Repost of Second Temple Info

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Israel Lattimore

Repost of Second Temple Info

Post by Israel Lattimore »

I apologize, the first place i posted may not have been the best place.


This post is concerning some relatively recent findings of biblical archaeologist Robert Cornuke. Mr. Cornuke presents a very compelling argument concerning the true location of the Second Temple. Below i have provided an article from his website as well as a couple videos of him briefly discussing the topic. I was led to the information Mr. Cornuke presents several months after i was prompted to look into "the thresingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite." The story of this location can be found in 1Chronicles 21&22. The location was chosen by King David, before his earthly departure, to contruct the Temple of the Lord (physically carried out by Solomon)." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I will also attach a video and pdf of information compiled by an Israeli archaeologist named Dr. Eli Shukron concerning this same subject." onclick=";return false;
(187.95 KiB) Downloaded 433 times

Paul Cohen

Re: Repost of Second Temple Info

Post by Paul Cohen »

Some interesting things to consider here! Here's the take of another person who believes she has pinpointed a different location than the traditional one for the temple:

One thing we do know for sure - the Lord hasn't permitted a rebuilding of the temple made with hands:

The Third Temple - Physical or Spiritual?

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