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PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:13 pm
by Victor Hafichuk ... 1443722533" onclick=";return false;

Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:08 am
by Beryl Knipe
Thank you for this video.

What a magnificent speech by the Israeli Prime Minister.

In some very small way, Israel reminds me of South Africa - when the entire world was against it, when it was a thriving nation. Then, the "takeover" hit in 1994 and - ever so slowly - things in this country from A-Z are deteriorating day by day, hour by hour.

I stand with Israel!


Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:23 pm
by Sara V Schmidt
A reader of the forum asks these questions of you, Beryl:

Greetings Beryl Knipe.I am a black South African who lived during apartheid South Africa.I find it very unacceptable that you should compare evil apartheid South Africa to Israel.Upon which basis if not racist,are comparing the two countries?

I also support Israel as an independent sovereign country.I support it also for its stance to defend itself against terrorism.This I do being informed by the prophecies found in the scriptures fulfilled as a result of Jews returning to their ancient land.

Your comparing the two countries is influenced by racism.I can't find any reason.

Tell me Beryl,are you racist?Although there are problems here in South Africa,it is still a better country today than apartheid South Africa.

Thank you
James Khomo

Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:41 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hullo James,

Thank you for your mail.

As you will have noticed, I said in, "some very small way" meaning, there was a time when the entire world was against this country as is, now, with Israel. You will also notice from my mail that I didn't mention the words, Apartheid or racism or black or white.

James, you say: "Tell me Beryl, are you racist? Although there are problems here in South Africa,it is still a better country today than apartheid South Africa."

If you feel it is a better country, now, I'm afraid I don't share those same feelings with you. My feelings and observations have nothing to do with racism - only the truth and the truth is, as most of the population agrees, South Africa is in an all-out race… to the bottom! Contrary to the will of the overwhelming majority of people in this country, everyone is subject to this institutional embarrassment and degradation. If you see this as racism, James, you're wrong!

I've lived here for 65 years; I've worked with, lived with, played with, educated, paid taxes, employed and embraced all races in this country - as I was taught by my parents, as a child, to do. I have no ill-will towards any race, whatsoever.

If tales and poems and stories and news reports and television programmes and plays and films and documentaries are being made, all shouting accolades for the “New” South African “Rainbow” Nation, then, the “Old” should surely be shared and discussed, which would make the scenario fair and balanced - don't you think?

James, whether old or new, no government of South Africa has followed Jeremiah 7:23 "But this command I gave them: ‘Obey My Voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I command you, that it may be well with you.’"

Am I a racist, James?


Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:06 pm
by Sara V Schmidt
James Khomo replies:

Warm greetings to you Beryl.
Thank you for replying to my email. You have thoroughly and correctly answered me.
I didn't call you racist. I take a long time before I can conclude that somebody is a racist.The mood in your email and the years you have lived in this country give me the impression that you are sure of the atrocities that the majority of this country had to endure for many years under the evil government of apartheid. That is why I was disagreeing with your comparison, albeit 'at a small scale'.
I am not naive to the corruption and crime making headline news almost every day here in our country.
I am glad that you are balancing the past and the present.I agree that it's fair that way. Apartheid was evil. However, there are things that were good during that era, for example :Law and Order to a greater extent. Today law and order are grossly compromised. But Democracy for all is better than apartheid.
Beryl, I have no hard feelings towards you. I am, in fact, happy that you have made yourself clear to me. In any case politics anywhere is a dirty game.
Let us together by God's grace pray for our governments while we wait with anticipation for the new order to be established by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:49 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi James,

Thanks very much for your warm response. I'm really glad that we understand one another, better, now. Yes, I've been praying for our country, its government and its people. I'm not a "fan" of democracy, either and don't, for one minute, believe that that is the best solution for South Africa or, for the world - as we're witnessing in world affairs, now.

1 Cor.2:16 ".... who knows the Mind of the Lord...?" May HIS WILL be done.


Re: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UN Speech, Oct 1, 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:08 pm
by James Khomo
As Christians, I believe that we can all agree in this model :Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it's done in heaven. Peace