Filler Words

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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Filler Words

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Which some are full of, you-know-who? ... =NL_091016" onclick=";return false;

Luan Cartwright

Re: Filler Words

Post by Luan Cartwright »

Thank you for sharing Victor, I'm very guilty, of, you know, um, using filler words and stuff..

It's such a bad habit and really expresses such a lack of confidence on my part. May the Lord deliver me from nervousness and self doubt!

Beryl Knipe

Re: Filler Words

Post by Beryl Knipe »

I hate "filler" words and do my very best not to use them. I noticed (the Grammarly blog attached) - they've written: " would lose nothing..." which actually means that "nothing" is, really, "something." It should probably have red:
"You would not lose anything."


Paul Cohen

Re: Filler Words

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hmmm, Beryl. I think the saying, "You would lose nothing," is okay, meaning you wouldn't lose a thing ("nothing" meaning "no amount at all").

Appreciate your thoughts, Luan. May your confidence be in the Lord and not in yourself! He does a thorough job of making that happen with those whom He chooses.

Most of us can exercise more discipline in our speech, which is good for you and your hearers.

Luan Cartwright

Re: Filler Words

Post by Luan Cartwright »

Amen Paul.

I continue to labour under the illusion that I have any sort of control, when ALL things are up to the Lord entirely.

May the Lord deliver me of self righteousness and pride, from where "self doubt" and "nervousness" are born. What wicked, evil traits they are and how they hold me in bondage.

Beryl Knipe

Re: Filler Words

Post by Beryl Knipe »

I agree with you, Luan. Thank you. Also, thank you, Paul.

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Filler Words

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

If we look up at the sun, the moon, stars, our solar system, star and galaxy formations that are ages old and yet the same in timing, there is perfect precision. Even the comets are on schedule over the centuries. Things are perfectly predictable. The heavens, in other words, declare that God is in full control of everything.

As in heaven, so on earth. See the flowers, the birds, insects, animals, plants; the human body, the eye, the senses, the soul, spirit, visible and invisible; the intelligence, power, and glory in everything. The Lord God reigns supreme everywhere in all things at all times. We are not our own masters.

This message is appropriate not only for this thread - it also applies to today's Sabbath greeting and message.

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