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Is Leonard Ravenhill a false prophet?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:14 am
by Randy
Hello, my name is Randy and I want to know what you think about Leonard Ravenhill, I noticed he's not on your list of false prophets, this is my second time checking the list since a year or so ago. Everything he preaches and teaching seems to most certainly agree with the Bible, yet I hear some people declare him to be a wicked person and a evil false prophet, I have no idea why. I've listened to very much of Leonard Ravenhill's preaching, I'm not even that reluctant to say I've heard all of sermons and seen all the videos of him speaking. It was through Ravenhill that I realized my life was going no where, after listening to a few of his sermons I realized I was dead and producing no fruit, sitting in front of TV all day having never even read my Bible before. Now I don't want to say Ravenhill saved me, it was God and God's grace that saved me and showed me the truth, but is it possible God used Ravenhill to speak to me? It was through his preaching that I learned I needed to pray more, I needed to start reading my Bible and start obeying God, I needed to start living right and separating myself from the world, I needed to start living Holy and walking after God. It was his conviction along with the powerful message and word of God that convicted me and it was through this that I am able to say I'm a lot better off now than I was before I ever knew about him.

Re: Is Leonard Ravenhill a false prophet?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:55 am
by Paul Cohen
Hi Randy,

You ask:

Now I don't want to say Ravenhill saved me, it was God and God's grace that saved me and showed me the truth, but is it possible God used Ravenhill to speak to me?

Sure, it's possible. Read 'Victors testimony and you'll see how God used a minister from Babylon (Mystery) to lead Victor to the Truth.

And you'll recall what the Lord Jesus told people about the Pharisees and scribes who sat in Moses' seat:

“Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do. But do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do” (Matthew 23:3 MKJV).”

If you're going to walk with Jesus you'll need to follow Him and not Ravenhill's example.

Also read:

The Case for Coming Out
The High Places
The Cross - Only the Death Sentence Will Avail

Paul Cohen