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Jesus and Mary speak to me myself

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:02 am
by Lucio
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Are you catholic? Or are you protestant? I can also mention another visionary named Julie Webdee who has similar messages like Glynda Lomax. Her website is called I know of a few other visionaries some from south America that are also false. Like Light of Mary and the good pastor enoch. They try to pretend to preach the word of God but put little lies mixed with the truth. Two other ones are from Ireland. Anne a lay apostle and Maria devine mercy.

I know of some true visionaries like Barnabas Nwoye and Christina Gallagher and Maureen Sweeny Kyle. I try my best to follow the true ones using my discernment. You know using the discerning principles of Holy scripture.

I can just say that I experience some spiritual phenomena here at home since Jesus and Mary speak to me myself. He asks me to keep up my prayers. He will bestow grace by me getting to get close to him. He says he needs prayer warriors to fight all these powers of darkness. He asks me to be attentive to the voice of His Holy Spirit. God the father has spoken to me and infused me with his "power ". I mean He used his power to raise me to a higher level or degree than what I was before. He has said that I am part of His elect and am chosen. I ask you what that might mean ?

He says He likes us to be virtuous and to fight our own flesh. The sins of the flesh and our own desires to put him first in our lives.

People have told me to get a spiritual director. I might do that soon. I can only feel that something big is on its way soon. I feel the time is very close that we might not have much more time to do all the things that we want to do. It's intuition. I have felt peace and joy when I do my prayers.

Mary gave me a glimpse of the joy of heaven. I was so amazed!!! Jesus says I am a victim soul. He needs victim souls because He wants to save some who would otherwise be lost. What do you think about my case?

Re: Jesus and Mary speak to me myself

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:28 am
by Paul Cohen
Hello Lucio - it's good that the Lord brought you here to hear the truth.

You ask if I am Catholic or Protestant. I'm neither - no true Christian is. A true Christian is one in whom Jesus Christ lives by His Spirit, and He isn't part of any religious work of man. The Catholic and Protestant churches, along with all others, are inventions of men, not God. He doesn't know them and they don't know Him.

Read more about this here:

Here Is the Way It Is
The Church
The Case for Coming Out
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

You haven't been hearing from the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're hearing from other entities, it's devils impersonating Jesus and Mary. And while the Real Jesus is the Lord our God in Heaven, Mary who bore Him in the days of His flesh is but a human being, our fellow believer and sister who isn't appearing to us. We, as with all of God's sheep, hear from the Lord Himself:

“God, Who at many times and in many ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, Whom He has appointed heir of all things, by Whom also He made the worlds” (Hebrews 1:1-2 MKJV).

You've been taught horrible lies and perversions that lead to nowhere but death and hell, Lucio. You're there even now.

Do you want to know the truth? Are you reading on our site at all? It doesn't appear so. If you will, you'll hear the Gospel according to the Holy Scriptures, which comes directly from the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to repent from listening to men and start listening to Him. Read Our Testimonies and Victor's story - wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH mE.

While there is much more from the Word of God to look over on our site, here are a few other writings I recommend for you:

The Cross - Only the Death Sentence Will Avail
Fellowship of the Saints
How One Is Saved
The True Marks of a Cult
Diabolical Doctrines

Why have you asked me these questions, Lucio?


Re: Jesus and Mary speak to me myself

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:27 pm
by Lucio
I would disagree with some things you have said. But the true christian is he who's baptized with the Holy Spirit who seeks him and has the gifts of his spirit. They know him in an intimately way and they love him. They always follow his precepts and live his life..... They know his word and understand him and his ways. Do not live in the flesh or you will die. But in the spirit and you will live. Deny yourself. Do not seek to live just getting your pleasures and desires fulfilled. We follow his commandments. We live to be holy and in a state of grace. We are the children of light, his children. We have the truth and live by the truth.....

Religion is good. There are false religions out there e. g. islam, buddhism , hinduism , african traditional, etc. The truth is in living by the one and only true religion, catholic. If we know him we will recognize the truth and will not be mislead by all the protestants. They are not in communion with Jesus. Infact they will not get the beatific vision after they die. Only if they follow the truth.

The sacraments are the channels of his grace that he confurres to us. Mary is simply the ark in which Jesus her son desires us to enter so that we will be lead to him. She is crowned queen of heaven and earth. She has sovereignty over us. She desires us to pray to enlighten our minds and lead us to heaven.

The protestants are far from the truth. When Martin Luther separated himself from the church, he taught heresies which lead his followers to falseities. That is where all the protestantism originated.

Re: Jesus and Mary speak to me myself

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:30 am
by Victor Hafichuk