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Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:48 am
by Victor Hafichuk
(See below in responses for the train pictures.)

The train in this picture reminds me of a vision I had in 2013. An old-time locomotive was steaming from right to left in a valley scene. The smoke furiously billowing out the stack was white (it is black, normally). The engine was headed for some railway passenger cars idly sitting on the track; some I think were even partly off track. I knew the engine was furious that the cars weren't following, as if saying, "What's with you? You're supposed to be following me!"

I saw that if the steam engine kept at that speed, and I knew it would, no doubt the cars wouldn't survive the huge collision. I wondered how the locomotive would survive; Naturally speaking, how could it?

This picture shows a train returning with a long line of cars, as far back as one can see. I could take this picture as a sign of good things to come and already in the works.

A few days ago, an event occurred that I was thankful for, then another occurred yesterday, directly linked - both related to the subject of the vision, its fulfillment, and this picture.

Re: Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:11 am
by Michael Demerling
Dear Victor,

Not sure if this is related. In 2011 while studying Psalm 119 a man in my Bible study group drew a hand diagram of a train (locomotive) going from right to left and said it represented wisdom for me. At the time I was asking the Lord for wisdom. Would it make any sense to email you a copy of the diagram?


Re: Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:22 pm
by Jeannie Van Popta

Re: Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:28 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Michael,

Please do send me the picture and give me every detail you can in the situation.

Re: Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:18 pm
by Michael Demerling
While I was attending Rock and River Congregation (2004-2013) the men (4-5) had a bible study at the Pastor's house on Monday evenings. On November 28, 2011 we were studying Psalm 119:33-40. After the study we would pray for each other. When asked about what I need prayer for, I at that time was asking for wisdom from the Lord. After praying one of the men, Zabde, indicating he could see a train while praying. When I asked for more detail he was willing to make a small sketch (see attached). He said that as the train is rolling by it spells the word wisdom. He noticed that each section of the train has a connection point that he highlights in the sketch.

Years later I can attest that the Lord did give me some wisdom and desire for truth, otherwise I would not have run into and taken to heart the teachings at The Path of Truth.

So thank you Lord for giving some wisdom and truth to me. May it continue if you are willing.

As for whether the experience above has anything to do with your vision, Victor, perhaps the Lord will weigh in on this matter.


Re: Jonathan's FB Train Picture

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:50 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I don't know that there's any connection, Michael. I never had the impression the train I saw was linked to wisdom, per se. I do know I was that engine. It was revealed to Mark later that they were the cars on the track.

Interesting that judgment came for them and they received revelation of the vision and notice it was coming. Also interesting that they couldn't care less, not believing. Amazing. so what's new? That's how the Israelites were, as well. Unbelief...the mystery of iniquity.