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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

This from "Elsa" of, for those interested. In the Lord, I'm free; in Canada, no sirree.

I'm writing to you because I'd like to introduce you to the Big BUT System. Plus I have information on 2 current Canadian cases showing the threats to freedom of speech. And there's good news about Tommy Robinson.

What’s the Big BUT System? It’s the blocking of negative information about the reality of Islam with a BUT.

I started by writing The Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding Islam: ... islam.html" onclick=";return false;
However, it soon became apparent that the majority of people respond to everything negative about Islam with a BUT.
- BUT there's good and bad in all religions.
- BUT that's hate speech.
- BUT that's Islamophobia.
- BUT it's all a matter of interpretation.
- BUT I know a nice Muslim.

In other words, negative information about Islam usually doesn't sink in. It's BUTted away.
The plan was to create a guide to answering the BUTs, one at a time.
I soon saw that something strange was going on. It was like the thorns around Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Those BUTs had a purpose: to keep people asleep to Islam. And like those thorns, there was something “magic” about the BUTs - it was as if a spell had been cast. Who had done that? How? And even more important, how to undo it?

So, now:
- the Big BUT System:
- the most likely reasons why it exists;
- what we can do;
- the BUTs, one at a time - where we repeatedly come to evidence that the Big BUT System isn’t natural but manufactured;
- and finally, the next big questions:
- whodunit?
- how is the system kept in place?
- and how do we end it?

Here are the first reader responses:

This is amazing. I love it. It contains everything I'd need, I think, when communicating the truth about Islam, which is all I do!!! It really is brilliant. I'm sure no one else has done this.
Jan Ferguson, London, England

Quite an achievement. I think you found your niche. Instead of describing Islam you are giving people content to use when arguing. This is what matters.
Jean-Claude Lamontagne, Rouen, France

Very well done, no buts about it. :-)
Bill Warner of Political Islam, Nashville, USA

The Big BUT System:" onclick=";return false;

Until October 10, a special offer. 2 for 1. .99
Along with the Big BUT System,
you will get the Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding Islam.

As we know, the allegation that something is "hate speech" is not used just to keep people from facing negative truths about Islam. "Hate speech" is a criminal offense in many countries. Here are 2 current Canadian cases.

In the province of Ontario, Eric Brazau has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for insulting Islam - for what was planned as a piece of street theater (performed in the subway).
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)

Another incident resulted in Eric's being charged, not just with hate crime, but incitement to genocide. Exactly what did he do?

The hate crime consists of the fact that, on the night he demonstrated against the Bataclan murders in Paris, he allegedly said, "Muslims killed people in Paris". It seems he should have said "ISIS killed people in Paris", or "Misunderstanders of Islam killed people in Paris", or "People with a warped interpretation of Islam killed people in Paris"... If he is convicted on all charges he faces up to 10 years in a penitentiary.

Eric has been charged with incitement to genocide. The Attorney General had to agree to this charge and it is the first time such a charge has been made in Canada. The Crown has stated that she wants to send Eric to the penitentiary, i.e. more than two years in jail.
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)

Also in Canada, this time in the province of Quebec, Djemila Benhabib is on trial for accurately reporting information, in an interview, about an Islamic school - information from the school's own website and a promotional pamphlet sent out by the school. The charge? Slander. (And yes, according to a reliable friend, if you hurt someone's reputation by telling the truth, that falls under the definition of slander!)

Quebec: Muslims take author to court for revealing truth about Islamic school

Author Djemila Benhabib, on trial for slander for comments made about a Muslim private school, testified Wednesday that the religious instruction offered at the school has no place in Quebec.
Benhabib said alarm bells went off when she read the Qur’anic passages children attending the Muslim School of Montreal were made to memorize. The passages, which she called “an offense to human dignity,” spoke of the beautiful virgins awaiting male believers in the afterlife, while non-believers endured “scorching fire and scalding water.” . . .

The school is seeking $95,000 in damages. The president of the school’s board of directors testified earlier Benhabib’s interview had caused a decrease in enrollment and created a state of panic as teachers and students feared repercussions for being likened to terrorists.
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)

And what's been happening with Tommy Robinson? In June he had a charge against him for holding up a F**K ISIS banner at a football match. A couple of months later, he was ordered to leave a Cambridge pub where he, 2 friends, and their 7 children were watching a football match on TV.

And now, good news. On September 19, Tommy sent out a short jubilant tweet after his court appearance relating to his holding up a F**K ISIS banner:

Judge "evidence is vague & cagey & not genuine" case dismissed
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)
Here's more detail:

The police had sought to argue that an English flag held up by PEGIDA UK leader Robinson with the words “Fuck ISIS” printed on it amounted to incitement of hatred against Muslims.

Attending Luton Magistrates Court today with her client, Mr. Robinson’s lawyer Alison Gurden argued that attempts to impose the order amounted to an attempt to breach his right to freedom of speech and assembly.

According to Mr. Robinson, the judge agreed, dismissing the police’s case against him as vague, cagey, and not genuine.
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)
Huffington Post also carried the story.
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)

As for the recent incident at a Cambridge pub, the police have now claimed that Tommy was not the only target:

Cambridgeshire Police deny targeting Mr Robinson during the incident in Cambridge, claiming in a statement that 18 Luton football club supporters were asked to leave the city to prevent violent clashes between fans.

However, when asked by Breitbart London whether there was any proof that the other 17 existed, and which they were willing to release, they replied that there was not.
(Link online:" onclick=";return false;)

An appeal has been made, asking witnesses to the incident, plus the other 17 people allegedly charged, to come forward.

Here is Tommy's response to the Cambridge incident, in an interview with Jamie Glazov:
YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM ... y-freedom/" onclick=";return false;
In the interview, Tommy stresses how vital it is that now he has excellent legal representation, made possible by his many generous supporters.

And once again he thanks the many people who have made donations.

The video ends with another thank you - from Jamie Glazov to Valerie Price of ACT for Canada, for funding the interview.

I want to end with something else. A quote from Shimon Perez, a prime minister of Israel, from a tribute to him:
The Jews' greatest contribution to history is dissatisfaction! We're a nation born to be discontented. Whatever exists we believe can be changed for the better.
Shimon Peres (1923-2016)

One part of the quote resonates with me: Whatever exists we believe can be changed for the better.

But are we (Jewish or not) born to be discontented?

For me, the belief that we can change something for the better often comes from something other than discontent - just from the sense that something can be improved, and from an idea about how things might be improved (like by putting yogurt on pancakes - a delicious addition to already delicious pancakes). It's just fun to improve something.

I do see the quest to improve things as a fundamental Western quest.

This quest (whether or not linked with discontent) is utterly contrary to Islamic doctrine, which holds that no improvement is possible, that Islamics are to follow Islamic doctrine from the time of the death of Mohammed, and adhere, for example, to what is known as his last will and testament, Surah 9, which calls upon Islamics to kill the infidels (meaning everyone who is not an Islamic) wherever we are found.

Give me ceaseless discontent and the urge to change things for the better any day!

Even better, give me just the conviction that we can change things for the better.

That means, among many other things, to make visible and undo the Big BUT System, so that Islam becomes utterly visible. In this case, I agree that a basis of the urge to improve things is linked with discontent. Many of us feel discontent (or even more negative feelings) when faced with some of the truths about Islam.

And now, as always, all the best to all who care and dare,


October 2, 2016

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William Woeger


Post by William Woeger »

I actually paid the $.99 cents for the two pdf's given - the Big BUT system and Understanding Islam. Good info to have. Thanks for sharing, V.


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