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How would you advise me to further my walk down the narrow path?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:30 am
by Joe
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Are you still associated with Path of Truth? I have been thinking about getting a baptism through an Apostolic church in Washington D C in order to get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I came to Jesus four or five years ago after being raised Roman Catholic, leaving to investigate New Age, Eastern guru religions, energy healing, etc. making a one eighty turn after finding a UFO abduction site that had testimonies of people stopping abductions by calling out the name of Jesus. Since then I've been investigating Christianity.

I'm a Blogtalk Christian , my wife is a wonderful human but not a beiiever. I don't go to a church. I thought I was going to be Raptured a couple times but I realized I wasn't ready anyway. But I still believe something is imminent. I listen to a lot of people who say they've been to Heaven and Hell and receive prophecy, dreams and visions but also that Satan is the great counterfeiter, I have none of those, but wonder if I should. It sounds as if you have. How would you advise me to further my walk down the narrow path?


Re: How would you advise me to further my walk down the narrow path?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:20 am
by Joe
I came upon your website while checking out a prophetess, Nita Johnson. I was raised Catholic, left, went through New Age, eastern Guru religions, energy healing, Came to Jesus after finding a UFO website CE 4 Research with testimonies from abductees who stopped experiences with the name of Jesus. Since then, have been investigating Christianity. Thought I was going to be Raptured twice, baptised once, considering doing it again through an Apostolic church to get baptism of Holy Spirit which I am very interested in. I think it may not be chance that I came to your site just before I did this. I don't go to church, my wife of thirty six years this August doesn't believe but is a wonderful human. I'm a Blogtalk Christian. I listen to Elvi Zapata 's The Lords Hour, ezekiel 33 w/Shannon Johnson, John Baptists' tribulation now, Hagmann and Hagmann mostly. I've read accounts of Heaven and Hell from people like Oden Hetrick and Choo Thomas, Mary Kay Baxter and others. But I know Satan is the great Counterfeiter. Elvi Zapata says the Rapture is imminent, they all say it's the endtimes and many big things are ready to happen. I want to deepen my walk on the narrow path with the help of the Holy Spirit. I would be grateful for your insight into how best to proceed from here.


Re: How would you advise me to further my walk down the narrow path?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:46 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Joe,

May your interest in the Lord Jesus Christ our One and Only Savior not be in vain. Our counsel is that the Lord Jesus Christ has brought you here to The Path of Truth and you need to begin reading. Ask the Lord for guidance as to what to read and trust He leads.

If you have questions or comments, write us. If you wish to receive our daily correspondence, contact Paul.
