Fox's Book of Martyrs

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Rachel Gerrard

Fox's Book of Martyrs

Post by Rachel Gerrard »

Hello everyone. I am currently reading Fox's Book of Martyrs online after Beryl very kindly sent me the link. Here it is: ... f-martyrs/" onclick=";return false;

Wow, humans can be barbaric, it actually made me feel physically sick last night as I was reading. I mean, they were not just killed, they were tortured in the sickest, darkest ways anyone could even dream up - WHY???

These things struck me:

1) After reading about the Apostles' deaths, some of the martyrs soon after that were listed as being "bishops" and "priests". What do these words mean in this context? I was not expecting any of these titles to crop up among the genuine Christian martyrs, can anyone shed any light?

2) In all cases where the Christians were delivered up to beasts to be eaten, the animals would not touch them and they had to find another method of execution. Does this mean animals always do God's Will? (That sounded really stupid I know).

3) Would God have numbed their pain in any way?

4) Although they are dying for God, are the martyr's sufferings at the hands of their torturers also God's judgement upon them?

*EDIT: definitely priests and bishops, was not sure about deacons so I took it out

Lynn Farris
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:59 pm

Re: Fox's Book of Martyrs

Post by Lynn Farris »

Thanks for sharing the link, Rachel. I have the same thoughts/questions you mention.

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