Prints! War With Woes Wins Wonders

Correspondence regarding Proverbs, Poems, and Music.
William Woeger

Prints! War With Woes Wins Wonders

Post by William Woeger »

Hello everyone,

April of 2014, Paul shared a poem with me that Victor wrote in 2010. Every word of the poem began with the letter W. Paul asked me if any thoughts came to mind after reading the poem.

I found the poem very moving, powerful. I was very impressed with Victor's play of words. I had to read the poem a few times and break it down to better understand it's story and message. Two years later, July of 2016, I finally produced the images that were inspired by the poem.

To make the images I had particular materials in mind. The poem has three parts to it, so I bought three masonite white clayboards. I drew the three images on paper first with pencil, then I transferred those images to the clayboards using graphite transfer paper. I used a variety of brands of black india ink pens, as well as a paint brush using black india ink to create the images on the board. In some areas with a lot of black coverage, I used scartch tools to scrape away the black ink, marking white lines in the clayboard. I went back and forth this way until the images were complete.

Attached are pictures of the images, as well as the prints of the images framed in Victor and Marilyn's home.

Would you like a set of prints for your home? Or perhaps you would like to give a set as a gift to someone you really appreciate. If you're interested in obtaining a set, please email me: and we can discuss details.

Thanks for your time reading, everyone! Hope to hear from you.

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