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Was humanity more evil in Noah's day than now?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:07 am
by Bill
My question is directed toward Noah's Ark. I understand the reason God chose to bring judgement upon humanity, but wanted to point to something not oft asked.
We often speak of the "age of accountability", and although it is looked at from a variety of ways, it is agreed that a child is not judged as an adult in Gods economy.
The absence of children on the Ark, jump from the pages of The Word. Should we conclude from this that all of humanity at that time, was more evil than even our day or any other age that has occupied Planet Earth?

Re: Was humanity more evil in Noah's day than now?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:48 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Bill, the life is in the blood, even from the womb. Nowhere does one find an "age of accountability" in Scripture. All ages are accountable.

Were there children destroyed in the flood, or in Canaan, Sodom and Gomorrah, even in Israel when it was destroyed?

Are not children born in sin and in need of discipline from the beginning of their lives?

Were parents to judge their rebellious children and be the first to lay hands on them to be stoned to death if their sin warranted it (Deut. 21:18-21)?

The Lord said that at His coming, conditions would be as those in Noah's day. In the Biblical records or any historical events of judgment, we see nowhere that God spared children. Do you?

Indeed, parents were found eating their children in sieges (2 Kings 6:26-29).

The worst of all ages is upon us and none shall escape.
