Please answer the question. Who put the Bible together?

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Ronnie Tanner
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Please answer the question. Who put the Bible together?

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

From: Trevor C.
Sent: April-04-18 9:44 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk

thank you please answer the ? who put the Bible together??? thank you…..Trevor.

​From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 10:19 PM
Subject: RE: The Path of Truth Forum Daily Digest
To: Trevor C.

You tell me, Trevor. And don’t tell me it was the Harlot Roman Catholic Church that wasn’t formally organized and recognized until Emperor Constantine in the 4th century A.D. and which, in any case, had nothing to do with the Body of Christ, the New Jerusalem, the Church of God at that time or anytime thereafter to this day, nor ever will. Yes, the authorities in this world certainly worked in gathering the Canon, but no matter. The Lord has shown me what He approves and does not approve. You see, we can only know by His Spirit what is from Him and what isn’t, no matter what men do with His property.

The Old Testament was gathered or canonized long before the pagan sun-worshipping (Baal-worshipping) Emperor Constantine’s days. As for the New Testament, its contents were gathered in the 1st century by the saints who received a witness from the Lord Jesus of what was of Him and what was not.

Also, as you may know, the Catholic Church includes the Apocrypha in the canon. I know the Apocrypha is not inspired of God and so I don’t include it in inspired writings, canon or no canon; historical facts in some of them like Maccabees but spiritual food (food for the spirit), no.

So what’s your answer, Trevor?


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