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Eternal Hell

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 2:02 pm
by Slade
I read about your groups belief (or beliefs) on hell. It seems that you believe nobody will ever go to hell, everyone goes to heaven, regardless of how evil they are.

I was reading "A divine revelation of hell" and it was not sitting well with me as far as the description goes. I believe hell is a real place where sinners who reject or blaspheme God go for eternity.

You say you expose false teachings, but you need to expose yourself, the message people get is "so I'll do what I want in this life and it won't matter because I will go to heaven".

Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:41 am
by Paul Cohen
Slade, what “seems” to you isn't. You're way off on your interpretation of what's on our site. It may be you haven't red nearly enough of what we've written, but firstly it's simply a matter of your state wherein you can't help but perverting what you read. You're like those to whom Peter refers regarding Paul's letters:

“As also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable pervert, as also they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16 MKJV).

It's foolish of you to judge us in what you plainly don't understand. If you had red anything at all on our site with understanding, you would know that our message is the opposite of telling people to do what they like because it won't matter and they'll end up in heaven anyway. Such thinking is sheer wickedness and I'm telling you right now that you're in the pits of hell and won't get out until you repent, whether this life or the next.

If you're willing to humble yourself and listen, you could benefit by reading anywhere on our site, but start here for a direct answer to your charges:

The Most Foolish of Questions
The State and Fate of Hell

Paul Cohen

Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:07 pm
by Slade
It is not up to you to say I am in the pits of hell Paul. That is for God. I know what I read, and it said "the person does not go to hell". Also Paul, I am sorry about this, but I was raised always always having to use proper spelling. It is read not red. Misspellings and insults make you look less credible. (For your own good, and a little of my amusement)

Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:53 am
by Victor Hafichuk
You are the wise and righteous one, Slade, twofold child of hell (yes, we do teach hell exists and that people suffer death and hell as consequence of sin). Children of hell are so confident in their ways as they deliberately distort and wrest what we teach, then falsely accuse us.

You'll see just how much true cause you've had to be confident in your wilful ignorance. We have spoken the Word of the Lord to you - you've despised it, and spit in His face.


Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:51 am
by Slade
The lake of fire is the eternal flame that we talk about when we say hell. God said lucifer would suffer forever in the lake of fire. And hell (hell itself, and those within) will be cast in as well.

And you do speak of a spiritual hell on your website, and as you said, this can refer to the state we put ourselves into (ex. Depression, hatred, lonelinesses, anger) and those are the things which God said "if they dig into hell, there My hand shall take them..." God was referring to the emotional or spiritual hell we put ourselves into.

Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:54 am
by Slade
You all misunderstand why I talked to you in the first place. Your page says "the sin, not the person, is what is done away with" this says (or at least sounds like to me) that even if you go to hell, you will end up alright because of the fire that will only burn your sin away.

Re: Eternal Hell

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:53 am
by Paul Cohen
“If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire” (1 Corinthians 3:15 MKJV).

But you would prefer to believe, contrary to the Holy Scriptures, that the physical man would be burned up instead, in a resurrected body never consumed and in constant agony? Wicked, wicked man. Go your way and suffer what you must.
