London get first Muslim mayor

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Lee Robinson

London get first Muslim mayor

Post by Lee Robinson »

With all these wars, terrorist activities, bloodbaths, savageries, and conflicts around the world, caused by muslim jihadists, London gets it's first Muslim mayor. Will London still suffer terrorist attacks or will it now be a safe haven for Muslims from around the world?

Paul Cohen

Re: London get first Muslim mayor

Post by Paul Cohen »

Welcome to the Forum, Lee.

I don't know anything about London's new mayor, but isn't electing a Muslim like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse? Safe for foxes, but not for the chickens.

And there are those who say moderate Islam is friendly - not a threat to anyone - but it's actually the opposite, as explained here:

The Moderate Muslim Is the Most Dangerous Muslim

Lee Robinson

Re: London get first Muslim mayor

Post by Lee Robinson »

Thank you for your reply and welcome Paul.
I live in England and have seen the rise of islam in recent years. There are a lot of no go areas all over England and we had a muslim mayor in my city a few years ago but this is the first time for London. Christianity has declined and to speak the truth is now a crime that can lead to imprisonment. It seems that muslims control the police, CPS and the mainstream churches bow down to them. They have their own banks,schools, council and law.
Is there anyone else from the UK or am I alone here?

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