Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
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Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

The Lord has given me a vision of one American president, that being Ronald Reagan. This vision came at the election Ronald Reagan won in 1980.

Just before the 2012 US election, God gave a dream to Eric Courtemanche, a man associated with our ministry. The dream was repeated twice in identical detail. When Eric shared it with us, the Lord gave me the interpretation; then Obama won for the second term. Other than these, I recall no revelations of any other US presidents.

Marilyn also had a vision of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada feeding chickens (Canadian electorate) while concealing an ax behind his back, intending to slaughter the chickens. The slaughtering is now manifested as happening decades later by his son PM Justin Trudeau.

Particle – Reagan Taking America for a Ruthless Ride

It seemed like a tight race between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter during the 1980 Presidential elections. At the last moment, while people were in the polling booths, I received that they would vote for Reagan, and it would be a landslide victory.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, I had a vision in two parts. In the first part, he was driving what looked like a school bus. The bus was America. He drove into a set of deep ruts. In the second part, he drove the bus toward a cliff, and it seemed sure he would be taking it right over the edge.

In the vision, I heard that Reagan was going to take America straight down to Hell. Years later, it was realized by analysts that “Reaganomics” and the policy of deregulation did exactly that. Reagan’s deregulation legislation in the name of free enterprise has delivered America over to tyrannical powers operating in unrestrained greed. He has brought America to bankruptcy, powerlessness, and misery.

Dream of Obama stomping the legs of America

In the night of November 4, 2012, our friend in Christ, Eric, had this dream.
I was looking in a room. It was a bedroom. There were three people in the room I don't know: mom, dad and a three or four yr old son. The mom was on the floor, the little boy was standing a few feet away and the dad was stomping on the legs of mom. Her legs were broken and the boy tried to interfere and was shoved away hard.

Eric continues: The dream repeated three times in a row in all details the exact same way. I was glad to finally wake up. It was a difficult dream to experience. I was disturbed by the brutality and repetition; the dream still persists in my memory. I've not received anything at this time on the meaning.

This is the interpretation I (Victor Hafichuk) received on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 2 p.m. Obama is the “dad,” America the “mom,” and the four-year old child represents those who have seen what Obama has been doing for the past four years. [Afterthought Insert: The wife is America and the four-year old is America 4 years under Obama.] Obama has broken the legs (power and mobility) of America. The people of America have been witnessing Obama’s tyranny, madness and murderous cruelty. Being “shoved away hard”, means Americans will not succeed in preventing his evil, and he will continue to destroy.

The bedroom, signifying privacy, represents Obama’s lies, deception and pretense, doing his work with stealth, undetected by the general public.
I believe this vision tells us Obama will win the election and continue his destruction. I also believe he will do much worse than he has. Woe to America, woe, woe!

What are those in Christ to do? You are to speak the truth wherever called upon to do so, but when the authorities come against you, you mustn’t resist. You must yield to them and let them take you away or do what they will with you. Do not allow anyone to influence you into resisting the powers set in place from above. I can tell you right now – such people will perish; you can be sure of it.

Know that the Lord brought the sword of judgment to Israel by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Those who submitted to the Lord’s servant and instrument of judgment were spared, but those who resisted were destroyed. So will it be in this day. Obama is God’s sword of judgment. Do not resist:

Romans 13:1-5 MKJV
(1) Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority but of God; the authorities that exist are ordained by God.
(2) So that the one resisting the authority resists the ordinance of God; and the ones who resist will receive judgment to themselves.
(3) For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the bad. And do you desire to be not afraid of the authority? Do the good, and you shall have praise from it.
(4) For it is a servant of God to you for good. For if you practice evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword in vain; for it is a servant of God, a revenger for wrath on him who does evil.
(5) Therefore you must be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake.

The heat of God’s judgment on America has come. America is in dire need of this judgment. It is here.

Victor Hafichuk

Particle – Vision: Gorbachev Falls in Grave and Rises

Somewhere around 1986 or 1987, I dreamt that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev fell backwards straight-bodied into a grave, and it seemed that he was finished. However, he immediately rose right back out of the grave, as though a film were going in reverse. Now he had a knife in his hand and was going to stab the U.S. in the back. Would we be seeing him on the world stage again? Or did he represent the newly-risen Soviet power? I had no idea; I only saw what I saw.

Vision – Pierre Elliot Trudeau

Marilyn Hafichuk saw Pierre Elliot Trudeau with one hand feeding the chickens with grain he was tossing to them. In his other hand, behind his back, he concealed an axe. We knew the chickens were the electorate. I believe this was around 1983.

Note, June 2017: I, Victor, am seeing that Pierre Trudeau’s son PM Justin Trudeau is now using the axe.

A friend of ours, Michael Demerling, recorded this dream on October 24, 2016:

I saw Justin Trudeau attacking people and destroying them. No one could stop him. He was successful in what he was doing.

Michael Demerling

Re: Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

Post by Michael Demerling »

Thank you Victor,

For the advice about not resisting. It seems the traditional wisdom (of men) would insist that we need to "man up" and fight. However the wisdom of God is clearly different, as you suggest.

I wonder what your thoughts are of Poland and Czech Republic who are strongly resisting the EU about taking in Muslim migrants into their respective countries. In Poland they have had major marches in support of defiance. The EU has made an ultimatum that they will fine Poland and others who don't take in migrants. Could this be considered rebellion toward God? Perhaps they have the option of leaving the EU like UK-Britain?

Perhaps you remember the dream I had about Justin Trudeau and documented on the forum. I don't know if it figures into what you were saying above or not. ... deau#p6383" onclick=";return false;

These are unprecedented and scary times. It makes me want to stay close to and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Yes, thank you for the reminder, Michael. The Lord gave you that dream to show us from Him what is going on with Trudeau. Yes, he's destroying many, and to that end has he been given the throne of power for now. He will meet a horrible end but not before Canadians are judged for their godlessness.

Ronnie, should we put Michael's dream in with what we posted to keep it all together?

It's not necessarily rebellion against God by Poland and the Czech Republic to resist. I think that as unbelievers, they're subjected to that struggle. That goes for unbelieving individuals, as well. Yes, the people may have the option of exiting, like the UK, Lord willing.

Concerning submission to tyranny, I was speaking of those who are being kept by the Lord and who aren't called to take up arms of struggle. The weapons of the saints' warfare are not carnal and our battle isn't with flesh and blood.

Ronnie Tanner
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Re: Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

Sounds good, Victor. I've updated the original post and Facebook with Michael's dream.

Michael Demerling

Re: Revelation from the Lord Regarding World Leaders

Post by Michael Demerling »

Thank you Victor for the answers.


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