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Should Justice Make Way for Injustice in Justice's Name?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:39 pm
by Victor Hafichuk ... osexuality" onclick=";return false;

This is already shared on FB.

Re: Should Justice Make Way for Injustice in Justice's Name?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:53 pm
by Jeannie Van Popta
I'm going to go ahead and share your comment from FB, Victor. I have to say that I usually get more out of your comments than the articles you share. :)

"How is it homosexuals demand freedom of rights for themselves but at the cost of the freedom of rights of those who don't agree with them?
How is it homosexuals reserve the right to demand respect for a lifestyle that in the eyes and judgment of other folk is patently, logically, as well as Biblically wrong and contrary to nature?
How is it that scientific evidence, as this good doctor has expressed, is legally suppressed and the doctor is censured for what he sees, not just by religion or philosophy, but by professional training and experience, as detrimental to society?
Where's his freedom of speech, religion, sexuality, choice of conscience and expression of conviction?
How is it homosexuals demand that those who act naturally ignore and deny the evidence, and forsake their knowledge and understanding so that they, homosexuals can say and do anything they please?
Where is justice, liberty and equity for all? Where is logic, truth and reason? It is gone, people; it is gone.
I say this: If it's true that homosexuals should be allowed their choice based on freedom of rights for themselves, then it certainly should not come at the cost of freedom of rights for others."