Naftali Bennet's Answer to Militant Islam

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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Naftali Bennet's Answer to Militant Islam

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Doers replacing the talkers, workers the philosophers, achievers those who sit on their hands or wring them and tremble. Bennett is right. Israel is the vanguard, the savior nation of the nations of the world. Israel stands in the gap against a vicious foe. It has no choice but to do so.

But let us understand that the fires come for the earth because of sin, the breaking of God's Law, because of rejecting the God of all Creation, Who happens to be the Lord Jesus Christ. We need wholesale repentance toward God. We need to humble ourselves before Him. We need to believe on Him and to work justice and do right. We need to deny ourselves for His sake and will. That is the need; that is the secret. ... -revealed/" onclick=";return false;

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