of your path to Heaven if it is possible.

You know very well, it is not a man teacher even in spiritual who will guide you to the Heaven. Only the Spirit of G-d can lead any chosen man to His New Heaven.

Peace from the Lord of Jesus Christ be upon you all.


Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Hanson,

I have held nothing back in testifying of what the Lord has done for me. Our Testimonies are summaries, of course. However, if you want details of my personal experience, both pleasant and otherwise, nothing deliberately concealed or withheld, read ... /index.htm" onclick=";return false;. There, with attentiveness, you should be able to find the answers to your questions. If not, don't hesitate to write and ask.

How One Is Saved is quite straightforward; I don't know what you were expecting or feel is missing, especially of a “crucial” nature. Again, just ask. We have nothing to hide or desire to hide anything, which is the way it should be - with discretion, of course. The Lord's purpose and our desire is to let the whole world know Who He is, what glorious things He has done for us and what He can do for others.


Hanson, Paul here, answering your second letter.

Here is the full Scripture you quote:

“Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the LORD in all your dwelling places” (Leviticus 23:3).

I don't see the Lord calling the Sabbath “the true day of worship” there. The whole notion of one day a week set aside for worship is in error, as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well:

John 4:21-24
(21) Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you shall neither worship the Father in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem.
(22) You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
(23) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him.
(24) God is a spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.

Worship has always been about God, not a place, day, or methodology. Nowhere do we find instructions about how to worship God on the Sabbath, or to do the things you say: “When we keep His Sabbath, we shall hold a sacred assembly to worhip Him with hymns, songs, and praises, thanks, and sacrifices and gifts.

Not that we wouldn't or don't do those things, but those are the result of our worship of God, not the worship itself.

The Hebrew word translated as “convocation” or “assembly” means (from Strong's Concordance): “something called out, that is, a public meeting (the act, the persons, or the palce); also a rehearsal: - assembly, calling, convocation, reading.” The calling isn't necessarily to physically gather - it's a gathering in spirit of those who believe to keep the Sabbath holy in “all [their] dwelling places.”

Read The Worship of God.

You have man's idea of church, Hanson. We don't go to church - we are the church:

Hebrews 12:22-24
(22) But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
(23) to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are written in Heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
(24) and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

The Church of God is a “who,” not a “what” or “thing.” It is God's mystical Body, composed of all the children of faith, of whom Christ is Head.


The Church
The Fellowship of the Saints
The Gathering

We gather online every Sabbath with believers from around the world, to share in the life of Christ on earth, as He ministers to His Body. You're welcome to come see for yourself. Let us know if you're willing and Sara will send you instructions.

I have also now received your third letter addressed to me. You have no idea of what happened to me because you don't know the One Who did it - the Lord Jesus Christ Who comes in the flesh. He is the Path to Heaven.

“Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6).

You may also ask me more specific questions.


Ruan Hanson

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

Hello Paul and Victor,

Thanks for your kind replying.

First thing first, the core statement of being saved is not presented in the cited article. If this was wrong, every other thing could be wrong.
Secondly, Sabbat Day worship is commanded in the Bible. You tried to do it away by saying online gathering is a way of worshiping. No. it was your way of worshiping your g-d.
Thirdly, assembly is important for a corporative worshiping as G-d alone is worthy of all the highest praises. We are a big family in Jesus Christ, not internet surfers and keyboard hitters. How can you devote all your mind and all your soul and all your heart to G-d to worship Him when you are typing and chatting with many people? You are facing people, not G-d. There is no true worship at all. Are you in the Spirit when you are on internet? No. G-d is not in the internet. That is where you found your enjoyment. Repent.

Whoever follows Him listens to His voice as the Lord Jesus Christ said. Based on these critical points departing from the Truth, you two are in a wrong path with many uncertainties.

I will continue to read some of your interesting writings. As the Proverbs says, reading more books wastes more energy. I will save more for worshiping Him.

Peace be upon you.


Ruan Hanson

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

Hello Victor,

Continuing of reading your bio was very troublesome.

I concluded it was Satan speaking, the accuser of the brothers in Christ, not a spokesperson of God.
But shouldn't I have known I was so wrong in pursuing gain in this world? Paul certainly and
solemnly warned Timothy.”

Many things I could not agree with you. Listen to your own words, you were not led by the G-d, but yourself. (I concluded.) Any man led by G-d should be humble and fearful to condemn others by his own will or understanding.
The next verse also was very improper as you were standing to contest with the Almighty G-d. who are you Victor? A worm, a pity creature like any other human being on this planet. How dare were you even in your old age to continue to contest with the Almighty G-d. You are adversary of G-d if you have been always like this. I see nothing from your bio to testify that you were of Him.

Humbleness and mere were not found in your writing.

You gambled in your life? Made a lot of money? It was not wrong to make a lot of money but how you made them. You loved easy money instead of hard work by your own hands. Could a G-d fearing man do that? Be far from that.

When Archie was more righteous than you, your anger and jealousy consumed you, which was expressed in your article. Instead, you argued and self-appointed yourself to be the righteous and better one. You were deceived by Satan. Your tone and your attitude were full of bitterness and even hatred. How could you be kind to your neighbor, brother Anchie? You were of Satan at that moment.

In your part 7,

You wrote that the spirits of your died father and uncle came to you to ask for forgiveness of their sins. Were you claiming you are a god? The Bible says, only G-d can forgive sins. You are not Him at all. In your writing, it seemed that you enjoyed much of the vision in which you appeared superior than your fathers. That was wholesome evil. You were entertaining the evil spirits and deads' spirits. I urge you to repent right now if you still believe in Jesus Christ, He is the Son of G-d who can save your soul.

Listen to His words, “ Good tree bears good fruits, bad tree bears bad fruits. Good tree cannot bear bad fruits; bad tree cannot bear good fruits.”

After you proclaimed to be saved an born again in your very early life, you gambled much but you omitted in your testimony. Forget not, taking stocking to gain profit is gambling, that was what I meant for gambling. And you entertained the evil spirts in your late age and enjoyed much. You hijacked the Bible verses to condemn others or misuse them to rebuke others. The Bible says that He will judge those who taught the Bible more strictly.

As a common believer, I urge you to stop heaping sins upon sins. Repent from all those evil spirits and their related powers that they gave you. You must come to the True light to have eternal life. Stop online chat or meetings to poison others. If you refuse to do this, let me reminder you, in Ezekiel, it says that there are two books that angels used to record what we did, and what said. Be careful of what you do as on that Day, everything will be laid barely before the G-d and all His holy angels.

If I may, I would like to say, Victor and Paul, you have been misled by the evil spirits and own wills. Your own statements and writings will be the evidence for the judgement if you repent not.

In His Love,


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Hanson,

In your former letter, you write, “How can you devote all your mind and all your soul and all your heart to G-d to worship Him when you are typing and chatting with many people? You are facing people, not G-d. There is no true worship at all. Are you in the Spirit when you are on internet? No. G-d is not in the internet. That is where you found your enjoyment. Repent.”

I believe I'm worshiping the Lord as I write you. True worship is meant to be in spirit and truth according to the Law and will of God, 24/7, no matter what you're doing, where you are, or who you're with. Aren't you aware what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman?

John 4:21-24 MKJV
(21) Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you shall neither worship the Father in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem.
(22) You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
(23) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him.
(24) God is a spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.

We are to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength - it is the First Great Commandment. That means all the time, everywhere, the internet included.

Are you telling me you can't worship the Lord while writing me on the internet or at your keyboard? If so, you have a problem; you fall short of God's glory; you're yet in your sin. If you aren't in worship as you speak to me, then you have very little of worth to speak to me.

Hanson, how is it God is everywhere, even in hell, according to the Scriptures, yet you say He can't be on the internet? So what are you doing where He isn't found? You greatly err. And yes, I am in the Spirit on the internet, He being with me and in me everywhere I go.

Do I take pleasure in being on the computer, as you suggest? Not in itself, I don't. It severely drains my energy; however, I enjoy doing the work the Lord has given me, which is on the internet and everywhere else He leads, even if it means dealing with antagonists.

There's no question in my mind or heart that I've been in error on many things, offending both God and man. I regret many matters and would jump in a heartbeat to correct, restore or compensate for any wrongdoing. I've openly declared them and am open to what the Lord would have me do at any time. You don't believe me, but it's true.

You seem confused and in error about some issues, but I won't try to correct you. I prefer that the Lord would fill in the valleys and level the mountains. Indeed, I am nothing, Hanson, and I know it, but it doesn't trouble me in the least; in fact, it gives me rest to see myself as an unprofitable servant. This way, I don't have to carry the enormous burden and responsibility of being and accomplishing something in my own strength. Nor do I feel I have any reward coming, seeing I'm unprofitable. As well, it causes me to look to the Lord Jesus for sustaining me. I owe Him everything; He owes me nothing.

He certainly has provided for us; He has blessed us and given us understanding. He has spoken to us of many things and directed our steps. He has given us eternal life. I would never trade shoes with anyone, not for a second.

You mentioned jealousy with me in relation to Archie. I unequivocally deny it; frankly, I pity him. Nor am I aware of being jealous or envious of anyone about anything. At the same time, I recognize that many people, including you, have much more in certain ways than do I, be it in earthly assets, intelligence, abilities or gifts, but I'm thankful for them and what they have; not envious at all. That itself is something I can be thankful for, isn't it?

Concerning Archie, how do you explain that by faith and the power of God, I cast 16 devils out of Archie before other witnesses and he was a changed man thereafter? If he was the righteous one, why wasn't he casting devils out of me? I'm not boasting; just clarifying where you're coming from or giving you something to ponder if you need it.

Are you not aware that saints can forgive sins? The Scriptures surely testify to that fact:

“Then He breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive people's sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:22-23 GNB).

I didn't go seeking after my late father and great uncle. They came to me unexpectedly while I was in a 10-day fast, asked my forgiveness (they and I surely needed it) and I gladly forgave them; case closed. If asking forgiveness and giving it are wrong in your sight, you'll have to take it up with God.

Did I err in pursuing earthly wealth? Most certainly! I deeply regret doing so and caused much suffering for it, not only for myself, but for my wife, son and others. Yet, the Lord had mercy, was gracious, has not cast us off, has taught me through it all and thus, I expect I'm better for it. By His grace I will not take those paths again. I was wrong.

A prime reason for writing my book was not to boast or to show myself virtuous, as many autobiographies seem to do. I wanted others to have a full taste of reality, to see my sins, faults, failures and weaknesses as well as victories the Lord wrought in me so that people might be encouraged. I want to persuade others that God's grace has nothing at all to do with worthiness of any kind on our part. I wanted people to get the whole story, hiding nothing.

Curiously, you initially thought I was hiding things, but you haven't shown me how, though I've asked you to show me and now you criticize me because I haven't hidden my warts and moles. Which will it be, Hanson? Are you a faultfinder that can't be pacified whether I eat and drink or don't?

Have there been times I have been bitter and angry? You bet! Was I right? God judges. I can't see myself justified in defending bitterness, can you? But again, my purpose was to tell the whole truth and not just the pretty side. I want everyone to know the light and dark side of the Christian walk, even of a man of God; no whitewashing here, nothing but reality. Does that offend you? Apparently, it does. Perhaps you need to ask yourself why?

I can surely say I'm glad I've been judged by the Lord, am being judged and will be judged. He can do anything He pleases with me and I will say, “Lord, I thank You for it,” even the worst there is because I'll know I deserved it, His judgment being perfect, so no problem there, Hanson.

Perhaps you might want to join us at our Sabbath meetings every Saturday at 12 noon MST? Contact Sara for details. There are people from around the world fellowshipping, thanking and praising God, asking questions, unburdening, teaching, learning, receiving deliverance, praying and being prayed for, and God is doing good things for us.

You'll be free, Lord willing, to ask all your questions; personal or otherwise, it doesn't matter. Make your case against me before all, if you will; you're free to do so. I have nothing to fear. If you have light, don't keep it under a table; let it shine for all to see. That which you've heard spoken in your ear, shout from the housetops. I encourage you to do so.


Ruan Hanson

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Ruan Hanson »

hello Victor,

Thanks for your long reply. So I did to show my respect to you.

Surely, you know the scriptures. However, I believe that you hijacked the scriptures to serve your own purpose. Dividing the word is different from worshiping G-d. Worshiping G-d demands our soul, mind, and spirit in one with Him, with praises and thanks, and submissions. Worshiping G-d is more to bring glory back to Him if possible, to bring praises to Him alone if possible, to sing joyful songs with others together if possible. Working on internet like what I am doing now, is serving the Lord by dividing or sharing the understanding or knowledge obtained from G-d if they are true. However, when you are debating with others, or communicating with others with your thoughts and minds and knowledge or experience, it is not worshiping Him, but serving. Even you could force it or twist it to be your worship style, it is not what the Bible teaches or our Lord taught us to do. Be far from that of your own thinking.

Thanks for your rebuking of my falling short of G-d's glory. Do you too? It does not equal to a sin or still sinning. When G-d is perfecting his chosen saints, you shall not call them sinning, least you should not nullify the power of G-d. In fact, they are leaving sins behind them gradually and returning not. Your accusing spirit was not or is not of the Right one.

G-d is not in hell but is above hell and oversees the hell. From this, I suspect that you did not know the Truth of hell and heaven in the spiritual realm. Have you been to that place? How did you go there and what did you see and do? It will be very interest to read this part of your life if you have such experience.

"If you aren't in worship as you speak to me, then you have very little of worth to speak to me." Oh, a pride man. How could you be one of His followers when such pride residing in your spirit and mind and soul and heart? Has the Lord Jesus Christ ever taught his disciples to be such arrogant and divisive? You were of Satan. If this was true, how could you claim that you were with G-d in the internet? No. It was blaspheming. According to your own writings, you were not with the Lord and G-d Almighty while you were on the internet. You were with yourself and your own unpure and unholy spirit. How dare I could say that? Remember, Jesus said, a bad tree bears bad fruit, a good tree bears good fruit. Your Despising other(s) and being arrogant among others have nothing to do with my Holy G-d and Savior. Repent, Victor. Pride is the biggest enemy of G-d. Do you truly know Him?

" This way, I don't have to carry the enormous burden and responsibility of being and accomplishing something in my own strength. Nor do I feel I have any reward coming, seeing I'm unprofitable. "
You pretended to be more righteous or meek, but your words betrayed you. If you know you are an unworthy servant, seeing no reward coming, what have you been striving for?
Hebrews 11:6 : And without faith it is impossible to please G-d, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. If you confess what you wrote and believed is true, you shall be quiet and stop having online forum to spread your own unprofitting knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. How could what G-d inspired scriptures contradict to his will in you? Or it is apparent that you have been serving the Lord by your own will and strength due to your own blood and flesh. Yet you knew, they can avail nothing. John 6:63: "It is the Spirit that quickens , the flesh profits nothing. " My suggestion to you is that if you are not fit to serve, do not serve with your will. Repent, wait for His calling and sending. (sorry for my wording. they are very harsh indeed. I retreat them not.)

Regarding your answers related to Archie, I have a little to respond as they appeared to me as a mud. Unless I have communicated with him, I would not make any further comment.

Regarding the forgiving sins, the scripture you quoted is referring to Jesus chosen disciples. If you who self-proclaimed to be unprofitable, seeing no reward coming, as a unworthy servant, could forgive sin, it would be a self-appointed apostle ("sent" by G-d to do His will in this world). As the real apostles were ordained or appointed by G-d alone. They would not see no reward coming, nor will proclaim their works to be unprofitable. How dare can they render G-d's work to be unprofittable to them? Or they deny that G-d will reward those who earnestly seek Him? In addition, Romans 8:28 "and we know that G-d works in all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." If the Bible is true, how could you testify that nothing is profitable for you when you serve Him. No, you were not called to serve him if the Scripture is true and binding. Nor, you were called according to his purpose based on this scripture. Unless you wanted to deny the authenticity of the Scriptures. your statement contradicts to what the Scriptures teach. Certainly, no man shall follow man but G-d and his words in the scriptures.

Still, as reading your writings, I have not learned that you were saved or born again but a self-proclaimed one based on your own experience. John 3:5-10 writes clearly how a person was born again. As I talked with many preachers, pastors, genuine Christians and Catholics, I knew many of them just like you or less than what you experienced had no clear understanding or knowledge of such vital event "being born again". For only those who had such wonderful birth can and will testify the Truth for they were chosen by G-d and born of Him. I was not hiding but am not willing to share this in full at this moment. It was not about your peaks or valleys in your life, wrong and right things in your journey, but a critical moment or even an unavoidable time or date in His sons' and daughters' life.

Lastly, G-d has not judge human beings yet as the Day of Judgement is to come. When you wrote "I can surely say I'm glad I've been judged by the Lord, am being judged and will be judged." this statement opposes to the scripture unless you proclaimed that Jesus had come. Surely he is not. Otherwise, why are you who proclaimed to be his own still here? Should he have raptured you or others already? or you are waiting for the second chance? Do not contradict to yourself and the Scriptures. Let me say it again, pretending to be humble or submissive were filled in your mind, your soul, and your knowledge. How? Your own writing that expressed what were in you concur with my deduction. Repent, Victor. Fighting against G-d is no good. Pretending to serve the Lord while serving yourself even worse.

I would prefer to spend more time on His Holy Sabbath with Him by standing before Him in silence, quietness, by singing praises with my broken voice with my soul, by fearing His awesome presence in tears and joys. He is my all on all His rest Days. May He unveil your heart and eyes to know the Truth and follow Him. Heaven is filled with wise and faithful people. Although I know it is impossible to correct a bended and twisted tree to be straight again, yet I have faith in him that if it is His will, he will straight such a tree. To a man it is impossible, to G-d, everything is possible.

Have peace. I do not mind how you will despise me again or again as I remember how my Lord Jesus Christ endured so many insults and humiliations and even death on the cross. But I pray that if it is his will, our communications will be a kind of testimony for his work among us. I believe that He works in all things for the good of those who love Him and were called according to his will. Amen.

In Love,


Paul Cohen

Re: Can you share when you received the Spirit or were born again?

Post by Paul Cohen »

So, Ruan, in the Name of the Lord, you wish peace on Satan? You are truly a spiritual idiot of the first order. You have no idea what you're talking about, or what the worship of God is, having never known or worshipped the Lord Jesus Christ.

You don't believe Him when He said the Father sought those who would worship Him in spirit and truth. You don't believe the apostle Paul, who said “we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh” (Philippians 3:3 MKJV).

You limit “spirit and truth” to self-generated fleshly forms of carnal worship, which are revolting and vile in the sight of God. He hates your worship, just as Isaiah prophesied:

Isaiah 1:12-17 MKJV
(12) When you come to appear before Me, who has required this at your hand, to trample My courts?
(13) Bring no more vain sacrifice; incense is an abomination to Me; the new moon and Sabbath, the going to meeting; I cannot endure evil and the assembly!
(14) Your new moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; they are a trouble to Me; I am weary to bear them.
(15) And when you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; yea, when you make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.
(16) Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes; cease to do evil;
(17) learn to do good; seek judgment, reprove the oppressor. Judge the orphan, plead for the widow.

But you can't hear, as Isaiah also prophesied:

“By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive; for this people's heart has become gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and they have closed their eyes, lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them” (Matthew 13:14-15 MKJV).

Victor wrote to you:

“If you aren't in worship as you speak to me, then you have very little of worth to speak to me.”

And you replied:

Oh, a pride man. How could you be one of His followers when such pride residing in your spirit and mind and soul and heart? Has the Lord Jesus Christ ever taught his disciples to be such arrogant and divisive? You were of Satan. If this was true, how could you claim that you were with G-d in the internet? No. It was blaspheming.

What Victor said is true and applies to us as well. If we aren't in worship of God as we speak, then our words are also of little value. How is that proud? Victor said he has no virtue in himself and doesn't take credit for what God has done with him. He wasn't saying God's work has been unprofitable, only that it isn't self-generated, like yours.

No, you are the proud one, Ruan, a liar and fool who cannot be reasoned with. You are the blasphemer following Satan. And yes, we have been caught up to God's throne. The Day of Judgment IS here. You have been judged as we speak. Now go your way and ruin yourself completely, as you so diligently choose and love to have it. Our hands are clean of your blood.


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