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Month of Elul

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:44 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Some very interesting things like the events of Elul 1:[/youtube]

And the following: ... or-america" onclick=";return false;


Re: Month of Elul

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:16 pm
by Lynn Farris
Thanks for this information, Victor. I have wondered at times what would have caused Nineveh to repent at Jonah’s preaching and this explained it. Mr. Biltz says (in error) at the end of the video that the last total solar eclipse over only the US was August 21, 1914, but that is the date of the total eclipse over the Ottoman Empire, which was then destroyed in WW1 (Mr. Biltz states that fact earlier in the video, around 4:00). The total eclipse in the US was at the end of WW1, in June 1918. What do you think the significance of the 1918 eclipse was?

Re: Month of Elul

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:33 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I don't know the significance of the 1918 eclipse over the USA and don't wish to guess or opine. I haven't even felt led to ask the Lord. However, I have no doubt God's eclipse events do have a message; no such events are without one.

What I do know is that people are looking for signs and wonders and will read into such events that occur - a dangerous occupation that leads only to damnation because of unbelief. Not saying you're doing that.

We need only turn from ourselves to Him without delay but with abandon, lest we perish.

Re: Month of Elul

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:15 pm
by Alan Agnew
Victor, the video you linked to mentioned the "Revelation 12 Sign." This is what the people in the video referred to:" onclick=";return false; from this video:" onclick=";return false; Picture was formed in" onclick=";return false; with its location set in Jeruselum on Sep. 23, 2017. Apparently, this sign is getting really popular on YouTube, similar to the December 21, 2011 fiasco, and the false prophets are popping up in such a large number.

Of note, many people think it's a signal for the start of the Rapture. It's not because the Rapture is false.

It has been a good opportunity to spread to others teachings like how the Rapture is false. However, if that sign that people discovered is the real deal for some other event, or vain, I do not know. People haven't done well in interpreting signs over the years, and I have found such practices fruitless on my own, so your advice below is wise.
We need only turn from ourselves to Him without delay but with abandon, lest we perish.
Relevant words about Revelation 12 from Victor: ... f=15&t=338" onclick=";return false;

Re: Month of Elul

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:43 am
by Lori Reneri
Thank you Victor for your words on "signs" and how it means not trusting in the Lord. I found myself this very week trying to figure out what these things mean and how it will affect my life and the future. I realized after hearing you say these words that God has answered my prayer on why am I thinking this way right now. I see clearly just how I am not trusting God and how I've been more focused on the things in and of us going on rather than keeping my eyes on Him. I am thankful for having been given the eyes to see such things and the grace to be forgiven. It is in these daily things that I learn and grow in faith through Him. I Am thankful for you Victor and TPOT as I believe God speaks through you. Each day has its own new set of circumstances in which we find ourselves either doing our will or the Lords, believing on Him or not, trusting Him or not. I Am thankful to be corrected when I try to do things on my own (only to fail) but given grace to continue on the path that leads to salvation. To God be the glory. Thank you Jesus our Lord and Savior

Re: Month of Elul

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:19 am
by Alan Agnew
Yes, Lori, I had been worried like that, too, as such: "If the USA's destruction is near, then I'd be silly to study for being an actuary." So, at first, I thought this topic was for listing all sorts of signs associated with Elul or the eclipse.

But such a list did not help. I did not bother posting it. It did not help because of how one man says the sign means Earth shattering quake, and another takes the signs to mean salvation of the USA. Nothing from the Lord. Thus, my life must go on by trusting the Lord instead of another doomsday fiasco on the Internet. Ah, such a fool I can be, Lord, sorry. Was this topic made so that people realize these things?

So many false prophets trying to be like Noah these days.