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Gershon Baskin's Bloody Heroics

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:27 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Gershon, I posted this on my FB page and ThePathofTruth Forum today: ... nst+Israel" onclick=";return false;

Israeli leftist wannabe hero Gershon Baskin of Israel visited the U of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada not long ago, claiming credit in negotiating Israel soldier Gilad Shalit's release from his captors who nearly killed him in captivity for several years.

Yes, Shalit was released, but at the huge expense, indeed travesty, of releasing hundreds of convicted terrorists.

Then Baskin boasted that his way of peace through negotiation not only freed Shalit, it ensured a significant step of peace with the Palestinians. He also boasted that NOT ONE FREED PALESTINIAN PRISONER committed further acts of aggression against Israel, presumably because of gratitude.

Smoke on, Baskin; smoke on at the expense of the blood of your fellow Israelis and Jews around the world, as well as the rest of the world for giving the enemies their way, rewarding them for evil and emboldening them to do more evil.

When I provided the proof of his foolish error, his reply July 20, 2015 was: "F*** off."

Wannabe heroes exalt themselves at any cost to others, do they, Baskin? What do you have to say now?

Victor Hafichuk

Re: Gershon Baskin's Bloody Heroics

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:36 am
by Sara V Schmidt
Click HERE to read our previous discussion with Gershon Baskin.

Re: Gershon Baskin's Bloody Heroics

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:12 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: February-15-17 11:03 AM
To: Gershon Baskin
Subject: Yahya Sinwar - Trading Many Israeli Lives for One? ... l-last-one" onclick=";return false;

Well, Gershon Baskin, are you still gloating about the fruits of your success in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange now that the newly elected Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is poised to reward you and all Israel for your wonderful work of peace and understanding? Not to mention others of the released 1027 Palestinians prisoners having returned and do return to kill Israelis.

You once boasted that your peace efforts proved successful in that not one prisoner handed over to the enemy returned to do evil. Were you wrong, Gershon, hmmm?

When another tragic outcome of Baskin’s Leftist perverse do-gooder mentality was pointed out by email ( ... fault.aspx" onclick=";return false; ), Baskin’s reply was:
From: Gershon Baskin
Sent: July-20-15 10:20 PM
To: 'Victor Hafichuk'
Subject: RE: RE[2]: Claim to Fame or Infamy?

Fuck off.

Do these Leftists ever back off from their egos? How can they when they ARE their ego?

Victor Hafichuk" onclick=";return false;