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Forest fires in BC

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:22 pm
by Tom Babcock
We are living in 100 Mile House, in the midst of a number of large forest fires, yet were not in smoke but enjoying a blue sky today. The fires are due to dryness and fanned by strong winds. But these elements are under the control of God and the fires cannot be stopped in spite of heroic efforts until He sends the rain. I believe that this situation is meant to be a wake-up call, to turn hearts to Jesus in truth and repentance, and ask for your prayers.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:14 am
by Tom Babcock
UPDATE We had an evacuation of the entire district of 100 Mile House BC a few days ago and the town and all of its facilities, 5 km West of us was closed. Other areas just North have been evacuated and there have been homes burned.
I find that this is a time of testing and a sort of 'flushing out' of feelings about what is happening; discovering fears, attitudes including how do I really feel about the losses and sufferings of others, much of which is not pretty. But thankfully, sin is being revealed, something concrete to seek repentance about. An interesting thing about the timing of this is that our house went on the market just as the major Gustafsen Lake fire threatening us developed.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:41 pm
by Tom Babcock
One sin the Lord has revealed to me is now bringing me to the place to let you know. I do business with a man, living in an area recently evacuated whose house burned down. And the Lord has been giving me the phrase: 'glad at calamities' and I see that it is true in this case. While we used to talk about christian things he has became only business-like with me and I did not know why. Recently I thought that I had dismissed it, or that it was not significant; but discover that I still had wrong feelings about it. So when I learned a couple of days ago what happened, I thought that 'he had it coming to him'! This is wicked and awful, and I stand in need of forgiveness and repentance; now praying earnestly for rain to put the fires out.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:10 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
We are all wont to seek vengeance, yes, but the Lord says it belongs to Him.

I'm seeing the Lord wreaking havoc on my enemies. He's doing far worse to them than I wanted or thought of doing to them. He knows exactly what's necessary.

Our job is to remain undefiled of the root of bitterness. Remembering that we need or deserve all that happens to us is always helpful.

Giving thanks in everything to the Lord is a potent solution to the problem of being disagreeable with people and circumstances.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:57 am
by Tom Babcock
Victor, Thanks for the wise and peaceful response.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:04 am
by Tom Babcock
We are now staying with family in Grande Prairie AB a full day's drive North and East from our home and it is interesting that The Lord has provided just what we need as the children have been away and will not be back for another week. We have been wanting a quiet break to recover, not only from from the effects of forest fire smoke but also from working to get things ready for a buyer as the house went on the market recently. God is proving his care for us in creative ways and we are very thankful!

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:59 am
by Victor Hafichuk
The Lord is Faithful to provide. An interesting experience that you should come into fiery territory.

Re: Forest fires in BC

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:58 pm
by Tom Babcock
We are back on evacuation alert and there are two that are close, the Elephant Hill and Canim; Lake fires. I see this as judgment for a population, including us, that BC is proud of such a beautiful place to live and now it is becoming different in many places. It is similar to what has been said re Dallas. Last evening we drove near to the area where the fire is active and learned that a family who had suffered loss due to a fire two years ago escaped the devastation of this current fire. The fire was described as moving towards them and parted to avoid damaging their property and came together again after passing beyond them. God clearly controls where fires go and happen.
The buyer of our house came to visit and brought up the subject saying how some good people have lost their houses in the fires and was wondering about it. I said that God looks on the heart and that they people may look good on the outside, as I may have been thought to be! The beginning of a valuable conversation.