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Wonderful Garlic Power, Especially Sprouted

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:13 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Sprouted Garlic is Even Better

Sprouted garlic, older garlic bulbs with bright green shoots sprouting from their cloves, are commonly thought to be past their prime and routinely get tossed into the garbage bin without a second thought.
While some aging plant foods that begin to sprout, like potatoes, can actually be dangerous because they release toxic chemicals which can harm the body, that’s not the case with sprouted garlic.
In fact, a study funded by Korea’s Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology, which was published in theJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry circa 2014 found that sprouted garlic has even more antioxidant activity than its younger, fresher brethren.
Researcher Jong-Sang Kim explained, “Plants are very susceptible to attack from bacteria, viruses, and insects whilesprouting. This causes them to produce a variety of chemicals called phytoalexins to defend themselves. Most of these are toxic to microorganisms and insects, but beneficial to human health.”

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Re: Wonderful Garlic Power, Especially Sprouted

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:51 pm
by Magdalena Lamaison
Thank you! This is great information and so good news! I was one that thought it was harmful as it is the case with potatoes!