I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Correspondence regarding the case for coming out of the church systems built by men.

I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Having read some publication I don't know who is the true servant.thought Spurgeon, Calvin and Luther were true servant but not really according to you.i need to be enlightened,I attended a baptist church I moved from charismatics cause didn't agree with some if their teachings. Am i in the right place?

Paul Cohen

Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Paul Cohen »

You attend a Baptist church or attended? Are you asking if the Baptist church is the right place to be?

Read Here Is the Way It Is and We Want You to Know...

Unless and until you know the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom we preach, you won't know true from false, good from bad, or which end is up (the right place).

Paul Cohen


Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »

Hello,am a born again Christian,I accepted christ as my Lord and saviour 23yrs ago and was a charismatic for 12yrs and have been a baptist for 11yrs

Is the Baptist a right church?


Paul Cohen

Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Chisuma,

Read the writings I gave you, plus these:

The Church
The True Marks of a Cult
Diabolical Doctrines

Do you believe in The Baptism in the Holy Spirit? Baptists do not (Bamboozling Blackaby and His Black Legacy), though they may say they do.

Finally, read the Diabolical Doctrine - “Accepting” Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior and The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ.

Then let us know if the Baptist church is “a right church.”



Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »


Has it occurred to you that you may be wrong on a number of issues.you sound judgemental and harsh. Victor your partner used the word bastard on hinny that's not the way to present the truth.I don't agree with hinny but I don't think its the correct way to address him. Bottom line I don't agree with you


Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

Religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel, which perfectly describes you, Chisuma. You make a man an offender for a word, even an apt word the Lord uses to describe such as Hinn:

“But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons” (Hebrews 12:8 MKJV).

You're not condemning us - you're condemning the Lord Jesus Christ. Foolish man, proudly slitting his own throat. Your blood is on your hands, not ours.

Paul & Victor


Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »

Really. I don't call names and judge.who made you judge. You people sound temperamental ,to share the truth do it in love.

You are self righteous deceived by your own teachings?.When I read your documents you sounded genuine but I guess I was wrong.

I stand judged before God not mortal men like you two lost men.


Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »

You don't, assemble no registration what kind of religion is this.you never lived in luther,spurgeon or calvinz time,so how accurate are you.anyway I don't follow man but the Lord Jesus

I hope you have erased your birth records too cause you seem no to abide by laws that govern us.


Re: I need to be enlightened. Is the Baptist a right church?

Post by Chisuma »

God used Paul to write most of the new testament he maintained humility not the level of arrogance you display. That just shows something is not right I think I have just encountered with a cult. I have nothing to do with you people. Hope you haven't deceived many

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