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'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:31 pm
by Ronnie Tanner[/youtube]

Below are some comments that were made at this video, and where Victor spoke to several: ... MgZ4AaABAg" onclick=";return false; ... hO94AaABAg" onclick=";return false; ... SE94AaABAg" onclick=";return false;

Re: 'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:55 pm
by Alan Agnew
Victor, your replies were on-point. Truth has an impact, even if they don't believe. Thanks, Jesus Christ, for these conversations.

The presence of Israel, and what will happen regarding Israel, irritates those who are against this nation. Yes, to them, it doesn't feel fair that Israel gets to have a nation while Native Americans don't. (That is, they deny or are ignorant of God's Authority over who rules a territory.) And, to some, the Jews are the Nazis, or are the racists. These are some of the contents of the YoutTube video's comment, and such comments come from minds that are estranged from God.

And now the UN has passed that diabolical resolution against Jerusalem with only 9 nations voting against it. Surely, God will avenge on those who judge Israel as the evil party, or who support Israel's enemies.

Re: 'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:34 am
by Brian McDonald
Alan said.......
“And now the UN has passed that diabolical resolution against Jerusalem with only 9 nations voting against it. Surely, God will avenge on those who judge Israel as the evil party, or who support Israel's enemies.”

Dear Alan, I don’t know why but I felt a little unsettled with the end of your comment, “surely, God will avenge”......and so on. The scripture that first came to mind was in Luke 13. (I remembered the words, not the Bible reference) but I think Luke 9:54-56 may be more appropriate. (see farther below)

1Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2And Jesus said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate? 3“I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4“Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? 5“I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Luke 13:1-5

Alan, your zeal is commendable and I am in agreement with you and Victor as regards the UN and their anti-Israeli stance. I got the feeling though, that in your zeal, you wanted to bring down fire on those countries who voted in favour of the resolution.

54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? 55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. Luke 9:54-56 KJV

Consider this also. There is a tendency these days for governments to totally ignore the wishes of a great number of their people in their respective countries, leaving them without a voice in matters such as we have seen this week within the chambers of the “UN”-Godly UN. I sent an email to the foreign secretary of the UK urging him to stand with Israel and vote against resolution 128. I feel sure many others did likewise, for all the good it does. These Governments have their own agenda no matter what their people wish. The UK is in turmoil at the moment with Brexit and I believe the Tory party are deliberately undermining the wishes of the majority to leave the EU. looking for a way to get out without actually getting out, if that makes sense.

Fear not Alan, God will; and indeed is judging the UN as we speak. Look at the state of many of the EU countries and others around the world who are under the boot of the UN. They have opened the floodgates to the invading hoards of Islam. They lie to their own people. I pray God will bring them to their senses before it’s to late. Regardless, may His will; and not mine be done.

Re: 'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:05 pm
by Alan Agnew
Brian, I have wondered recently if I should hate the UN. This may explain some of the zeal, and I was tempted to say, “God damn the UN.” Would it have been good to declare that? I don’t think so, for I was not given to curse like TPOT has been before.

Nevertheless, what is God going to do to those that judge Israel to be evil, or who support Israel’s enemies? Maybe I was wrong, but I percieved a war between Israel and those against Israel. Thus, isn’t Jesus Christ cursing those who are against Israel? I have believed this is so (maybe “avenge” is too strong of a word here, then.)

(This does not imply that if you are for Israel, but you leader hates Israel, that you then are cursed.)

And is Luke 9 appropiate for today’s world? I think it’s better for another to judge this.

Re: 'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:12 pm
by Alan Agnew
Hey, Brian. I have been sick lately and that state made me realize my sin against you. I suspected you were Satan, but I did not say so because I lacked evidence. The fact is you are right and I wrong. I did want to bring down fire on Israel’s enemies. My recent temtation to laugh at the Parkland, Florida school shooting contributed to this realization.

Seeing that people within countries are opposed to the government’s policies (the policies against Israel), I am violent because of such desires.

Looking forward to your reply, Brian.

Re: 'Remember the Previous 4,000 Years' says Netanyahu

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:03 pm
by Alan Agnew
I am not sure what bronchitis does to my state of mind, but I feel that my recent reply was lacking the apology. Let's fix that. I am sorry for what I've been, all. My violent disposition leads to bad places, even hurting others by words or actions, if it's not put down. Nevertheless, things have been improving with me thanks to Jesus Christ.

I don't think Brian needs to reply anymore. If I'm wrong, he'd reply. The E-mails below detail how it played out:

From: TPOT Forum
Date:08/03/2018 20:17 (GMT+00:00)
To: Brian McDonald
Subject: Apology
Hello Brian McDonald,
The following is an e-mail sent to you by Alan Agnew via your account on
"The Path of Truth Forum". If this message is spam, contains abusive or
other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board
at the following address:

Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Alan Agnew.

Message sent to you follows

On this topic, ... =51&t=1909" onclick=";return false; I am sorry to
you. You are right and I wrong, and I doubted you, even suspecting you were

My reply will likely be posted there, but you are right about the sons of
thunder attitude I have and had. Bloody and messy.
[Brian replies]
I am sorry to you. You are right and I wrong, and I doubted you, even suspecting you were

Dear Alan, where I come from it is common courtesy to address a person by name, especially if you are offering an apology to the person in question. If you were making this apology to Victor or Martin, or one of the other elders, would you not have address them by name, to show respect, if nothing else?

“even suspecting you were Satan”

In this email you sent me, you are being Satan. Alan, I am in no way offended, (in a personal sense) with you or your inability to see your wrongness in this/these situations. May I ask what age you are? I suspect (but I could be wrong) that rather than being a complete ass, you are simply immature. I also suspect you are hurt right now with my response to your inapt apology. Do not be hurt or offended. If I were talking to you face to face you would see from my expression and hear from my tone that there is no injury intended towards you. If I did not care for you, I would not have responded to this email. Here is a saying that might help you. “Be slow to speak and quick to listen”. I have fallen foul of this many times so you are not alone in this regard. Words are mightier than the sword and we should be careful how we swing them around. With inexperience, we could cut ourselves never mind some one else.

Sent from Samsung tablet

(For elders, my post to the UN topic hasn’t been approved. Perhaps it is best that it be not approved and instead dealt with here.)

To answer your questions, I actually have not addressed elders by name in recent apologies to them. It was done like “I am sorry to you.” I think you’re right, so I hope to follow this. Also, I am 24 years old.

Yes, addressing people by name in an apology is better. Sorry, Brian. And, indeed, my behavior towards you was stubborn months ago in my reply. I don’t remember all, but I have had doubts about my reply since then by God’s grace.

Other than that, I don’t sense forgiveness, but probably that isn’t supposed to come yet. I don’t understand how things have come to this.

Alan Agnew

[Brian replies and that's the end]

Alan don't fret about it. Just take it as is and learn from it. I hold no animosity towards you. You say you are 24 years old and that explains a lot. I forgive you Alan.

May the Peace of Christ be upon you.


Thank you, Brian.