Why did God create man

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Brian McDonald
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Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Why did God create man?
I know that the clay does not say to the potter, "why did you create me" but how should one reply when asked such a question? I have red many reasons for why God created man. Some say He created us out of love and others say, to share His glory and to serve Him and so on and so forth. Many of the most common answers are simple enough but they fail somewhat in that they don't explain in any real depth what they mean. Speaking for my self. I have not looked into it in much depth or sought the answers in prayer. I am not sure it is my place to ask God why He created me or you or any other but the question has crossed my mind from time to time. What answer would you give if asked this question?

Jeannie Van Popta
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Jeannie Van Popta »

Isaiah 43:7 (MKJV)
everyone who is called by My name; for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

William Woeger

Re: Why did God create man

Post by William Woeger »

Well, there's many answers to give a person. The answer is simple and great.

You can find the answer in one verse of Scripture:
"For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him." (Colossians 1:16ESV)

You can find the answer explained in one of many papers at TPOT: Here Is the Way It Is http://www.thepathoftruth.com/teachings ... -it-is.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

How would I answer? Good question. I have yet to be asked.
A possible scenario in my mind:

Them:"Why did God make us?"

Me:"To know Jesus. God made us to know God, Who is Jesus."

T:"How can we know God/Jesus if we can't hear or see Him?"

M:"God is spirit. He is invisible. He is all around and in our hearts. To hear or see Jesus we have to wake up to that spiritual reality and give up our whole lives in obedience to Him. It's called faith."

(I imagine a person being silent. Silently wondering for more explanation or silently scoffing.)

Me:"To know Jesus you must recognize that you don't know Him at all and that you are lost and without hope until you do know Him.

You must follow Him. You must die for Him.

To follow Him you have to repent; that is, quit doing all the things He says not to do and, where possible, make up for the things you shouldn't have done.

Then you gotta obey Him; that is, you have to do all that He tells you to do...to the extreme. Even die for Him. Its called the cross.

Jesus is the Answer to what life is about. You won't have Life til you have Jesus. If you want to have Jesus, you have to give up your whole life.

Start searching. Pray. Ask God yourself how you can find Him. Read your Bible. Read the book of John in the Bible.

Go to http://www.thepathoftruth.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; and read Victor's and Paul's testimony. These two KNOW Jesus and will show you how you can know Him to."

Brian McDonald
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Thanks William for your input. Plenty to think about there. A few things come to mind. God made us to share in His wonderful glory. To share in the gift of Son-hood and become one with Him. God created us out of the greatest expression of love so that we might know and live in that love. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friend, as God proved by laying down His life for us. When we are ready to lay down our lives then we too will know this love. Life is a gift. This is something many forget these days. True life in God is the greatest gift of all. Knowing this, how could one bemoan being created, or say to the creator " why did you create me?" We/people see life in two ways. Its either good or bad according to how we view good or bad. One might be born into wealth another into war and another into poverty and so on. Its a condition of the mind and what the world tells us is good or bad. Its what we perceive it to be. We have forgotten what life is really about. When we begin to realise "what" life is, then we no longer ask "why." Just some thoughts as they come to mind.


Brian McDonald
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Thanks Jeannie

Dena M Dahl

Re: Why did God create man

Post by Dena M Dahl »

There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friend, as God proved by laying down His life for us.
Perhaps this is a matter of semantics but I see it differently. I'd say there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his enemies, which is what the Lord did.

Brian McDonald
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Dena I don't know if its semantics or not, I was just repeating what the Lord said, but yes, I get your point. He led down His life for us though we were yet sinners and at enmity with Him. Good one Dena. Thanks


Jason C Lee

Re: Why did God create man

Post by Jason C Lee »

Our enemies ARE our friends ;)

Brian McDonald
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Yes Jason, they just don't know it yet. :)

Jeff Wilschut

Re: Why did God create man

Post by Jeff Wilschut »

Isaiah 38-66 gave what I understand as an accurate account to why God created man. What I have gathered from the Path Of Truth is God creator of all things will be glorified, and what better way then to have created a man in his image who should fall because he was not yet perfected before being purged in His fire. I asked myself, what glory would there be towards our creator if what He created did not subject him/herself completely to Him, and what glory would there be if it was by his/her own strength? I have come to realize that I have tried to be as God, but I now know I am nothing in his sight, but a sinner who sought after my own glory. I can see now that in all my vain attempts it was hoped that I might come to realize I am in need of His correction, to bring my retched soul to die, and then unto perfection, because in my own attempts I created a lemon. When the fire has run it course, and I will be brought to ashes where God can then bring me up out of the ashes like no one else can do, so to make me whole, and perfect for His purpose, and for His glory, creating lemon aid out of the lemon.
Being reminded of this I am thankful for correction, because I know it is His first love that He is mindful of me and knows what I need, I then can love Him for it. I see the whole bible pointing to eventually bringing everything He Has created glorifying Him, and that being the day of celebration, all the glory be to Him alone, Amen.
Isaiah 43:7 ESV. Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”
Other verses that speak of the same thing, but too many to post, just thought I might share some verses I had found on this subject. Ephesians 3:21, Revelation 4:11, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Romans 11:36, Ecclesiastes 12:13, 1 Samuel 12:24, 1 Corinthians 15:27-28, John 3:16-17, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Exodus 20:1-26, Mathew 22:37-39, Mathew 5:16, Isaiah 66:22-23, Psalm 23:1. Thank you Brian McDonald for that question it is a good one, and I have found that the answer to the question is the essence to everything that we are, what happens to us and around us, it all points to Him being glorified forever, what beauty, what peace, what rest that awaits all who believe, thank You Father for all things.

Brian McDonald
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Re: Why did God create man

Post by Brian McDonald »

Thank you Jeff; and every one else at TPOT. I have learned so much here in the body of Christ. God, Father, may Your Name be glorified in all the earth.

Bertin Pelletier

Re: Why did God create man

Post by Bertin Pelletier »

why did god create man and send most of them to hell for all eternity. does not compute with me; if he knew before creating man that he would fall and send most of them to hell. most protestant churches say that we have a choice to make to accept christ or not. it is like i give you a job and i know you can,t do it. what is the perpuse of all of this.

William Woeger

Re: Why did God create man

Post by William Woeger »


What is hell? Where is hell? How does one get there? Answer with Scriptures, please.

Who is God? How does a person get to know God?

Do you read the Bible?

Bertin, you come here assuming things that you've heard from churches to be true. Do you really think anything you said is true of God?!

Marina Carnat

Re: Why did God create man

Post by Marina Carnat »

Bertin Pelletier wrote:why did god create man and send most of them to hell for all eternity. does not compute with me; if he knew before creating man that he would fall and send most of them to hell. most protestant churches say that we have a choice to make to accept christ or not. it is like i give you a job and i know you can,t do it. what is the perpuse of all of this.
Hi Bertin!

If those who allegedly burn in physical hell would eternally burn, then it is deducted that they would also be immortal or eternal, isn't it? But it is not right, because God says He is Eternal (1 Timothy 6:16)

Eternal hell is a human theory not of God. Ezekiel 33:11: "Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’"
Isaiah 28:21: "The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon—to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task."

If God predestines, is He unjust? If Christ came to save the lost, then free will has no reason for existence. But if it is accepted that because of the domination of sin, whose servant man willingly is, man can not get out of this situation and choose the good - even recognizing good and sanctifying it - it shows that there is no free will. He doesn't subject himself to the law of God, neither he can, because those who are in the flesh (nature of the first Adam) can not please God (Romans 8:8: "Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God"). So, being outside the good, man can not have a choice. Why is he in this state? There isn't necessary a free will, or choice what to do; he must obey and enjoy in peace.

John 1:12, 13: "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God." Can the flesh accept Jesus Christ? Can the flesh find pleasure in the Son of God? Then there would be no flesh; would have the same thinking as of the Father Himself. If there is anything in man other than flesh, then man would already be born of God, because what is born of the flesh is flesh.

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