Noah's Ark Discovery and Ron Wyatt

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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Noah's Ark Discovery and Ron Wyatt

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Michael Demerling sent us these links about Noah's ark discovered. Some facinating stuff. What do you have to say? True or false? Possible explanations?

Michael wrote:

Dear Paul,

These are the surprising videos about finding Noah's Ark in Turkey on the mountains of Ararat:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

At 21:04 in the second video I do question why the 8 crosses!

After viewing these videos I read Victor's writing about comparing today and Noah's Day: ... y-noah.htm" onclick=";return false;

It would seem that suppression of truth (violence) is rampant today in many aspects of life. Only Jesus Christ can be trusted. I would appreciate your input on these videos.


Tang Williams

Re: Noah's Ark Discovery and Ron Wyatt

Post by Tang Williams »

Personally, I have always been been fascinated with Noah's Arc. I am very inquisitive in the construction techniques, the workmanship and its' ability to handle the storm. I have seen the mentioned documentaries and others too. All, claim to have different shape Noah's Arc design.

The documentary says that the eight crosses represented the eight human passengers.

Personally, I think that particular vessel in the videos is not the original Noah's Arc.

I believe that box shape is the most effective using the least material, strongest construction, and has the greatest stability especially in large swells. Some say the best arc is the polyhedron shape. But, I disagree because of the required internal dimensions for the creatures.

The box shape arc construction requires no stone anchors because of the danger of damaging the hull and rapid shifting of centre of gravity when a swell hits from the side. Think about it! If a strong swell hits the arc from one side, the arc will tilt in the direction the swell is moving. Therefore, a possibility of the following;

1. Any stone anchors on the side of the approaching swell could possibly be pulled in at high 'g' loads. This will torpedo into the side of the arc.
2. Whilst, the stone anchors on the other side would have a tendency to pull that side of the arc further into the water [through rapid shifting of the centre of gravity] risking a total tip over.
3. The other problem is that the integrity of the hull will be compromised by the heavy anchors continually tugging the sides during the storm.
4. I believe that the Lord had designed the arc in such a way that it will never reach its harmonic or resonating frequency. This is due to the nature of the raw materials. Think about the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse in 1940. The anchors would only get in the way and eventually rip the arc to bits.

Note: The arc was naturally designed to have a low centre of gravity. Hence, it is already stable and no need of an anchor. It is meant to be a floating barn not a cruise ship!

Anyway, the discovery of this vessel is next to a town which is the gateway for pilgrims to see the arc and validate their faith. The issue is whether or not that this discovered vessel is the real arc, but whether these pilgrims are giving it divinity like some do to objects or statues [like of Mary].

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