It's All About Jesus Christ

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Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

It's All About Jesus Christ

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

The Jews of the world are damned if they do, damned if they don't; damned if they are and DAMNED IF THEY AREN'T - yes, the latter, as well.

How can that be? Don't their adversaries desecrate their graveyards and tombs? Don't they attempt to destroy archaeological and historical evidence of their past national existence? Don't they deny that Israel ever existed as a nation however long ago? Don't they deny the holocaust ("whole burnt offering")? Yes, the world hates the very memory of Jews.

Why? There's only one explanation: The Jews are the chosen of this world, chosen of God. And the world hates their Creator. Remarkable! And the Jews have hated their Messiah. Of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach it is written: "He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, and the world did not know Him. He CAME TO HIS OWN [the Jews], and His own received Him not" (John 1:10-11 MKJV).

You see, this isn't about Israel or Jews after all. It's not about the Middle East. It's not about Islam or Muhammad. It's about the Lord Jesus Christ. Islam hates Jews, the world hates Jews and these people hate each other, and both hate and deny their Creator as Creator, Jesus Christ.

The Middle East crisis is all about Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel and of the world. That's the way it is.

Now I will say more. God has determined to judge all mankind for its opposition to Him and His Law. He will reverse and correct all things. He will stand with His people against their adversaries and show His might and glory among the nations, all of whom He has called to despise Israel and desire to see it wiped it off the face of the earth.

Doesn't it look both good and bad for Israel? Israel continues to grow and thrive since its rebirth in 1948 despite its precarious position, but its challenges mount daily. Truly, if not for its God, Israel could not survive, but Israel will survive because of its God. Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah, in Hebrew) will stand up for Israel. Israel will not only survive but continue to thrive and yes, it will become the Head of the Nations, even as its enemies have venomously declared. "It's a plot, a conspiracy," Israel's enemies cry.

Little do they know it is God's "conspiracy," that is, His will and all-wise order of things that Israel will rule, not as Jews have chosen, but as God has chosen.

And yes, Jews, as well as so many others, like Muhammad and Muslims, like the Catholic Church, like the Mormons and many others have aspired to rule the world. Every one of these has said, "God, you go to hell! We'll call the shots here. We'll have nothing to do with you. You will not tell US what to do!"

There was a day when the Messiah came to lay down His Life as the Lamb of God for the sins of the entire world. Now He's here to take over as the Lion from the tribe of JUDAH. Nobody can or will prevent Him. He will have His way, His glorious, salvational way.

There approaches the time when indeed, Isaiah, the Jew's words as inspired by the Jew's God, Yeshua, those very words the UN has etched on its property in New York will finally be fulfilled:

"And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (Isaiah 2:4 MKJV).

"Glorious will be that day when Jesus Christ is manifest; the day for which the saints do pray, the whole world will be blessed!" -" onclick=";return false;

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