False prophet

Letters from those finding their way in faith.

False prophet

Post by Geraldine »

Dear victor and Robert, I've been searching for someone who can understand me. The Lord brought me to your site. My name is Geraldine and I live in South Africa. I was introduced to a "new" churc anout a month ago. Before I attended I had this stirring told my friend to be very careful, as The Lord warns us to be wary of false prophets.

However, I attended a service with my friend but could immediately feel that something wasn't right. 4 hours of guilt trips, and the oh so famous"tithing trip" where The Lord can only bless you when you tithe.....and tithe BIG! He prayed and "exposed" my "sins"(where I challenged him with the truth!) but of cause he differed! I arranged aeeting with him where I discussed this sin of mine and told him that God knows that I'm telling the truth and he very conveniently( and without shame) changed his story. On my way out he said.....you must give me your car. ( preaching money, money! Money! Saying things like......"when I do this they say I'm doing magic!" Promising people money in their bank accounts, new cars!

I fasted over the weekend asking God to reveal to me who this man is. Through scripture God spoke to me clearly .....Jeremiah 14:14-16 (11h00) at 12h00 I thanked God for revealing to me and He gave me Mathew 11:6. I contacted my friend to share my revelation with her and eventually with the rest of the congregation. This man started his "church" about 2 months ago and claims that he's a prophet.

Please, I need you to mentor me. I do not attend any church for the past 2 years due to what The Lord shows me what's really happening. I do not have many friends because I'm not understood. I have a personal relationship with God. For years Gods been giving me visions and revealing Himself to me in dreams. I have so much to share and feel that going insane because people can't understand me. I'm a single mom, a private person, love people but lonely at the same time. I need you to help me.

Kind regards. Yours in Christ.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: False prophet

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Geraldine,

You've come to buy the truth here without money at The Path of Truth (Isaiah 55:1). This is the Lord's website. Lord willing, you'll be free to talk and we will listen and minister to you as He directs.

Your report being true, you've obviously run into a first rate charlatan, a devil. May God open your eyes and keep you from wolves. The first step to take is to repent of any sins - sins you're aware of and sins He must show you that are not obvious to you.

Write us and tell us all about yourself. Read at this site with the Scriptures and be made free by the Truth He is. Jesus Christ is no magician and we are no magicians. He is Lord and we are but His unprofitable servants.


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