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"Urge Ireland Not to Adopt a Biased Stance Against Israel!"

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:09 am
by Paul Cohen
Here's an article on the evil and ill-advised movement in Ireland to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state, with a request and options given for your opposition to this unjust and calamitous proposition: ... palestine/" onclick=";return false;

Victor wrote the following to Michael Martin, leader of the opposition in Ireland's parliament, whose party is putting forward the motion to recognize "Palestine" as an independent nation:

Mr. Martin, you do yourself, Ireland, Israel, the world, and heaven injustice by recognizing a non-existent and yes, illegal community called Palestine, as a valid nation. You have not responsibly done your homework and thus act out of ignorance and thus, injustice. Do the homework and make a choice based on truth and the facts. Only then will you ever be able to rest in peace.

Thank you for your attention and time.

Victor Hafichuk" onclick=";return false;