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The kind of peace that you have

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:53 pm
by Rosanna

I'm feeling that I'm experiencing the same thing as you were.

I hope that I can get this kind of peace that you have.

My greatest dream is that I can do WHAT THE LORD WANTS.

I know that I need to be in silence praying and waiting for His Call.

God bless you

Rosanna Abreu

Re: The kind of peace that you have

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:03 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Rosanna!

His will be done - it's the only way.

Are you referring to something specific you were reading or watching?


Re: The kind of peace that you have

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:03 am
by Rosanna

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I read your testimony last night. I am feeling lonely in this new path.

I was in the new age until past August and now I'm trying to find a "church" but I don't think this is the answer.

A month ago I read a book about this issue of the Babilonia and the church, but I continued going to "my church". And now I realized that "they" follow pastor Rick Warren. Imagine that!

I am not a social person and I'm forcing myself into it and be congregate and definitely I think that is not for me.

All of my repentance and conversion was within The Lord and me. Was like a Damasco moment.

Was very hard because the enemy didn't want allow me go out of his hands but thanks to The Lord I am free now.

Of course I can't even be praying and reading the Bible for a day. I read and I pray every morning and during the day. This is my main food.

Thanks for your follow

Rosanna A

Re: The kind of peace that you have

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:27 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Hi Rosanna,

When the Lord began to draw me to Himself, I became more and more separated from my family and friends. I became very lonely. That's the way it is for all those the Lord calls. It happened to Abraham (Gen. 12), to Isaac, to Jacob, Joseph, and truly every soul the Lord calls to follow Him.

If the Lord is going to take you out of the world, you'll find less and less pleasure or fulfillment in it and the world will begin to reject you; it's the natural course for a spiritual pilgrim and only way.

One may be chagrined that it's the only way, but if it is the way to the One and Only True Reward, then there need be no debate or consideration of disappointment, right?

The Lord is sufficient for all things. Yes, that sounds trite, but it's very true; He really is. I've certainly found it to be so and, once experiencing it for myself, I knew the Scriptures declaring that very truth in so many places and ways were true. They knew what they were talking about!

When I first believed, the fellow who led me to the Lord had me join some evangelical companions for fellowship lest I fall away. I believe this defiled me and caused much grief in the long run. Yet, I look back and see that the Lord took me through all that for preparation. I needed to experience both light and darkness, good and evil, true and false. Now, others can learn from these experiences.

Rosanna, I can't recommend that you go or not go to any church, though I would stay away from Rick Warren, among very many others. I must say the world is full of false Christianity and the public, official churches are exactly where to find it every time.

The Lord will do with you what He needs to do. Trust Him for everything; He's Faithful and True, Always, even if it doesn't seem so and often it doesn't.

I do hope that you'll be strengthened and edified - built up, as you read at our site. You can also join ThePathofTruth Forum and participate with others, asking questions, getting answers, and having some fellowship in the Lord by others with us. Your choice.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He Alone laid down His Life for you and took it up again so that you could have it, too.

Don't hesitate to communicate if you have things to ask or say.


Re: The kind of peace that you have

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:23 am
by Rosanna
Thanks so much Victor!

Yes, I decided to be out of the church. I know that Him wants that for me. He wants to prepare me for Him.

He is my Lord, my boss.

Thanks one more time,

"La Paz os dejo"

Rosanna A