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Closer to Home

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:06 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
It isn't easy putting yourself in someone's shoes, is it? And if you aren't in the shoes of those troubled, it isn't often you care as much, at least not without God's love and perspective. ... fy_me_page" onclick=";return false;

Re: Closer to Home

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:31 am
by Simon Mwebaze
Hi Victor and everyone

I saw a post yesterday that is somewhat related to what I think you're saying here, Victor. It was on the "Stop the BDS" page on FB. Here's the quote and the link:

I am broken
I cannot share the terrible video going around of a 13 year Palestinian terrorist lying dying in a pool of blood, having been run-over after stabbing an innocent 12 year old Jewish boy, who is now in critical condition fighting for his life.

I cannot share it , because we are not barbarians. we cannot kick and swear at a dying 13 year old, or threaten him with an ax while he lies there, even if he is a murderer, and watch it like a T.V. show- that is not our way.

Yet, after he just almost murdered a 12 year boy, how were people expected to react?
He is just a boy, but he is a murderer, and there are so many more like him, the product of years and years of brainwashing by the Palestinian Authority under our very noses, during a period of so called "peace talks."

I can only cry when i see a 13 year old kid lying dying and crying our in pain like that, but that doesnt make him any less of a murderer.

He might have got what he deserved, but I cry for his boyhood and innocence that the Palestinian leadership stole from him.

I cry a lot more for the poor child he stabbed who is fighting for his life- my Hashem have mercy on him.

Forgive me, I am confused and shaken

[STOPTHEBDS contributor] ... 95?fref=nf" onclick=";return false;

Re: Closer to Home

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:40 am
by Rachel Gerrard
Extremely sad :(