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Confused by doctrine

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:55 am
by Thomas
(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Dear Victor,

I'm Thomas (18 yrs old)
I hope you can understand my English.

I read your testimony and your website and I see the incredible knowledge and honesty. I have some questions, because I'm so confused.

Since a half year, I have a great desire to search en find God. But I'm confused, because of all the doctrines and theology that is around. I read a lot of books about Luther, Calvin, Five points of calvinism, puritans etc. but i'm still confused. I have red your testimony and i red that you threw al the books away except the bible. But sometimes i'm reading the bible and i've asked the Holy Spirit for help, but I still don't understand it.

Also I found it difficult to know who God is. Who he is and what he wants. I know it's there in the bible but i can't get a clear view of it.

Also I hear people talk about relationship with Jesus Christ, but that's still unclear to me.

I just want to find the truth. I know from deep inside that the truth is Jesus but I'm still confused. Faith is a gift from God, but i don't want to be passive.

I ask God for faith and trust. But my question is what do i have to believe? What do i have to pray? How can I become closer to the Lord. I just want to find HIM but I know it's only possible, because of HIM giving my faith. I just want to do something but i don't know what. Or do I need to have patience and just wait?

I hope you understand my questions/dilemmas,


Re: Confused by doctrine

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:51 am
by Victor Hafichuk

Keep seeking the Lord and you will find Him. When I hadn't yet come to believe but was searching, the Bible didn't help. I tried reading it and got nowhere. Reading other literature did help some, but I needed Him. Finally, after seeking, fasting and praying, He appeared to me and drew me to Himself with repentance.

If there is an earnest search in you for Him and determination to do HIS will and not your own, He will make Himself known, I can assure you because no man has that seeking without His making it happen. If He is the Author of your search for Him and dissatisfaction with this world, He will make Himself known to you in due time. You can bet your life on it, and you should be; that's what it's all about, your life for His.

Finally, when He DID make Himself known, the Bible came alive in His Presence.


Re: Confused by doctrine

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:10 am
by Rene Ahrens
Hello Viktor,
You say all things to do?
So i must stop all things now to do and fasting and praying until he comes?
How do i fsting and praying corectly?
Stay at home always Pray? What? Jesus please Come?
Stop everything drinking coffee in the morning Sport excercises, Working (if it is possible now for me)

Is there a point if it is too late? For example Satan destroyed my heart so badly there is no way out?
(i will not hope that but...)

Re: Confused by doctrine

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:31 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Talk to Him. Seek Him, whether you're busy or quiet, awake or sleeping, working or resting. Your heart must go after Him, putting Him first in and among all things.

Read How To Be Saved; read my testimony.

Re: Confused by doctrine

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:01 am
by Rene Ahrens
Hello viktor,
Yes i read yet a long story
and also i am The Cross ... -avail.htm" onclick=";return false;
how can i "cruzify" myself
and what is Baptism in Fire?

Re: Confused by doctrine

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:22 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
Hi Rene,

You can't crucify yourself. People try, but it's like pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps.

The Lord arranges whatever circumstances are necessary to deal with what needs to be dealt with. Your job is to believe and obey in what you are given, one day at a time, according to His Word, of which there is no shortage on this site.

Start by reading the following papers. If your ears are opened to the truth, you'll have the direction you need in whatever specific things required of you.

What Is Faith?
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
So You Want to Walk with Jesus
Taking Up the Cross: “What Is Required of Me?”