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Where does the unrepentant sinner go?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:08 am
by Luba
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

I have come across your Web sight learning the truth of discerning the scriptures. First I am awed by ho w much writing you all do. Amazing. Thank you.

The scales are falling off and Jesus Christ and who he is and his tru t h are shining through.

I have a question at this time regarding hell. Please correct me if I misunderstood your teaching. Now Jesus Christ and His blood is my righteousness. He cancelled all sin because I believe he is God

Now about judgement and eternal damnation to those who resist the Holy Spirit of the living God and choose to serve Baal. Where do they go for judgement if not in the Lake of fire. I am not sure I am understanding correctly. Are they anniallated like the Jehovah witnesses believe?;I hope that is not what you are saying And I am pretty sure it's not. However, where does the unrepentant sinner go? Please explain when you have time.

I am also of Ukranian descent

Re: Where does the unrepentant sinner go?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:38 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Luba,

You are at least technically wrong when you say Jesus Christ canceled all sin because you believe He is God.

First, He didn't cancel your sin; He took on the penalty due to us for it. Which sounds like the same thing and perhaps is in a way; we won't get too carried away with semantics or legalese.

Second, you use an interesting expression here in the context of condition of forgiveness that we don't often hear: “He cancelled all sin because I believe he is God.

I must admit that if any truly believe Jesus Christ is God, it can only be because they have been forgiven and their sin put away by faith in His blood shed for them and in His resurrection from the dead:

“Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10 MKJV).

With such faith and knowledge, one also knows and must know Jesus Christ is God, even as Thomas realized when he fell at Jesus' feet after His resurrection, saying, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28).

However, though many sincerely believe intellectually or doctrinally that Jesus Christ is God and that He was crucified and three days later raised from the dead, they're still in their sins because they have yet to experience His forgiveness and their new birth, their own inner resurrection from the dead.

Catholics, for example, as many others, declare Jesus Christ is God, yet they haven't experienced forgiveness of sin. While believing He is God, they also use the erroneous phrase, “God the Son,” which isn't necessarily the same as, “Son of God.” (We know of a man who was burned at the stake for refusing to use the term “God the Son,” though he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and declared Him to be the Son of God. This mans name was Servetus, whom John Calvin had executed.) I bring up this point because there is only One God, not a trinity of persons, and Jesus Christ is He, Almighty God.

All men must be, are, and will be judged, whether in this age or world, or the one to come, but not annihilated. Jesus Christ didn't pay for our sin just to have us destroyed. He paid the full price for us and therefore He has coming to Him what He paid for, which is the ransom of every sinner that ever lived or will live, and He will get what He paid for, every last soul.

Luba, read:

The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
The Good News
Holy Waters
How One Is Saved
Jesus Christ, Almighty God
The Most Glorious of Truths

Those writings and many others will help you to learn of God, His ways and His will for us.

Good to meet another Ukrainian, for Christ's sake and glory,
