Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Letters from those finding their way in faith.

Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.

Paul and or Victor. According to your teachings, all men will be saved. Yes I see this in the scriptures but I also see scriptures saying that anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Also it talks about perdition of ungodly men, those who quench the Spirit or do despise to the Spirit of Grace, to bring them to repentance again is impossible because they crucify to themselves the son of God and put Him to an open shame.

I once heard the calling of God but disobeyed and the Spirit of God left from in me. Now life is hell on earth for me because I know now how I have seperated myself from Him due to my own neglect. I realize I am not one of His elect because even though I was called, had I been chosen, I could not have failed.

The word also teaches that it were better to have never known His righteousness then to have known it and turn from it. Isn't this that which I have done the sin unto death? How can God the father restore me again unto Him? I realize the wickedness ive done through being disobedient to Him. And although I have cried out to Him many many times since that day, I don't feel as if I have any hope for my own fault.

I am not here trying to bring any argumentation but rather in hopes that I can understand. Within the word of God I have come to believe that there is no eternal punishment that will never end. But I have often wondered due to the scriptures I mentioned about that there will possibly be an annihilation of those who knew Him then turned from the Holy command given to them.

There are many passages of scripture that I dont see how it adds up to every human being will eventually be saved. The word tells us that he who saves his own life shall lose it. Isn't the second death referring to just that, death? One being put out of his or her own misery?

I am flesh again, twice dead. I feel lime there is no hope as Paul wrote of by saying, let us not be like those who have no hope. Isnt the final battle of those deceived by satan after he is loosed to decieve again, those who are ressurected to damnation? Won't they be totally annihilated and not allowed to go where the new heaven and earth will be?

I appreciate any reply here. Thank you for your time.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello Victor and Paul.

I had recently in the past sent you an email with the subject " still not understanding". Since that time I have been reading many of your articles of faith as pointed out by the scriptures. I had given you my experience of God's hand on my life and being filled with His calling of grace.

I don't mean this in a funny way but to put it layman's terms, I was called to tryouts but I didnt make the team of saints. First let me start out by saying I'm not making lite of my disobedience in any degree as I know God will not either. While God was starting to teach me His grace and slowly revealing the doctrines of men, I still yet was clinging to the many that hadn't yet been revealed by my upbringing. I entered the kingdom without the correct, if any at all, wedding garment on. I entered back into hell. I never understood this before how hell is not some place of torture that never ends as I was taught but it was walking in darkness without His glorious light within.

As I felt His wonderful love while walking in the light for just the shortest time He allowed , I looked at all people around me with such a compassion I never had before. I remember looking at so many people and praying, God, please have mercy on us all. They dont realize what they are doing. I was given just a short time to look at people through the eyes of God and how He looks at them and how He loves them so so much. How could He love them that much and then send them to some boiling pot without never letting them out for any relief? The answer is, He can't and He won't.

Through my disobedience He is still yet showing me His character and who He really is and not at all what I think He is at all. As I said before in a previous email, my thoughts after my error was first and foremost was the absence of His heart of flesh and His awesome presence within. Secondly I was overshadowed with the thoughts of burning forever and ever in some torture chamber without end as I had been taught all my life. It literally drove me insane.

As I stated before I attempted suicide, thinking if I have to go to hell and burn forever and live outside the presence of God then lets just go ahead and get it started. I took a whole bottle of sleeping pills and I cranked my insulin pump up, which was so much, it could have killed an elephant. I was never brought to perfection in Christ, as I'm sure you see right there because I hadn't been healed of diabetes. Little did I know at the time, I was already in that hell in the here and now.

I tried to read the bible but it did nothing more then scare me farther in too my unforgivable demise of never ending torture for what I had done. I came to your site and started reading some of your articles based on the scriptures. I had disagreement and argument on what I was reading due to my teachings from my youth till now. But as you guys prove and use the scriptures it is becoming more clear to me and I apologize for any argument that I brought your way. I see what king David was saying when he said to God in the Scriptures, even when I'm in my lowest hell, you will be there.

After reading many articles from your site, this is by far the greatest news as given in the Holy word of God and like none I have ever heard before. Yes, I do realize that I am going to be disciplined by God the Father for my error. No where does it allow anyone in God's word to go unpunished for wrong they had done atleast not that I've read. No I'm not looking forward to the pain of be chastised but yet I am at the same time. No different I guess then when I received discipline from my earthy father. I didnt enjoy it at that precise moment it was happening but I came out loving him for it on the other side.

So now I see so much more clearly as to what the lake of fire is, thanks to God the Father, through your site, if anyone is afraid to go into the lake of fire but has to be cast in, (symbolically speaking here) let me dive in head first. Clense me in your precious blood o Lord! I do thank God for your site. Most all others are dooming everyone to a place of torment just as I was taught and also teaching my own kids. How we are such hypocrites. God will restore all people to Him if even by through the lake of fire. Just wanted to share. You both take care.


Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Hi Del,

Those who speak against the Holy Spirit aren't forgiven, as they speak thus. All true. Two points to be made here:

Note that people will be able to sin in the world to come. That's a given, seeing there are, for example, evil spirits, yet some people have the impression that when they leave this world, many of the elements disappear, like sinning. This isn't so.

The second point is that people will not “forever” blaspheme against the Spirit. When their blasphemy ceases, by God's grace as with any other sin or sinners, then forgiveness comes.

We assume that once the wicked deed has been committed, there's an irreversible doom. Not so. For evidence to support what I say, consider that Saul of Tarsus not only blasphemed but also caused some of the believers to blaspheme. Yet, wasn't he forgiven and redeemed?

As for the perdition of the ungodly, there are those who are given over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, because of blasphemy or other grievous offenses:

“Among these are Hymeneus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan so that they may learn not to blaspheme” (1 Timothy 1:20 MKJV).

1 Corinthians 5:3-5 MKJV
(3) For as being absent in body but present in spirit, I indeed have judged already as though I were present concerning him who worked out this thing;
(4) in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, with my spirit; also, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ;
(5) to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Are these offenders not sons of perdition - those who learned, and should have known, better? And note that they are to learn from the judgment on them, which means sin and damnation comes to an end, whether in this world or the next. Learning is never for nothing but change of nature, status and circumstances, and godly learning is for betterment, always. How else can their spirits be saved?

But those who have defied the Lord in a serious manner so as to crucify the Lord afresh will NOT be restored in this life or world. Their redemption will have to wait for the next world. So, yes, for this life or world, it's impossible to restore them to repentance.
It IS better to not have heard than to have heard and disobeyed, assuredly so, because now you have the guilt added to your sin and the regret that you ought to have listened. As well, your punishment is greater because you weren't acting out of ignorance:

“And that servant who knew his lord's will and did not prepare, nor did according to His will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he not knowing, and doing things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For to whomever much is given, of him much shall be required. And to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more” (Luke 12:47-48 MKJV).

However, it doesn't mean you're forever, time-without-end, damned. Nor is there a “second chance,” as some put it. It's not a matter of chance at all. God will do what He must do when the time comes.

As for sin unto death, the second death takes care of that. Death and hell are thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death. The second death is the death of the first death. Christ has overcome both sin and death, hasn't He? So in the end, in the ages of ages, He will reconcile all things to Himself, even as the Scriptures declare.

When you've learned the grievousness of sin and are repentant of it, you'll be restored. We must all learn that sin doesn't pay, but must we learn with no gain or ultimate good purpose? What then would be the point of learning? What kind of God do men blasphemously teach we serve, anyway?

No, He's wiser than that, all His ways are with loving purpose and He will succeed because He can't fail; everything He does is good. No creature of His can ultimately thwart His purposes, nor are there any powers apart from Him mightier than He. When the Son laid down His life for us, He succeeded and declared, “It's done.” He knew He had conquered, which only He could and He, being the Sinless Son of God, could do no differently. It wasn't in His Nature to fail, only to succeed.

The word tells us that he who saves his own life shall lose it. Isn't the second death referring to just that, death? One being put out of his or her own misery?

He who sins will die. All men have sinned and all men have died because of sin. He who saves his life will lose it and when he comes to receive grace to surrender himself to God, he will rise from the dead and come out of hell to the Light of all men - he will have his life back or anew. He will have been “put out of misery,” as you put it, but not out of existence. The “putting out” isn't a negative, but a positive, event.

I've now told you what the second death is all about. Read The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death, but in order to answer all your questions and more, read the entire section, The Restitution of All Things.

“...Paul wrote of by saying, let us not be like those who have no hope.

Paul was speaking of those who are without hope - unbelievers. Didn't he also speak of those believers who were once without hope? How then could that absence of hope be, as you seem to suggest, time-without-end forever?

Ephesians 2:11-13 MKJV
(11) Therefore remember that you, the nations, in time past were in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;
(12) and that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.
(13) But now in Christ Jesus you who were once afar off are made near by the blood of Christ.

The twice dead are those who were born again and through rebellion, came to be spiritually dead once again; however, in the fulness of times, the Lord will overcome. He already has. (I'm not saying you're twice dead - I'm not convinced you are, or you wouldn't care to be enquiring.)

Can you tell me He has overcome, having died for all, if someone is still in sin and death and hell?

Can you tell me death and hell will always exist when He has come to destroy the works of the Devil and to overcome even that last enemy, death?

Can you tell me that man's will and sin is greater than His power and grace?

Can you tell me annihilation is victory? What kind of victory? According to that doctrine, He has to scrap multitudes whom He was making in His own image because He failed. Because what - the clay wouldn't let the Potter do as He pleased?

“No, but, O man, who are you who replies against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him who formed it, Why have you made me this way? Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel to honor and another to dishonor” (Romans 9:20-21 MKJV).

After all, is the Almighty Conqueror a loser after all? Not likely! That is such foolish, foolish thinking, but then, sin does make fools of men, perfectly so.

Read the Diabolical Doctrine, The Wicked Are Annihilated.

Romans 5:17-21 MKJV
(17) For if by one man's offense death reigned by one, much more they who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ.)
(18) Therefore as by one offense sentence came on all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came to all men to justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous.
(20) But the Law entered so that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound,
(21) so that as sin has reigned to death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Del, you've been reading and understanding through the filter of falsehood of the harlot church. There's only one answer for that problem, and that is to soak yourself in the Truth, the Antidote of falsehood. All I've written you is in The Restitution of All Things. Read it all and read it again. The Truth will make you free...and when the Son of Man makes you free, you'll be free indeed.

If you want our correspondence we send out almost daily or if you wish to join our Forum where you can post and receive input, or our Sabbath meetings on Saturdays at 12 Noon, MST, let us know. Many gather to comment, share, and have their questions answered.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del, Paul here.

I see you sent us your second recent email shortly after receiving Victor's reply to your first one. In this new letter you refer to things brought up in past correspondence. But you hadn't let us know of our previous correspondence in your first recent letter (we write to many people, and I see your original emails were sent from another address).

Have you ever gone back to read over what we wrote to you originally? You didn't believe what we said to you at the time. You were stuck on believing lies, which you can't simply blame on being taught bad doctrine, because we only insist on believing lies about God and ourselves when corrupt and unrepentant.

Here's the former correspondence, starting with your initial email:


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Help in understanding.
From: Del
To: The Path of Truth
Date: 2/12/2015 8:37 PM

I see you believe in the restoration of all things according to what I've read on your site.

Ok my question is about the bible speaks of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and that it would not be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Now weather you believe this or not, I recently was actually called to be part of the elect. Yeah kinda blew me out of the water too. Especially since I know of all the wrong I've done in my life, in which I'd never tell anyone.

So anyway God gave me a calling which involved living my wife and son to go and preach the word to the lost in a large city about an hour from me. I wrestled hard with this with God, wondering what would happen to my wife and son had I left. He told me just to take what I had on, leave my wallet and cell phone behind. He told me that He would make everything work out. Well this was two days before Christmas eve. I'm a very traditional (worldy) guy and wanted to spend the holidays with my family.

Well to make a long story short, I disobeyed God. The whole two days I was a basket case. I tried to use scriptures to say to use marriage for means not to go. Anyway the morning of Christmas eve I had fallen asleep on the couch. When I opened my eyes I seen a small ring of fire leave me. I know it was the Spirit of God leaving me. The love and compassion I had before the Spirit left me was like no other. People of all races and no matter their financial status didn't matter. I loved them all, they are in fact God's people.

I didn't realize that what I was doing by disobedience was going to quench the Spirit. I got to far ahead of Christ in my own ignorance. I asked Him for something I didn't realize how dumb I was till after this occurred. I had ask Him if me and my wife and son could sit with Him after He came back for us. I actually felt the water of life springing up from my stomach. I was raised strict pentecostal all my life. Though I knew I didn't really understand all the tongues and never did it, I was taught that making fun of those doing it was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I started asking God to tear down walls of false teachings and build me up with His righteousness. This is where I really began to see God opening up doors and allowing me to see things I never had before. It was amazing. Don't get me wrong here, I still had a long way to go in learning but my walk was short lived due to this disobedience.

After my disobedience, I became a nut case. I thought there was no hope for me. I begged God to forgive me and still to this day I feel like my prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing right back at me. I ended up trying to kill myself (which is way out of my character.) I ended up in a mental hospital for 3 days. My teachings was that I was going to burn in hell forever and ever more for the thing I did wrong.

I never asked God while my communication was so strong and open with Him if he'll was a place of eternal torture, it just didn't cross my mind cause I thought it was so secure in Him at that moment in time. I'm still scared to death. The word says that for those who have been enlightened and been partakers of the Holy Spirit and then turn away that it would be impossible to renew them again seems how they crucify the son of God again and put Him to an open shame. Hebrews chapter 6 I believe.

It also says in Hebrews 10:26-29 KJV
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Now I didn't know I was committing this sin but evidently I was. I have asked God to please forgive me like I said but my open communication with Him isn't there. I'd rather just not exist anymore then burn forever. I've often thought to myself, if one of my kids did something terrible and against me, would I ever want to stick them in a hot oven and suppose they couldn't die but feel never ending pain? NO WAY! I would discipline them of course but not make them endure torturous pain forever nor would I kill them either.

I guess what I'm asking here is, is this sorer punishment that I'm obviously going to endure going to be to my death according to what you believe the word says or is it more of a Father discipline that will ultimately straighten me out and bring me home with my living God? I miss His awesome presence! There is nothing in this world like it. Wish I could go back and be obedient when He called on me. Thanks for you reply in advance. Hope this doesn't sound like I'm a crazy nut like some seem to think I am. Thanks for any help you can offer.


From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 9:04 AM
To: Del
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: Help in understanding.

Hi Del,

That wasn't the Lord telling you to go preach in the big city near you. He doesn't send out people who haven't been taught and prepared by Him. You say of yourself:

So anyway God gave me a calling which involved living [leaving?] my wife and son to go and preach the word to the lost in a large city about an hour from me. I wrestled hard with this with God, wondering what would happen to my wife and son had I left. He told me just to take what I had on, leave my wallet and cell phone behind. He told me that He would make everything work out. Well this was two days before Christmas eve. I'm a very traditional (worldy) guy and wanted to spend the holidays with my family.

God doesn't send out “worldly” guys. He sends out His ministers who aren't of this world. Jesus said of His disciples:

John 17:13-16 MKJV
(13) And now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world that they might have My joy fulfilled in them.
(14) I have given them Your Word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
(15) I do not pray for You to take them out of the world, but for You to keep them from the evil.
(16) They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Christmas is of this world, celebrating the birth of the anti-Christ. Did you know that? Read That Devilish Spirit of Christmas, all the way to the bottom and the associated links, if you need to hear more.

1 John 2:15-17 MKJV
(15) Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him,
(16) because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
(17) And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever.

The commandment and the particulars you heard were your imagination, Del, or a devil, likely the latter, which are prevalent in Pentecostal religious settings. Those are like virus hotbeds frequented by people with little or no immunity. That explains the great feelings and euphoric love, which like drugs, wears off and leaves you much worse off than before you imbibed. What you're looking for now isn't God, but to get your “high” back. You need repentance and the cleansing of His Word that comes when you start walking by faith in the truth.

You also wrote:

Now weather you believe this or not, I recently was actually called to be part of the elect. Yeah kinda blew me out of the water too. Especially since I know of all the wrong I've done in my life, in which I'd never tell anyone.

If that was a calling of God, you would have experienced repentance and sanctification, two things absent in your testimony here (not just in word, but in spirit and substance).

And God isn't the tormenting, petulant tyrant described by your fears. Far, far from it. Consider Jonah, and how God dealt with him in his refusal to obey. Did He not show mercy and talk to Jonah about what was happening? But as I said, God hasn't been in this matter of yours. It's been devils playing with you. You've been raised and immersed in false religion with its many Diabolical Doctrines, adding to your torment.

So no, Del, you didn't blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, except perhaps in an unknowing, unconscious way by your nature, which has yet to be changed. And blasphemers can be forgiven, as with Saul of Tarsus, a self-confessed former blasphemer who also caused others to blaspheme.

I'll copy something here we wrote to someone else on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. As you've been immersed in falsehood, now you need to be immersed in the truth. The Lord has brought you here because He is here, speaking the truth you need to hear and believe.

We begin with a letter from Jeff:

I have read about how the church teaches about hell and lake of fire and so on. How does blasphemy of the Holy Spirit come into play? If all will be cleansed with the fire of God in this world or the next what about those guilty of that sin? Will those people be reunited with God after the lake of fire or will they annihilate? Maybe you or Paul could do a lesson on what that is for today b/c I only know from knowledge not wisdom. Some say its not even possible to commit that sin today but only Jesus' time.


Hi Jeff, Paul here. You ask about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Here's something from our site (God: All Knowing AND All Doing), in answer to your question in the given context. We're replying to someone who brought up the notion of there never being forgiveness for those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, thinking that was a valid objection to the ultimate reconciliation of all men.

Victor: If you think there is never but never forgiveness for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, let me ask you this: Do you not believe that Saul of Tarsus was blaspheming and even causing others to blaspheme? Here is his testimony:

“And I punished them often in every synagogue; I compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly furious against them, I persecuted them even to the outside cities” (Acts 26:11 MKJV).

He called himself the “chief of sinners.” How could he truthfully call himself such if he had not committed the chiefest of sins?

[Added comment: And we know that the Lord turned Paul, even making him an example of how He came into the world to save sinners!]

Paul: Using the Young's Literal Translation, you will see that the words translated in the King James and elsewhere as “eternal damnation” mean something much different than what men commonly suppose they mean.

“Verily I say to you, that all the sins shall be forgiven to the sons of men, and evil speakings with which they might speak evil, but whoever may speak evil in regard to the Holy Spirit has not forgiveness--to the age, but is in danger of age-during judgment” (Mark 3:28-29 YLT).

If a man speaks against me, I may forgive him. If a man speaks against the work of the Holy Spirit in or through me, I cannot forgive him. That man is blaspheming against God, and only “age-during judgment” can deal with that.

It was this kind of judgment that the Lord spoke of to the Pharisees, who also blasphemed the Holy Spirit:

“Serpents! Brood of vipers! How may you escape from the judgment of the Gehenna?” (Matthew 23:33 YLT).

In other words, they couldn't escape. They couldn't be reconciled presently to God as were others, like the tax collectors and whores who confessed their sins, of whom the Lord said to the blaspheming religious:

“Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and the harlots go into the Kingdom of God before you” (Matthew 21:31 MKJV).

Those whom the blasphemers disdained would enter before them. That means they (the blasphemers) would enter later. How so? They would be judged in Gehenna by fire, as all men are (Mark 9:49). They would suffer the full fruits of their ways, to the end that they might be corrected (God's holy essence and intent of judgment), not tormented or destroyed without hope (man's unholy and vindictive essence and intent of his judgment). While they couldn't be forgiven then and there, the Lord also specifically and categorically forgave them, these same who crucified Him, on the cross:

“And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do” (Luke 23:34 YLT).

What you're saying is that men can choose to accept or reject His forgiveness. What we're showing you in the writings and from many Scriptures, is that no one can resist His will. If He determines that all should come to repentance, entering into the forgiveness He has made good by His blood shed for us, then so it will happen.

We are giving God His due glory, whereas you, though you don't know or recognize it, are giving men the glory. If it is up to men to “accept” Jesus Christ as the Son of God, then men have the glory, having somewhat whereof to boast, as you do. If it is up to God to turn a sinner to Himself, then God has the glory. It's that simple.

You bring up the verses in Revelation 16, where men blasphemed God when He brought plagues on them, as if to say that eternal torment is the end condition of these men. Who says that is so? It doesn't say it there. You're reading things into it, using your doctrine to interpret the Bible. Remember; let the Bible form your doctrine rather than the other way around. It also says this in Revelation, after the 144,000 are sealed by God:

“After this I looked, and a vast host appeared, which it was impossible for anyone to count, gathered out of every nation and from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in long white robes, and carrying palm-branches in their hands. In loud voices they were exclaiming, It is to our God Who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, that we owe our salvation!” (Revelation 7:9-10 WNT).

Not to their decision, but to His grace and mercy. Yes, Mike, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God! [End of Article]

Continuing on the matter in a letter to a believer:

Terri, another thing struck me in considering your question: We have seen many people blaspheming the Holy Spirit, particularly in the last several years of our ministry, but never have any of those people been conscious of their sin, confessing it or asking for forgiveness. Not one. Why? Because they have been blinded and sealed for judgment by God, until their time and sentence is accomplished.

We haven't been able to pray or to ask forgiveness for any of such, like we did with you, for example, when you came confessing your sins. They are in “unrepentance,” as Victor has pointed out.

But notice that we do write and have things to say to these blasphemers, and not simply words of condemnation as we are unjustly accused. We have reasoned with them, given them Scriptures, and have plainly, patiently, and repeatedly laid out God's case against them in their sins. Why would He give us these things to say if there was no hope for them, forever and ever, time without end? What would be the point? As Paul said:

“If, in the manner of men, I fought with beasts at Ephesus, what is the benefit to me? If the dead are not raised, 'Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!'” (1 Corinthians 15:32 EMTV).

No, we're given by God the power to speak to the beasts with holy purpose, to seal their judgment with the Truth, which is also the Seed of future redemption and resurrection unto life.

Paul [End]

Here's another response from Victor to an email asking about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit:

Hi Victor,

I recently came across your web site and have found myself drawn back to it time and again. I have read many of the teachings so far with great interest. I have many questions I would like to ask you. Let me start with one concerning ultimate reconciliation. You have laid out a very convincing argument, and I want to believe it is so. However, there is one passage of scripture which I find particularly troubling concerning this matter:

Mat 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
Mat 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Also, what is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? And why is there no forgiveness for it? This is something I have never clearly understood.

Thank you for time and consideration.



Victor replied:

Hi Craig,

There's no doubt Christ died for all and not just a few. There's no doubt that when He sets out to do something, He, being God, can't fail. There's no doubt that in the fullness of times, we will all see and experience the fruits of His doings.

Concerning your question on Matthew 12:31-32, the passage isn't a difficult one to understand, provided we make no assumptions based on preconceived notions. I just wrote this to another:

“Not believing the Lord and what He has told you edges toward that sin called “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” Its essence is unbelief. In unbelief, we can never be forgiven, whether in this world/age or the one to come. [Without faith, the Scripture says, it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6)].

“Unbelief is unbelief and it avails nothing anywhere. Indeed, concerning the Kingdom of God, it stops you cold. And if you deliberately decide to not believe Him, it becomes that sin, the unpardonable one, that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

“But contrary to popular opinion in nominal Christian circles, one can repent of this sin [by God's grace]. Repenting, that one will be forgiven. It isn't as though one can never cease that sin or never be forgiven for it.”

Craig, deliberate unbelief is the essence of sin. Choosing sin, there is no forgiveness, nor can there ever be, whether here or hereafter. It is essentially calling God a liar, the opposite of What or Who He is - Truth. When the religious called Jesus' works satanic, they were attributing His good works to evil-doers, calling Him a deceiver and refusing to honor Him for Who He is.

But is there no hope for blasphemers? You'll recall that Paul the apostle caused people to blaspheme:

“And I punished them often in every synagogue; I compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly furious against them, I persecuted them even to the outside cities” (Acts 26:11 MKJV).

Paul confessed to being a blasphemer himself:

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, Who strengthened me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry-- the one who before was a blasphemer and a persecutor and insolent. But I obtained mercy, because being ignorant, I did it in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love in Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 1:12-14 MKJV).

Paul wasn't just blaspheming against Christians, but also against the One Who dwelt in them, which was what made them saints (Christians). As Jesus asked Saul on the Damascus road, “Why do you persecute Me?” (Acts 9:4). Jesus IS the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28). If persecuting Him isn't blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, what is? Read also The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ Is God.

If Paul was blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, against the Spirit of Christ, it is obvious there is forgiveness for that sin, seeing he was forgiven. Therefore, it isn't as though the sin continues forever and ever. If that were so, we would have to say that man's unbelief is greater than God's grace and power to overcome it.

Romans 5:17-21 MKJV
(17) For if by one man's offense death reigned by one, much more they who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ.)
(18) Therefore as by one offense sentence came on all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came to all men to justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous.
(20) But the Law entered so that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound,
(21) so that as sin has reigned to death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Craig, if God can't overcome the gravest of sins, He isn't omnipotent, and none of us has any hope of redemption. Therefore, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not that omnipotent sin that God is powerless to overcome. His grace is greater. Yes, it is the unforgivable sin, but then, God removes or overcomes it so that blasphemers can be forgiven and redeemed.

Remember, nothing is forever but the Lord Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega. [END]

Does this help, Del? Set yourself to believing the Word of God. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17 EMTV). Let us hear back from you.


From: Del
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1:28 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Re: Help in understanding.

I guess I didn't back far enough in my letter earlier to you. I have in fact repented for forgiveness of my sins. It happened when I was on the couch here at home. I was the only one here and I felt the Lord convicting me. I cried out to Him and I received His mercy and grace. This was about a year ago before this situation I wrote you about.

Jesus says plainly that unless one leaves mother, father, house land, etc. you can not be my disciple. When I had said I was a worldy due to tradition of Christmas, I was referring to this being along with my wife and son (part of the worldy things I chose) is what caused my failure to go.

Remember when one of Christ followers ask Jesus if he could go back and bid his family farwell, and Christ told him that anyone having put his hand to the plow and looking back was not fit for the kingdom of God? Is this not biblical? The word also says that anyone who doesn't prepare himself would be cast out. I didn't prepare. No different then the 10 virgins. 5 being wise with enough oil to keep their lamps burning (I believe this is the light of the Holy Spirit representing the lamps) 5 also being foolish allowed their lamps to go out due to not bringing enough oil to keep their lamps burning bright.

I know that I know that I know that God started a Holy Spirit fire within me. But due to not being able to listen as a sheep should. I was more like the goat who wanted to do what I wanted to do. Since the Spirit of Grace has left me, I have lived nothing but hell on earth since, due to nothing but my own neglect and disobedience. I guess my biggest interest in your website was to find out if there is still a possible way to be with God in the end.

I know beyond all shadow of doubt that this was God calling me to go to Indy. Maybe as a test to see if I would go. Would he have then turned me back towards home and allowed me to continue on with my family? I am not sure.

My biggest question now is I have repented desperately to Him for not heeding His call. Will He have mercy on me for my short coming. I seen a ring of fire leave me after I disobeyed Him. Things feel apart after that. Now being taught everlasting hell fire from the time I was young I never really asked God much about this area. Now I believe that a torture chamber would be way out of God's character. So now I'm torn between annilation or restoration of all men. I see how both have good arguments through scriptures.

Forgot to write too that when I said about elect of discipleship, I guess the better way to put it was I was given the chance to be part of it. Many are called but few are chosen. No one can make me doubt that this was God. I heard Him strong in both my heart and conscience. Like I said my main interest was to look into final judgment of men and outcomes. Thanks.


From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 7:39 AM
To: Del
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re[3]: Help in understanding.

Jesus says plainly that unless one leaves mother, father, house land, etc. you can not be my disciple.

Exactly the point in my letter, Del. You weren't even a disciple yet, however you claim the Lord was sending you off to preach. Where do you ever find that happening in the Bible?

To top it off, when you're found unwilling and unable to leave your family and preach, you say the Lord ditched you, leaving you in torment without correction, communication, or understanding. What kind of rational, loving and merciful God is that?

You describe a wicked, unreasonable and heartless tyrant - a devil, no less. You say you've repented “desperately,” but you're not sure if your god will show mercy. If that's the god you want and demand to have, what else is there that we can say or do for you? It certainly isn't the All-wise, Powerful God of Love we've known and served intimately for many years now, not at all.

We don't doubt the reality or your consequent conviction of your spiritual experience, not at all. But as real and convincing as it was, your experience has nothing at all to do with the God of the Bible. Satan comes as an angel of light to steal, kill and destroy. That's what happened.

Paul & Victor

From: Del
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:06 AM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: RE: Re[3]: Help in understanding.

Thank you again Paul for your reply. I would like to point out that I was most definitely in need of teachers as well. Being around the everyday ministers that we see within the churches, after seeing most of those teachings do not line up with scriptures. I believe that God was going to bring me in contact with those who are in the true faith of the word. When we are raised to believe a certain way, it is hard to break the habit so to speak.

As we read in the bible we notice that those who are true disciples, or the first fruits, they never lived within the system. In other words they didn't have jobs that consisted of the normal 9 to 5. They left their life they had and trusted solely on God above to provide. I believe this is still true today. Those who are of the first fruits in discipleship are out there living amongst us that we aren't even aware of. Take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. They don't have bank accounts and monthly bills. Like I said they rely solely on God above to provide for their everyday needs. These are the ones who will be allowed to reign 1000 years with Christ because they not only believed but they gave up everything.

My dispare didn't take place till after I didn't head the call. The word says that those who turn back to their own ways and rely on the cares of this world, God would sear their conscience with a hot iron. This is what happened after wards. Paul said in the word not to quench the Spirit. This is exactly what I did. Let us not be like those who draw back to perdition. Is this not what he said? He never said that once the Spirit was quenched that it would be able to be started up again in this life. The word says if we do such a thing then we have a certain fearful look of fiery judgment of indignation. Is this not correct?

I know or at least I knew what it was to see and feel how God above sees His wonderful creation of people. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, long suffering, self control. This was what I felt before I had quenched the Spirit. Yes the flesh still wants to act out but with the Spirit it becomes way more manageable. Christ and all the disciples treated all people with love, regardless of their sinful nature. The corinthians had many many problems in their day, much like we see in our American churches today, yet he tried to teach and correct them with the utmost love. Love that can only come from a loving God above.

Christ became angry and upset with the Pharisees because of their self righteousness. We see this so much in our churches today. Even though I knew these pastors are way off base, only through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit reveling things to me, I still had a great deal of love for them anyway. I was trying to share the word of God at my work place and not seeing much result. I asked God way this was. It is a dry place. I was seeking to help souls in a dry place and when I was told to go to Indy, (and yes I think your right about not being prepared and also was in need of teaching and I believe God would have brought it all together had I listened) then I would have see results of souls being won to Christ.

Did God not choose the poor of this world? If someone gives up all they have for the cause of Christ then they become poor in the eyes of the world we live in but rich beyond all measure with God above. The devil uses counterfeits such as bring one to use sex, alcohol, etc. or anything else to cause us to sin. No where do I see 8 the bible where satan tells anyone to go try and reach the lost and tell them about Christ. Now he might tell them to teach believers that they can engage in any sinful conduct and still be ok with God. I most certainly see him doing that. But I'm sure the last thing satan wants is to see anyone saved to begin with.

As a matter of fact the 1st example of the parable of the sower shows that satan doesn't want a person to even believe in the 1st place. The stoney ground are those described as those that satan came so they couldn't be saved to even start out with. Satan would never fill a person with such a love and joy I had before this fall but after the fall he used it all against me.

God opens doors one at a time. Ask it it shall be opened, seek and you will find. If we aren't asking then we won't see. Being raised as I said to believe in eternal hell fire and it's teaching wasn't something I had ask God to open an sewers too so after my disobedience, satan used it completely against me, telling me I was eternally damned. It was after that I became oppressed not before. The joy that I had up to that point was as the word says, unspeakable. I believe that with every part of my being that this was from God above.

As I stated before, I only hope that He will have much mercy on me for me allowing my own ignorance to get in my way of His righteousness and truth. That inner peace and joy that He had instilled in me is nothing like it was. Yet I still do not want to go back to the old way of living that He has brought me out of. I have suffered much loss but I'm in hope that I can still spend my eternity with Him in a sin free world that is yet to come. I wasn't careful enough to listen and build wisely on the foundation of Christ but rather unwisely.

Paul I do really appreciate all the time you have taken out of your own time to write back to me. That really means a lot to me and is never taken lightly. May God bless you and Victor beyond all understanding and measure. Thank you. [END OF PREVIOUS CORRESPONDENCE]

We didn't reply to this last letter because we saw you didn't believe us and there was nothing further to say. Now it appears your ears may be opening to listen to what the Lord has been saying through us. Can you see how He is showing you mercy and granting you grace?

Do read over these letters again, along with all the embedded links, setting aside your own understanding and looking to His. Keep reading on the site, and, if you will, take advantage of those things Victor outlined for you. Seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness in Christ.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Sorry about the confusion on the two different emails. My email app is set up with mine and my sons and I wasn't aware that it was set on my sons at the time. My error. So again I apologize.

I have spent so much time looking for answers from many different websites and finding that most throw me into the devilish hell I was raised in. After coming to your site, I have to admit I was mostly in disagreement as I started to first look into it. It went against everything I had been taught. But like I said in previous emails, things God was slowly revealing was showing me otherwise. I continued on reading your articles and have since stayed away from all others that damn souls to a never ending punishment without end. They will be glad to find out there is no such place because many who claim to preach the truth would end up finding themselves there as well as the others they condemn to it.

Please try to keep in mind that I am sort of a hard headed man. Being taught and raised to believe a certain way is such a hard thing to wad it all up and throw it in the trash. It is taking me some time. Christ said to strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many will try but few will be able. He didn't say, as I was taught to believe, that its is the only way he would reconcile someone to himself. I no longer attend the church I was because ive been filled with enough ways of the pharisee doctrine.

I may need to go on to further correction as I believe that we are nearing God's judgement. I believe that the last trumpet to come is closer then we think. I think, correct me if im wrong here but I have wondered if the fifth trumpet was when Saddam light all the oil wells and the skys turned dark and many people were stricken by a lung disease but it didnt kill them. Many believe the bottomless pit written of in revelations was referring to hell, the one of eternal punishment thats preached.

Also while its fresh on my mind, id like for you to help me understand who these people are that are deceived by satan again after he is released again for a short time after the thousand years. And when someone dies, weather wicked or saved, according to what I see in the bible, they are not alive any longer. And the dead lived not again for a thousand years. So as to what I read, they are now unaware of anything but in an unconscious state. Is this correct? The bible does say that Christ preached to those in prison while is fleshy body was still in the tomb. Any information or links you might have on your site are greatly appreciated.

Again sorry for the error of the two different emails. I honestly wasn't trying to throw you curve ball. Im taking it in slowly so please try and be patient with me. Your replys are very much appreciated and I truly look forward to them. Much learning and understanding is needed on my part to tear down walls. Take care you guys.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello again Paul and Victor.

In re-reading my very first email to you and talking about Christmas and being a wordly person, that was in fact my point. It is what stopped me in my tracks and caused me to be cut off from Christ.

As far as preaching the word, you are VERY correct as to which I knew little to the Scriptures as I thought I did. My emails are short and lacking in much detail as to all that went on during my cry out to the Lord. I know you said in a previous email that you didn't think I was twice dead, and I hope you are correct in saying so. But didn't Judas himself see what he had done after that which he did? Didn't king Saul realize that he could no longer hear God's voice? Did not the five foolish virgins in Jesus parable weep and gnash their teeth after they realized they didnt come prepared. I believe to be as the one who falls into the third category of the parable of Jesus, of the sower. I recieved it with much joy but when the trials of the world came upon me, I was overcome.

Christmas this past year didn't have its appeal as it had in the years before. As my wife and I were buying Christmas gifts for my son, it just didn't seem to hold it's excitement. As I was going to church on Sundays, still not aware that was false doctrine, I knew something wasn't write in most the churches including mine. I was given revelation by way of the Scriptures of different things that I had been taught differently. Examples are, the rapture of the church, false doctrine. Christ was speaking to those who believed that they should flee when they see the abomination of desolation and they would kill them. Why would they need to flee if God was going to zap them out before it all took place?

Another was the speaking in tongues as taught in pentecostalism as I was raised. Paul said that is was a sign to those who don't believe and that it should edify others. Ive grown up in a church where 5 to however many were running around the church, speaking some gibberish that was edifying no one, themselves included. They think it outs them in a more powerful relationship with God because they do so. Its more of a pat on the back to themselves and say look at me, I speak in tongues. Many of these people are the ones who, after the service is over, talk about others spitefully. If thats what speaking in tongues is all about then I don't want it. No thanks.

Another thing that God revealed to my by way of Scripture was that women are not to preach. I see it in corinthians and I believe also in Timothy. As I tried to tell others what the Gospel of Jesus Christ plainly teaches, I would hear things such as, "oh that was meant for the corinthians because their women were busy bodies and what not. Oh really? The word takes it all the way back to the fall of man so how could that only apply to those in corinthians? I wasn't buying it any more. God designed it to be that way and it applies yet still today as it did then.

My wife would get frustrated at me along with others, telling me that many people interpret the bible in many different ways. She would say, "You think your right about everything and everyone else is wrong". I told her it wasn't me that was right but God who is right and we aren't listening. No one under God's anointing should interpret the word any different then someone else who is truly anointed by Him. As this continued, I seen most if not all that I know were not really professing the one true Christ they said they was.

Here in America, we are taught in most all of the churches, that if your sick in body come to the throne of grace and receive your healing while doing whatever you want on your days of the week. No where is any one teaching, such as the quote from Kennedy, Ask not what God can do for you but what can we do for God.

Now as far as my circumstance, I believe my call from God was to send my where true believers were. Yes I wanted to tell others what Christ had done for me, what new born believer doesn't, as i stated in my email. I was to take nothing as I said. Not even my car to get there. I asked Him about my diabetes and insulin pump, my addiction to cigarettes, what about my wife and son at home, I asked? He told me that all of these things would be taken care of. He chastened me for two days and warned me that I needed to go. Two days later, through my disobedience, my light went out. The love, joy, peace and my heart of flesh that He gave me was gone. I knew immediately what I had done and how I put others before Him. I became as I said, suicidal. Did Judas himself become this way?

I wanted to hide myself from Him because such a love he showed toward me, I snuffed it out through disobedience. Now being in darkness again I went back to thinking hell of eternal torture was abiding on me. God helped me to see just a small part of the tip of the iceberg into false doctrines. So by not heeding to His call I didn't go on to further doors to open for me. I was back in darkness again. Just as the five virgins in the parable weeped and gnashed teeth, so was I. Still do. I lost my salt. I can no longer tell others how to believe in Jesus and seek Him and His righteousness without the salt to season others with.

I did continue searching the Scriptures and websites to see if there might still be hope somehow for me to be forgiven. Then I found yours. Even though I still believe I am a vessel of dishonor, I have only through your teachings come to believe my creator still loves me and that He has not forgotten me. Angry at me? Yes. Going to send me to some gruesome devilish hell of torture and torment? No. I have become similar to the tax collector who went to pray, who couldn't even lift his eyes to heaven, and said Father, please have mercy on me, a sinner. I disobeyed my Father.

I continue to read many of your articles and yet through my disobedience have yet to still find hope in Him. I hope this helps to give a more detailed explanation of what my first email was trying to say. There is even more to it but it would take much time to go on into every detail. Now as I go on from this area in life I have a further hope because of going to your website. Your teachings are hard to deny as you have used the scripture to show it true. It gives me a new hope that all those I love, regardless of how far off base they are, are still in the fullness of God the Father, will bring us all into His awesome presence. I believe its better to known where one stands with God, then to believe they know and teach others incorrectly. Rather then me trying to justify myself and tell others and teach " oh its ok, God's got you covered" its far better to accept that God needs to further discipline me in only the loving way a true Father can.

Even though I am still in my sins, your website has helped me tremendously. No I don't think its ok to go back to the old me, who was into some of the most sickest pornography as I was. Brining it into my very own bedroom to whom I call my wife and defiling her as well. I am still so ashamed of many things. I remeber after receiving Christ, how I cried to her and apologized with such remorse as to do such a thing to her. She said she was just as guilty as I. But I told her, no, I am the husband and therefore suppose to be the one leading us away by way of Christ from such things. I weeped bitterly in repentance. This is where I layed on the my side of the bed and felt the living water flow inside. I still say to this day, " Oh Father, what have I done". It is difficult to write this email even now as tears still run down my face for for not listening to my heavenly Father. Please have mecy on me.


Paul & Victor

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul & Victor »

Hi Del,

No problem on the use of different email addresses. We know you weren't being evasive. As you come away from obsessively focusing on yourself and look more and more to the Lord, you'll become aware of your true responsibility towards others. He summed it up like so:

Matthew 22:37-40 MKJV
(37) Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
(38) This is the first and great commandment.
(39) And the second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
(40) On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.

Victor wrote the letter below in reply to your email of September 8th. We have now received your email of September 11th, to which his words also apply.

The Lord forgives you for your sins. Now turn from them and your unbelief about His faithfulness; learn His ways and walk in them by faith, which is profitable for you and pleasing to Him.


Hi Del,

I'm thankful you're being edified by our work in the Lord. I'll briefly summarize what you and we need to do, at least for the moment, but first a little tidbit. You write:

The bible does say that Christ preached to those in prison while is fleshy body was still in the tomb.

Not true; the Bible does not say that, nor did it happen. I believe you're referring to the following passage?

1 Peter 3:18-22 MKJV
(18) For Christ also once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, indeed being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit;
(19) in which also He went and preached to the spirits in prison,
(20) to disobeying ones, when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared (in which a few, that is, eight souls were saved through water);
(21) which figure now also saves us, baptism; not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ;
(22) who is at the right hand of God, having gone into Heaven, where the angels and authorities and powers are being subjected to Him.

Read again and see if I'm right or wrong.

As to your many questions, the essence of the walk of faith is NOT about knowledge or trying to figure out in the carnal mind those particular mysteries and prophecies. You'll gain zero ground with the Lord that way - take it from one who gave it a rather strenuous effort and failed miserably, wasting much time and energy.

The walk of faith is to gain the kind of knowledge that impacts the heart, the spirit, and from there, the rest of the being is transformed. That's what we're after, that's what God is after and it's what you need to be after so that you may come to know the Truth, Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, and be made free and grow to maturity in Him.

We ask you to read continuously and repeatedly at our site. Ask the Lord to guide you and give you what you truly need for your spiritual journey on earth. Some of your questions, perhaps all of them over time, will be answered as you search and study what God has given us to share with others - Bread from Heaven.

Here are some links to get you started, but by no means do we say these are where you must begin - good, but not necessarily a must. Let the Lord guide; trust Him.

The Cross - Only the Death Sentence Will Avail
The Good News
How One Is Saved
The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God
So You Want to Walk with Jesus
The Sons of Correction
What Is Faith?
The Wicked Are Annihilated
The Second Coming (Christ Is Returning in a Physical Body)



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello and thanks again for your reply yet again to my emails. I will most definitely read these links to which you sent. Some of I have already read but will read them again.

I would like to ask you for help with an area of Scripture that has always been difficult for me to understand. Hopefully you can help enlighten me with its true meaning. Before I go into this scripture, id like to say that I hope I'm not being a burden with so many questions and concerns as I have MANY.

Now the scripture that im referring to is where paul was talking to those who knew the law. He said the good that I will to do, I don't do and the evil that I will not to do, that I do. I may not be hitting it word for word as in the scripture but I am sure your aware of what im talking about in one of the books of Corinthians I believe. This can not mean that he continues in sin, as the word says, if we say that Christ died for our sins, do we continue there in, God forbid.

Also as you can see in all of my emails you will have to overlook my typos. I have spell check on and sometimes it is helpful while other times it corrects in the wrong meaning, and of course some are that of my own mistakes.

I have so many questions but realize you have many others that email you as well. I have to remind myself of that and try to be patient while waiting for your response before I send out one before it is replied to. You both have been most helpful.

You, by the word, have given me a new hope for all mankind as to the lake of fire and its true intention by God the Father. I have found a new joy through this, knowing that it is meant for good and not for a purpose of a never ending torture chamber or a place of total annihilation. I now tell my wife that by the way of fire, whether it be in this life time or by through the lake of fire, by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, every single person we have ever knew (or seen) will ultimately, in time be reconciled to God the Father, and we will all give praise and honor to Him. By far the best news I have ever heard.

So yes, I guess I can say that joy has been somewhat restored to me, by Him, through your teahings of the Scriptures. I will try to send one email out at a time and wait before I send another before I hear from you again. Thanks Victor and paul. I'm thankful that God can use the Internet to bring out His truth. I was starting to give up on looking at the Internet to seek truth of God. So so many are not of a truth. I wasn't getting much from our local churches either. I was about to give up. Thank God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, I found yours. Take care you two.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

In answer to your question about the things Paul is saying in Romans 7 about sinning, read Do Christians Sin?

Do familiarize yourself with our site's contents by reviewing the Sitemap. As you move your mouse over the titles, the summary for each article will pop up. Furthermore, you have at the bottom of every page the site search function, which allows you to search the site as you would the internet for various topics, Scriptures explained, and answers to your questions.

As Victor wrote to you before, what you need is to soak yourself in the Truth you'll find in the writings on our site in order to learn of the Lord. The Truth is also made available on our Forum (for which you've not signed up yet), in the emails we send to our mailing list (you've not asked for these), and at the Sabbath meetings we hold online every Saturday (you've not asked to join here, either).

Take advantage of these things, Del, and let the Lord direct you step by step. Accept the fact that you've learned many false doctrines (Diabolical Doctrines). Relax; let the indoctrination and dependence on doctrine go. Let the Lord teach you the things you need to walk in and live by, believing Him to be faithful. Believe Him.

“Do not be carried about with different and strange doctrines, for it is good for the heart to be established with grace, not with foods, in which those who have walked in them were not helped” (Hebrews 13:9 MKJV).



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Thanks again for all your replies to my email. Yes I would like to recieve your email news letters. Again let me add that due to my own disobedience, I do not hear from the Lord as I started to in the faith He had given me. You guys are my only light of direction as I try and move forward and wait for God to move in my spirit again. I hope that the scripture that says those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. I hope im not misinterpreting the word wait. Im sure the Lord knows exactly what He is doing in my particular situation as He does with every other person who has ever lived and breathed.

This doctrine that you have pointed out by way of Scripture has given me a new hope as I stated in a previous email. I believe it is of God and have seen it through your site. Please understand that im not walking in Christ to the point of yet being in His rest as I believe you are. So try to be patient with me, of course with rebuke when necessary, as im sure I need.

I have been reading many articles on the path of truth website and still learning. I still am unsure wither God will restore His Spirit to enlighten me in this lifetime or going forward to the next. I dont come to you in any thought of myself as one who has obtained perfection by His grace. Im still a smoker, have been since I was 14 years old. I am still yet of a carnal mind, having set myself back from my disobedience. I have no true elders that im aware of near me, that I can have pray with me. I have went and ask in the best way I know how, to the thrown of Grace, to forgive me of not walking forward with Christ.

I know you said in your previous email that God forgives me of my sin, and that may be true, but I still yet don't hear him within my conscious as before. Maybe this is why im at your site. Im sorry if you think I am overly obsessive on my self, but it seems I can't help to regret what I had done. The only thing I know to do is to keep visiting your site and learn so that when God returns His Spirit of Grace to me, I will be more equipped. Like I said, if it is in this lifetime or the next. Again yes please send me your news letters. I do much appreciate it.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Del, did you read the letter below we sent you this past Sunday, in my email? You haven't answered Victor about 1 Peter.

And please respond to both of us when replying.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello again Paul and Victor.

Sorry I didn't reply with an email to your response on 1st peter. I read it over a few times but still without much understanding. I'm not one who can understand meanings like you both do. I understand that trough faith, given to us by God the Father, by believing on the only begotten son, Jesus Christ, which is God given faith, that we can ask directly our prayers to the Father.

This was one of the Scriptures that seem to lift off the page while reading the Bible. Romans 8:15. Where we cry Abba, Father. Also where Jesus said, "I say not that I pray the Father for you, for He knows you loved. Also hebrew 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God.

These things while I was under the anointing of God stuck out off the page. I knew I could call upon God the Father. This is where I started hearing His voice within my conscience. Even while I asked Him a question, the answer was given to me before I could finish. He called me by name. My actual name is Delbert but I go by Del. He called me by the name I prefer, Del. I was amazed that God would even talk to me after the things I have done in life. This was so short a time because I did not listen to the command He called me to do.

I guess what made me email you m8re then anything, was because I seem to think I could possibly get an answer from God, through you guys. I have no clue where I stand. I could see a woman who dressed with the intention of attracting men, without having the flesh looking at her wrongfully as my walk with Christ became closer. Although I'm married and know its wrong to touch another woman, I still was doing wrong by taking a second glance before God renewed me, it was impossible before. The things of God became easier as I prayed to God for these things to leave me.

Guys im in darkness again. I don't know if God will restore me again in this lifetime. I can't crucify this flesh on my own. I didn't listen as God was trying to steer me away from false doctrines of man. I should have went as He asked but I didn't. Now I can't go back and undo the wrong I have done. He warned me but I didn't listen. You two was my only hope for thinking I may get an answer from God through you. You said He forgives me of my sin, but why don't I feel like He has forgiven me? Why haven't I been restored back in to His Grace? I can't fight this flesh without Him. It is absolutely impossible.

Jesus knew what was in the hearts of everyone He came in contact with, so I thought that maybe you following Him so closely, could give me an answer. Maybe I just have to keep waiting on Him. I continue to read much on your site every night. But as I stated before, I am reading in the carnal mind now and not under the Spirit of God. If anything good has come of it, is that I do believe you on the area of the reconciliation of all things.

When I disobeyed God and tried to take my life shortly afterwards and failed, I heard one thing in my conscience. I heard " I didn't bring it to completion". I still to this day don't know if it was from God or not. I heard strange music and chanting in my head after I didn't listen to God's calling. I tried to go to indy and make up for what I didn't do in the first place. I was being lead by a much different spirit. I found a church in Indianapolis that feed and housed the poor by way of Internet. They were open on Saturdays for church services. When I drove there, the doors were locked. Immediately the verse in the bible about the five virgins came into my thoughts. It was as if I heard laughter in my head, like I was being laughed at for not listening when I should have. The next few months was a living hell for me. Strange and unusual things happened to me. My cell phone rang in the middle of the night, waking me up. When I answered, there was a lady kn the phone that was speaking in an odd tone and her words couldn't be understood.

Coindicence? Maybe. But it didn't feel like it. Also when I was driving to go to Indianapolis, I was trying to quit smoking on my own but I had the urge to smoke but didn't take any cigarettes with me. A voice inside told me " its ok go a head and stop and get you a pack". I smoked the whole pack in half the time I would have normally. This isnt the voice I was heari g before. God told me that He would take care of my addiction to cigarettes away, that I was going to be delivered from my 26 year struggle with diabetes, that He was going to take care of my family, that He would tell my wife what I needed to do. The bad things happening to me that was torturing me started to subside slowly over time. The voices have stopped and strange things stopped happening to me.

Paul and Victor, I'm trying to be as open and honest with you as I can about past events. Everyone thought I had lost my mind as I told them all that I have told you. I most definitely was after I didn't listen to God's calling. I would always pray, Father, your will be done, but when I had been given this call to leave without nothing but the clothes on my back, I didn't do His will. You both say that you are hearing His voice and are His saints. I'm not denying that your aren't especially now since I seem to be walking around in darkness again. But I figured God might tell you what direction I need to go or if there is anything that can even be done in this lifetime we are in now. I'm clueless because I don't hear Him anymore. God knows my heart better then I know it myself.

One thing for sure has come out of this on the positive and that is I always like to believe there was a God but wasn't really sure. Now I know without a doubt that He is more real then I could have ever imagined. You had told me in an earlier email that what I heard wasn't from God, probably due to lack of detail in my first email, but there is NO doubt that this was from God. I seen how he loves all people. He gave me compassion for the drug users, the drunks, the poor, blacks, whites, Mexicans, all races of people no matter their life circumstances, the very same ones I said wss going to hell when tryi g to play church before. It was never a im better then anyone attitude like it was in the past. I knew that I more then them was not worthy to be in His presence. Tears of love for people streamed down my face like never before for mankind. It was awesome and powerful.

No, this was God, the maker of heaven, the stars, the earth and all that dwell in them. When the Spirit of Fod left me, it was as a ring of fire. My heart of flesh so full of joy became like an empty hollowed out spot in my chest. Maybe I shouldn't have even bothered either of you. I know that the bible says not to pray for one has has sinned the sin unto death. I dont want to put you or anyone else in a wrongful position with God above. My wife still continues to go to our local church that believes in ten percent tithes, speaking in tongues as taught by pentecostal belief. I tried to talk to an associate pastor there, which was encouraged by my wife. He told me that I need to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues. Hog wash! Another person from the church says that I just need to repent and ask God for forgiveness. Done that already a million times, crying out to the Father.

I will say that you both seem to come off in a harsh way sometimes when im not trying to be anything of a hindrance to either one of you. Im just seeking possible answers. I know that Christ, John Paul, and Stephen showed harshness to the hypocrites but seem to speak more mildly to those they were teaching. Maybe I have that wrong as well, I'm not sure of much anymore. Death seems like a blessing sometimes, so God above can eventually get me out of this corrupt flesh I'm in. Thank you both again for your replies. I just don't know if there is anything anyone can do for me at this point in life. Only God Himself came destroy this carnal man that I am. I'll be so glad when He does. I honestly hope God blesses you both and all that follow your teachings.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

You had told me in an earlier email that what I heard wasn't from God, probably due to lack of detail in my first email, but there is NO doubt that this was from God. I seen how he loves all people. He gave me compassion for the drug users, the drunks, the poor, blacks, whites, Mexicans, all races of people no matter their life circumstances, the very same ones I said wss going to hell when tryi g to play church before. It was never a im better then anyone attitude like it was in the past. I knew that I more then them was not worthy to be in His presence. Tears of love for people streamed down my face like never before for mankind. It was awesome and powerful.

How can the god you met and received be so compassionate for sinners when he has left you, a confessed sinner, in such torment and agony without hope? If that is compassion, what is cruelty?

Esau, who despised and sold his birthright to Jacob and bitterly regretted doing so, wasn't tormented by God in the fashion you describe of yourself. He even received a blessing through Isaac, though God hadn't chosen him.

But you tell us you want to do right and repent daily, begging your god for forgiveness, yet without reprieve from your torment. You remain in the dark, seeing and hearing nothing. Well, we want nothing to do with your god. He is not the God we know, Who turns away none that come to Him, and causes grace to abound where sin has dominated.

Some time ago we wrote you saying, “To top it off, when you're found unwilling and unable to leave your family and preach, you say the Lord ditched you, leaving you in torment without correction, communication, or understanding. What kind of rational, loving and merciful God is that?

You describe a wicked, unreasonable and heartless tyrant - a devil, no less. You say you've repented 'desperately,' but you're not sure if your god will show mercy. If that's the god you want and demand to have, what else is there that we can say or do for you? It certainly isn't the All-wise, Powerful God of Love we've known and served intimately for many years now, not at all.

We don't doubt the reality or your consequent conviction of your spiritual experience, not at all. But as real and convincing as it was, your experience has nothing at all to do with the God of the Bible. Satan comes as an angel of light to steal, kill and destroy. That's what happened.

It appears we're at a stalemate, Del, and will need to leave off this discussion for now to see what settles out.

I've put you on the mailing list. You may continue to read our site and letters, and can let us know if you want off the list.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

Let me ask another question please. We both agree that Esau was not choose of God. That's what I believe of myself, not choose of God. So therefore that means Jesus doesn't abide in him, who isn't choosen, correct? Then if one doesn't have Christ abiding in him, then how can one refrain from sinning? If one is turned over to satan, such as Paul determined to the one at corinthians, for the destruction of the flesh so the soul might be saved, this man obviously went on living in his sin. How can one fight against sin if he or she is not choosen of God? Wouldn't I if called, but then not choosen, go back to the spirit of fear again as the word tells us?

And yes I'd very much like to continue to get your news letters. I have no thoughts of abandoning your site. As I stated before, it has been the only one that has given me a hope that I will, in the fullness of times, be restored to God. Thanks as always for all your replies to my emails.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

I would also like to add another note. Your subject being, stalemate. I don't believe this as such. I have come to your site learning more then I had before. I believe there is hope for me by and through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Before I came to your site, I had none, still being overcome by false doctrines of men.

I believe that there is hope for every single person who has ever lived on this planet including those who were aborted in the wombs. It is my new hope for all mankind that I never had before until you have uncovered it through the scriptures.

Being not choosen is where I struggle with myself, not that I think God can't restore me in His time. I am not tormented as I once was of the thoughts of a life in fire forever without end for the purpose of torture. I'm extremely hard on myself about being disobedient. So make no mistake about this, your teachings via the way of scripture has given me a new outlook on what the sacrifice of Christ really achieved. By far way more then what we know or choose to see it as, who have be told differently. You have not lost in this subject with me. You have been about the only website that has helped to instill that hope back to me again.

If someone is called but not choosen of God as Esau, I think it becomes clear to that one. Again this is where I have to remember that I must not question God as to why He still finds fault in me as the Scriptures point out. The thing that is formed must not say to the thing that formed it, why have you made me this way? I am the lump of clay and He is the potter. He will eventually, in His time fix me to His fashion.

But knowing one has heard from God and has been cut off is difficult. As king Saul said, he could no longer hear His voice. He went looking in wrongfullness to hear Him again.

Would Jesus ask me to leave my family for His name sake? I believe the scriptures say so through His word. Was He showing me that the opportunity was given but also to show me that I wasn't worthy to be His disciple? Yes, I believe this was such a case. I was given a choice but failed. No man has given up all for His name sake, correct? I couldn't do it. Has He not shown me so?

At most of all websites, everybody other then their own within their belifes, are going to hell to be tortured forever. Yours is one of the SMALL few sites that gives total victory to God above that He will bring all to His saving grace in His time. That is WONDERFUL news. Let neither of us be mistaken that my visits to your site has been in vain.

The torture to me is not being able to hear His voice. I am trying to learn that this is the way it is due to my willingness to not obey. I don't feel like there is no hope for me, but knowing that because of disobedience, I know that I am not a saint of God. I will have to continue to go forward, knowing that more purging and discipline must take place to get me where He has planned for me even before I was born. Your site is a hard transition to get to. The straight gate is not so easy that just anyone can make it. Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many will try but few will be able.

Being raised to believe a certain way is not an excuse but it is hard to push through. I love reading at your site. Sometimes it is hard to swallow but I see that your not lifting up the name of Paul and Victor, but lifting up the name of Christ for nothing less then total victory, through the blood of Christ that will do exactly as it intended to do, by the will of the Father.

I told you that you will need much patience with me, this was and still is a true statement. The church at corinthians was a difficult people for Paul. This is much my case. You have gained ground, if that's ok to refer to it that way, as I no longer go to the local church I once was. But I know that im not walking in the likeness of Christ. One ought be be honset with one's self.

Now I'm trying to talk with my daughter, my son and my wife about how Christ will bring all mankind to be saved but in their own order. I am trying to tear down this wall of false doctrine of eternal torment that I built for them, thinking is was correct, as it was also built for me in my upbringing. I hope this helps bring more understanding between you two and me.


Paul & Victor

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul & Victor »

You don't know what you're talking about, Del. And trying to figure things out is fruitless, compounding your troubling. We're not going to try to argue you out of your beliefs. Understanding will only come by faith and obedience.

Nevertheless, it can be fruitful to tell you the truth. You say: “If one is turned over to satan, such as Paul determined to the one at corinthians, for the destruction of the flesh so the soul might be saved, this man obviously went on living in his sin.

Paul didn't turn the fellow out of the fellowship of the saints and over to the prince of this world to continue sinning; he turned him over for the chastisement of sinning.

God decrees no one should continue in sin. Didn't He warn Cain, who was of the evil one? You can't presume that man in Corinth continued in adultery with his mother-in-law. We don't believe he did. His sin nature wasn't put away yet, but he could put away his sin.

If a man is put in prison, he is expected to abide by the rules, even though he must fulfill his term of incarceration. If he breaks the rules, he will suffer more. That's the way things work.

Paul & Victor


Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

So all ive heard from yiu both, is that the calling that I was given from God wasn't God at all. So then we must take out the scripture as well that says many are called but few are chosen. Has anything I said about my calling been out of way of scriptures? Im have not come to your site with emails that says I'm now living in the likeness of Christ, far from it. Does the word say that as time draws close that one should be as if he had no wife? If I say to you that what I heard was not from God then that would make me more of a blasphemer of God. Does the word say that thats how it would be in this evil generation? I have only come here admitting my own failure. Never have said I was professing that I am walking in the light of God even now. Then if what you say is true, that God never called me in the first place, then you make void that I have even come to acknowledge His very existence. I may as well say that my whole life has been nothing more then a total waste. My call was from God, which I failed. I have asked you on more then one occasion if God would ask me or anyone to leave his family. You still don't answer me this question but continue on saying it was never from God. You continue to pound others to give answer to questions that you ask. Ok I ask again, would God ask me or anyone to leave their family and trust Him? You say that we must repent and carry on. Isnt this what ive told you I have tried to do. Am I claiming to be holy? Of course not. I know where I failed. Then you talk of free will and not having a free will, which is a hard doctrine to comprehend even in your teachings. Maybe as yet im still unknowing this teaching as well. But what good does it do to tell someone to repent of God is the one who gives one a heart of repentance? Would this not make it out of my choose? I didnt go to a church when God came to me. I was right here on the couch. No one was even here. I called out on His name with a repentant heart like never before. He did in fact NOT turn me away. He helped expose false doctrines. I hadn't come to full knowledge of all of them but things were starting to come clearer as time with Him went on. Did you not also one of you say that it took many years for things to be uncovered? What you seem to fail to realize is that, yes MANY are called. Its that saying the call they recieved was not from God? Then it goes on with , few are chosen. So you are going to assume that the call that I was given was in fact not from God? You are truly willing to make such a statement when the word of God is clear that MANY are called? The call starts out correct but then satan steps in as an angle of light. Isnt this correct? I failed I failed I failed. That has been all ive confessed here within my emails to you. Im not trying to say anything more then Del Brewer was called by God but failed. I am not righteous. Ive never come to you in any other tone. If the smoke of their torment is in the word then how does it apply? Better to never have known His way of righteousness then to have known it and turned from it. How does this apply? I seen the Spirit leave me as I have said. It was as a ring of fire, possibly that of a crown of life. My talent was taken from me and giving to another. Do these words in the word not appy? Why did Paul tell those not to quench the Spirit? How does this apply? Do you really think that God would not show a person that he has failed? Did it ever say that the 5 foolish virgins were given the door of opportunity ooen to them again in this life? How can one say that is was satan from the start when the word is very clear that many are called? But as stated above, of those many, few are chosen. Only those who endure to be completed by God are those to be saved. Is the seed being sown known as the seed of satan? No, its the word of God that is sown then some won't even recieve it from the start, and so on until we reach the last group which is said to be saved. I didnt make it Paul and Victor. I am not coming to you nor did I ever with a statement that I am now walking as Christ did. I came to you telling of the foolish decision I made to not obey God. Is their smoke within my torment for doing that which was against God? If not then how do these other scriptures even appy? Even you stated in this present email that those in prison are to abide by the rules for there correction or else they recieve even more discipline. This is all true but arent there also ones in prison awaiting the death sentence upon them when the apointed time comes for them? Did they receive that verdict from being mischievous within the prison walls or did they get that verdict from something they did outside the prison walls before they were ever locked up? Isn't disobedience to God the same as to witchcraft? I am not in err as you suggest as far as my calling from God. If any wants to be His disciple, he must leave all that he has and follow Christ. Is this contradiction to the word? I did NOT do this. I can NOT and I will NOT say that the calling that was up on me was not from God nonmatter what Paul and Victor say. To do so would make my punishment within the prison walls even more disobedient. What I have said to you is nothing more then admitting that which I had done against God. I guess the onky way I will ever truly know if you are what you say in Christ, is to see while I'm more then likely going to be standing on His left, (unless He has mercy on me before that time,) is look and see if your standing on His right. I am no different now as to the blind man who couldn't tell if Christ ( Paul and Victor as im referring to)?was a sinner or not, I cannot tell. God knows your hearts and I'm not in the judgment seat. I do though hope you both are of the truth. But I will absolutely not say that I wasn't called by God. Not for Paul, not for Victor, not for anyone.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Del - a few things for now:

Calling our circumstances a “stalemate” doesn't mean we're writing you off. It only means we disagree and ask that you stop trying to convince us that the Lord was talking to you. We'll leave this for Him to settle.

If you're your own doctor, with all knowledge of your malady and prognosis, then you don't need us.

When you reply to our mail or write us, send your email to both of us.

Break your letters up into paragraphs. It's difficult to read a long letter in one paragraph. I've broken your letter up below as an example of how to do this. I've been doing this with all your letters.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Del, if you want us to read this, please break it up into paragraphs and send again.

But first, is there any point in sending us such a letter, seeing we've asked you to stop arguing your case? Where did we ever say that believers aren't called on to forsake all to follow the Lord? Are you not reading our site (Choose This Day Between Family and God - one example of many). And what's the point of engaging us if we aren't from the Lord?

If we are from the Lord, do as we say. If we aren't from the Lord, go your way.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Paul and Victor

No need for me to break it up and resend it. Stalemate is probably the best and correct way you sent. I do want to add that I didn't say that you wasn't of the Lord though. I just said I couldn't tell due to my blindness, also adding that I hope you are.
I will continue on reading from your website in hopes that I will be more enlightened. I will do as you ask and not send anymore emails to you from here on. Thank you both for all your replies. Only God knows what is to be my final purpose.
I will however ask a request from you both. I have never, to the best of my knowledge, came in connection with any true elders of the body of Christ, so I have no one to go to pray with me so that I may recover (if I'm understanding this scripture correctly.) If God willing, and He tells you this is acceptable, please say a prayer for Del Brewer and family, if I'm not being out of order with this request. I truly do hope that you are His true elect. Again thank you for your time you both dedicated in response to my many emails. May the One true Jesus Christ shine His glory on all mankind in His time for them.


Paul Cohen

Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

It sounds like this is the Scripture you're referring to:

“Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will cure the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. And if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him” (James 5:14-15 MKJV).

The key element there is faith, and not just the faith of the elders. It's also the faith of sick person, who recognizes his elders and calls on them by faith. Without faith, nothing can happen for you:

James 1:5-8 MKJV
(5) But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all liberally and with no reproach, and it shall be given to him.
(6) But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.
(7) For do not let that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord;
(8) he is a double-minded man, not dependable in all his ways.

That's where you're at, Del. But it can change, if you believe. How can you believe? Stop listening to yourself and listen instead to those whom God sends to preach His Gospel:

Romans 10:13-17 EMTV
(13) For “whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved.”
(14) How then shall they call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear apart from a preacher?
(15) And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace, of those preaching the Gospel of good things!”
(16) But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?”
(17) So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

An example of not listening and doing your own thing: I asked you to email both of us when you reply. Faith and obedience isn't far away, Del, or God would be unjust and a liar, which is the way you treat Him.



Judas, the betrayer

Post by Del »

Hello again Paul and Victor.

I am sending this email through my phone and don't have both your email addresses in it to send to both of you so I hope this is acceptable to you.

I was wondering if maybe you could help enlighten me in an area of scriptures on Judas the betrayer. I have seen that some believe where the scriptures say it were better for him that he had not been born. Some say that the better for him means Jesus that judas had not been born. I find this an error on their part due to matter 24 verse 26. It seems clear that it's referring to Judas himself. What I am not understanding though is, this betrayal had to be committed as the scriptures declare. If it was God's plan for Judas to betray Jesus, then how can one be held accountable to something he had no choice but to do? Am I understanding this in error? Was hoping you could give more understanding. It is written that Judas did repent within himself for betraying innocent blood but then goes on to kill himself. But he had to be born in order to do this deed that had to be done in order to fulfill the prophecy. Why then would it have been better for him never to been born? Thank you in advance for your reply.

P.S. I hope this is ok to send a different area of question. I know we called stalemate on the subject before but I hope that doesn't mean that I can't email you on something else.


Paul Cohen

Re: Judas, the betrayer

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Del,

You ask: “If it was God's plan for Judas to betray Jesus, then how can one be held accountable to something he had no choice but to do?

It was also God's plan that Israel would crucify the Messiah, and hasn't He held them accountable? Have they not paid seven times over for their sins? Are they not called to repentance now?

The difference is, while men intend evil by the things they do, God intends good. So who are you to question what He does with anyone?

Romans 9:18-24 MKJV
(18) Therefore He has mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will, He hardens.
(19) You will then say to me, Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will?
(20) No, but, O man, who are you who replies against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him who formed it, Why have you made me this way?
(21) Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel to honor and another to dishonor?
(22) What if God, willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction;
(23) and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy which He had before prepared to glory;
(24) whom He also called, not only us, of Jews, but also of the nations?

Jesus said, “Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It were good for that man if he had never been born” (Mark 14:21 MKJV).

What's so hard to understand - can't you identify with that?



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Paul and Victor

Yes I guess I can relate. At times I have felt like it would have been a blessing to not have been born and never exist. I feel more beat up every time I send a question to you both. I haven't come to really understand your teaching on no such thing as free will. From a carnal mind, and please note I said carnal, I don't understand how one is born without any choice of the matter but can then be punished for it. I remember reading in one of your articles about eternal hell punishment and how you stated that if you (the reader) being evil wouldn't do this to your own children, how much more wouldn't your heavenly Father now do such a thing. This I agree with 100%.

But as far as being evil and not being able to make some sort of decision on the matter, then what can one even do? Why even tell people to repent if it isn't their choice to make to begin with? If I raised my own son to become a thief and raised him that he had to do such a thing but then told him every time he steals, I'm going to whip his butt, then how would this be just to my son, according to the teaching of free will as not part of the option? This would be unfair treatment on my behalf, correct?

Like I said this is coming from the carnal mind and my way of thinking so please take it for that and that only. I'm probably going to feel beat up again with my question once i receive your answer. I noticed you also stated on your site that you welcome all emails, even if it is in agreement or disagreement. But you make me feel as if I have done nothing but bothered you both. According to the teaching of no free will and you was never given any choices in your own life, then why does it say in the word "choose this day who you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord". The word doesn't say he who knew to do the Father's will but didn't because I didn't allow him to to begin with, will be beaten with many stripes.

That's like saying to my son, "I want you to take out the trash", all while I have him chained in the house and he can't get out. So if i, being evil wouldn't do this to my own son, how much more wouldn't my heavenly Father do it to me? If I have misunderstood your free will teaching, then by all means explain to me my ignorance of the subject.
Sorry once again for not sending out a cc to Victor again. I'm using my phone and do not have his email address stored in it. I looked for his specifically on your site so I could do so but didn't find his alone. I'm either sending emails to you through my phone or by my tablet. I do not use a computer desktop or laptop. Thank you again. It would be desired to at least email one another on a more friendly response, even if you consider me the enemy of God, which you have already described me to be. I am not waging war at least not that I feel but I do rather feel despised of you both. Thank you for your time.



Re: Not Quite Understanding the Sin unto Death

Post by Del »

Hello Paul and Victor.

I ask that you please over look my previous email and forgive my own ignorance. As I had told you in an earlier email, if you are true saint of God, I can't tell. Yes this is a true statement. But in reconsidering that very possibility that you are, then I prefer not to make my own situation with God any worse then it is. I still don't understand many the many things of God. So please once again forgive me of lashing out the way I did in the email on free will.

Your right in what you say, that I don't know what I'm talking about. So if it has any merit I am truly sorry. I know neither of you mean hate towards me but for good. This isn't the first time I have opened my mouth to insert foot. Time for Del to just shut up.


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