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Questioning Salvation

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 12:05 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: questions
From: Mike
To: The Path of Truth
Date: 10/18/2015 3:11 PM

Thank you for your website. I find it interesting.
I have been seeking the Lord for a long time. I'm not sure if I have found Him. One question that I have been constantly bothered by is, is it necessary to know for sure that one is not a Christian before they can become a true Christian? I hear testimonies about people who thought they were Christians, and then discovered that they were not truly following Christ, and then the Lord saved them. Is it possible to be saved from a false Christian profession without knowing for sure if you are a false Christian?

I have gone through 1 John and listed all the signs of true salvation. I put them into three columns. The first column was what I knew was true of me, the second column was what I was not sure about, and the third was what was not true of me. Out of 23 items, I only found 7 that are true of me. I don't say “I have no sin.” I do confess my sin, I don't go on saying I have not sinned.

I do confess Jesus is the Christ, I do confess He came in the flesh. I do confess Jesus is the Son of God, and I do believe Jesus is the Christ. All of the other items I put in the “I don't know” column. They could be true of me, but I'm not sure. Do I keep Christ's precepts? Do I truly love my brother? Do I not love the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life? I just don't know! Do I walk according as Christ walked?

That's a tough one. What does that look like? Your views on salvation seem to be in line with Scripture. I think there is a sense in which we remain sinners but a sense in which we cease sinning when we become Christians, and I think some of the debates people have over that are just semantics.

What is your opinion of Hannah Whitehall Smith and George MacDonald? They seem to be biblically sound to me.

Thank you,

Mike W.

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 7:37 AM
To: Mike
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: questions

Hi Mike,

Sounds like something good is happening for you with the Lord bringing you here to His website. You say you haven't found Him yet, which is a critical admission to make if there is to be any motivation and hope of finding Him. Those who think they've found the Lord yet walk in darkness are stuck in their unbelief and sin:

“Jesus said to them, If you were blind [confessing they couldn't see], you would have no sin. But now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains” (John 9:41 MKJV).

You ask: “One question that I have been constantly bothered by is, is it necessary to know for sure that one is not a Christian before they can become a true Christian?

As you say elsewhere in your letter, this too can be a matter of semantics. What is necessary, as mentioned above, is that you know you aren't there yet with the Lord and that you continue seeking Him with all your heart until you get there.

“And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 MKJV).

I think Victor's testimony will help answer your question, as will How One Is Saved.

You also ask: “Is it possible to be saved from a false Christian profession without knowing for sure if you are a false Christian?

A true Christian is one who is born of Him, thereby taking on the “family” Name. It's possible for someone to think this has happened to them when it hasn't, but if that person is to be corrected in their thinking and stance, they will come to the place where they know they don't have the Lord because He will make that known to them. When the Light comes, darkness is revealed.

You ask a very good question about what it looks like to walk as Christ walked. When I first saw the Lord for Who He was, I realized I had never seen anyone walk that way. I knew it was totally impossible for me to walk as He did. There's no way I could have seen or known these things except He was revealing Himself to me.

I also knew that the Lord would take me there, to be like He is, although I had no idea what that would entail. I only knew it was a long journey. “He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved.”

Hannah Whitehall Smith had some true doctrine, but also embraced much falsehood. It sounds like she walked in the knowledge and ways of Mystery, Babylon, honoring the religious teachings and works of men. For example, it is reported of Smith:

“She wrote: 'My two little grandchildren are . . . devout little Catholics, and seem to enjoy their religion, and I am glad of it. I daresay they will be saved a good many of the perplexities and difficulties that so often beset Protestant children.'[36] She led them to celebrate Lent,[37] to 'lay up treasure in Heaven by giving candlesticks to a Roman Catholic High Altar' and by going to Mass[38] and the Confessional.[39] Hannah used the methods in 'The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life' to lead 'a Roman Catholic lady, a convert who was vexed by doubts about some dogma of the Church' of Rome, to an unshaken confidence in the dogma of transubstantiation. 'H. W. S. wrote out on a piece of paper, I undertake never to have any more doubts about the Real Presence (or whatever it was), and brought it to her, and made her sign it. After that the troubled spirit was utterly at rest'[40]” ... tical.html" onclick=";return false;

Did George MacDonald come out of men's religions? It sounds like he might have. I red some of his fiction as a young believer and appreciated it. I haven't red anything from him since. Is there something in particular you recommend?

Here's another writing that could help you, Mike, regarding the things you bring up in your letter: Do Christians Sin?

Let us know how things go, and if you'd like to be added to our mailing list. There's also the Forum on our website, which you're welcome to join.

Paul Cohen

Re: Questioning Salvation

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:49 am
by William Woeger
Wow, I really appreciate this letter. I think it's great how Mike was able to take the time to question himself and his stance with the Lord, being so intentful that he read the Bible, made a list..and look how the Lord has been guiding Mike so far! May the Lord have His way. Thank You, Lord.


Re: Questioning Salvation

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:24 am
by Thami Putuma
Dear fellow believer in Christ Jesus our Lord.

My soul and my faith is in trouble.

From the ages of 13-18 I was a drug addict, drunk & thief. Got saved me from that. By his Grace I never went to rehab. The instant I received Jesus in my life when I believed I was set free. till this day I've never turned back to do those things though temptations come I resisted and overcame. but then I struggled with lust which weighed me down in my faith walk till eventually I drifted away though I loved to read the Word of God day and night I still fell away fromy the faith. But then came back constantly seeking victory from God over lust. I am married with a little daughter of my own now and my lustful sins have gotten less and less as I don't want to hurt them and I fear God will eventually give up on me. I've continually asked God to help me. Now my problem is not knowing whether I am saved or not. coz I want to be saved again...

Last year I was at a point in my life of dryness. where I didn't feel God's presence in my life or Jesus in honesty I've felt this for 6years now . so I joined this group who offer free bible study classes and I really learnt a lot and it felt like my spirit was being revived again. I thought I was getting closer to God and that God was pleased with me. everything was biblical. They emphasized that the Word was the Standard so I felt this could be trusted. until they stated teaching us about a new saviour and that Jesus came to this man to build a church for all men to flee to, to receive salvation. For some reason this didn't sit well with me. so I left the group after googling that this "saviour" is a Korean Peace advocate who calls himself a "Promised Pastor" for the 2nd coming. Anyway. since leaving this group I feel I'm back to square 1. I feel spiritually dry and off track with God. I don't have a job anymore so my mind is sitting idle at home. I try to read the Word but it's hard reading if my concious is condemning me.I feel like God wont forgive me for turning away from him and his Son Jesus. my heart has become so cold. I was reading Hebrews 6 and so much fear crept in my heart. is there any good news to remedy my poor soul? Is there any hope left for someone like me?

Re: Questioning Salvation

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:55 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
So tell me, Thami, how are you today?

Re: Questioning Salvation

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:45 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Hi Thami

Thank you for sharing with us. You speak of hope... Hebrews 6:19.

Where are you from, Thami?
