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How do I believe that Jesus was a real, actual person?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:39 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.

From: Rick
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 12:34 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: A big question

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the site! I am reading the Theo-Biography and am on part 4. I also have read a few other articles on the site and am really liking it all. I do have a big question though and it is the first and most basic one, for me at least: How do I believe that Jesus was a real, actual person who did miracles and was raised from the dead? I visualize this but it seems like a cartoon in my head. My idea of God is only praying and I don't know if there is anyone there. I want there to be. My prayers can be intense sometimes, a lot of times in a sorrowful way with tears even, because of the intensity of my seeking for Him. Sometimes I just pray, asking for help to make myself able to do his will and follow him, for courage, etc.

From what I have come to understand, God will give what He will to whom He will and we can do nothing to bring anything to ourselves that is of Him by our sacrifices or trying to have the noble qualities and at least living by the Ten Commandments.

I need to believe! Really 100% believe. But there is that doubt there, the knowing for sure... to bet my life on it. How can that doubt be erased? It would seem that I cannot do it myself.

Any help would be much appreciated! - Thank you - Rick

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 7:07 AM
To: Rick
Cc: 'Victor Hafichuk'
Subject: Re: A big question

Rick, you ask how to believe that Jesus was a real actual person. Why would you question whether He existed? I, brought up as a Jew without any knowledge of the Scriptures and the mindset that Jesus belonged to the Gentile world, had no question in my mind as to whether He existed.

Are you aware that it wasn't until the relatively recent "age of enlightenment" in the 1700's in Europe that prominent philosophers began to question Jesus' existence? What does this tell you? No one, not even those opposed to Him (the Jewish religious hierarchy in particular), ever suggested the Lord didn't exist, until a few arrogant, know-nothing dreamers came along approximately 1,700 years later.

So now why would you believe these liars instead of the truth? "Let it not be! But let God be true, and every man a liar; as it is written, 'That You might be justified in Your sayings, and will overcome when You are judged'" (Romans 3:4 MKJV).

No, Rick, you can be certain that Jesus existed. Not only that, you can believe the testimony given of Him in the Bible by those who laid down their lives to bring us their testimony, just as Christ laid down His life to forgive us our sins. The Bible is the record of the true words of Christ and the teachings of those who know Him.

Today, we carry on the work begun by our spiritual brothers who wrote the Bible by the same Lord Who lives in us. Jesus Christ is much more than the testimony of the Bible, but is the Living Word made flesh, taking residence in these houses of clay to make Himself known to the world. You're meeting Him in us, at our site and in our letters to you, which confirm and explain the teachings of the saints that you might have faith in Him, too.

So keep reading on our site, soaking in the Word of God. Hearing what He says brings faith, and faith is what you need to know the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as He is and speaks today.

You need to come to the Lord on His terms, turning from your sins, your thoughts and ways. You need to turn from your imaginations about Him, which violate the Second Commandment:

"You shall not make to yourselves any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate Me" (Exodus 20:4-5 MKJV).

You're setting yourself up to break this commandment by trying to visualize God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him reveal Himself to you instead, as you seek Him and keep His commandments. Read Repentance and Obedience.

It's true that we can't bring Christ down from Heaven or up from the deep by our sacrifices or works, but He does manifest Himself to those who keep His commandments by faith in Him:

"He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him" (John 14:21 MKJV).

Have you fasted and prayed, Rick? Setting aside the pleasures and needs of the flesh can be of great assistance in breaking through the barriers that hold you back from God. "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41 MKJV).

When you came on chat two days ago, you said you'd be sending more questions, but I haven't seen any email from you yet. Nevertheless, you have plenty to consider now. Let us know how it goes.


From: Rick
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 1:51 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: Questions and more

Hi Paul, thanks for getting back to me.

I just finished reading part 5 of Victors Theo-autobiography. I found that I read it voraciously. I liked it very much and the way it stopped on parts/peoples stories and then caught up with them later. For me, one of the most apparent lessons is that God is truly loving and merciful and forgiving. It was also interesting to see his wrath and judgement that he brought to people later on in their lives from not following Him truly. I can't say that I follow His will either though, I think I am trying but I think it just might be by my works only, therefore somewhat sacrificial, artificial and by my own will.

I am truly confused but trying in my own way, which may be wrong. I am not part of a church so I am glad to get the heads up about falling into that trap, getting stuck there. That's one problem I know now that's to be avoided.

Questions: Does repentance and confession of sin to others include thoughts too? I have had horrible thoughts about people before, wanting to kill them even. Should I confess this to them or just to God? I have also lusted after women in my mind; only thoughts and never ever doing anything physical. Should I tell my wife about these thoughts that I have had?

I feel I should tell you a few unsavory things about myself, should you care to know. I am thankful for my family. Without my wife I think I would have done suicide by now. I slashed my wrists when I was 18 or 19 after I began delving into drugs all of a sudden, just so I could see how others felt, so I could try and save them from the drugs. I was the peaceful Christ-like character in high school so I was trying to be able to help them. A very foolish move on my part... the scars are large and embarrassing too. Anxiety started becoming a problem for me. I have done other drugs for decades and drank a lot of beer, mostly until I blacked out.

Not too long after starting street drugs I became involved with the occult on my own but I talked about it with others. I tried to worship gods and goddesses from various traditions. I tried to do magic but never was successful. After around 15 years of this I gave it up, finally viewing it as fantasy. Then I was crushed. A break down soon occurred and I went on medication for bi-polar disorder and debilitating anxiety.

I never went back to work. I am on disability, I barely leave the house and I am afraid of people. I had a panic attack while driving on the highway and now I rarely drive. I am a failure. I have no will or discipline to get myself out of my mess, hopeless. Of course I am a very negative. I also can get very angry, especially at my teenage step-son. I feel less than a man ( I actually feel like I've never grown up) and rely on my wife for nearly everything.

I am afraid of what people may think of me. I blank out when I am in the presence of more than one person. I can not talk. I am blank and I physically shake. I am in therapy but it helps little.

Enough of my whining. Essentially I am hoping that God will help me out of this hole; give me strength and courage. I am very selfish and lazy- I know this. I must change. I hate to even let anyone know this stuff but here goes nothing.

Well, anyway, thanks for listening and once again-thank you for your site and help. -


From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:14 AM
To: Rick
Cc: 'Victor Hafichuk'
Subject: Re: Questions and more

Hi Rick,

The first and most important thing for you to know is that there's sure hope for anyone, including you, in Jesus Christ. He has cleaned up our lives and those of several others who were quite messed up, so we know He's willing and able. As you put your hand in His, He'll begin to take you step by step to wholeness and freedom. Believe it; it's true. You're on track.

You've sure red a lot lately - 3 Parts of Victor's Theo-Autobio in about a week! You're getting the message about God's mercy and forgiveness towards those who repent, and about His wrath on those who presume to know better and do their own thing in His Name - all good and necessary lessons.

You ask if you need to confess your thoughts to others. When confessing your sins to God, seek His will on what you should do in each case. Many thoughts you only need confess to Him, but sometimes you may also need to confess to someone you've offended. You may need to do so with your wife, for example. You've been committing adultery against her by indulging lustful thoughts of other women. You seem to think it's not so bad because you haven't done anything physically, but that's not how Jesus describes it:

"You have heard that it was said to the ancients, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:27-28 MKJV).

You need to get brutally honest with yourself, Rick, and with God and neighbor. In your letter you've described a life of total selfishness, sin and devastation, which you can't blame on anyone else but yourself. You're the one who's screwed things up. None of us can blame anyone or anything else for what we are or what we've done.

The way of repentance is taking responsibility for yourself - admitting you're the culprit - openly and freely embracing the truth. To repent is to let go of all pride. In coming clean before God and man, acknowledging He is good and you are evil, you'll have nothing to fear from man. Indeed, having received forgiveness from God, you will, for the first time, be able to love your fellow man and show him mercy as you've been shown mercy.

Drugs used to treat psychological conditions are bad news (not that other drugs aren't), inflicting more damage on your system and overall wellbeing. As you turn to the Lord you'll learn how to take care of yourself in the basics of life. Read:

Back to Basics
God Heals Today, His Way
The Manifest Folly of Religious Peoples in Earthly Matters
Healthy Living Advice in Everyday Things

Don't be overwhelmed - be energized by the fact there are answers that God is making available to you because He wants to take you through it all, step by step. It's His will to restore all - believe Him. For this reason Jesus Christ came, died, and rose again from the dead, in order for you to be reconciled to God and to have life.

Paul and Victor

From: Rick
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 8:58 AM
To: Paul Cohen
Subject: RE: Questions and more

Hi Paul and Victor,

I want to thank you for the words of encouragement and advice that you sent, I found it all truly valuable. Also, thanks for the links.

Now, I don't want to keep bothering you but I have a few more questions : Three nights ago I was suddenly awoken from sleep. I felt like I was losing my mind. I was terrified. I could almost "see" images in front of me going from my left to right very quickly of a sexual nature; images with a "voice" that told me that the only way to get rid of that terrifying feeling of losing my mind was to perform some sexual act of some sort. Either on my self or my wife. I refused to do it and got on my knees and prayed to Jesus.

Almost immediately that feeling of going insane left me. I was still somewhat afraid and quite shaken but the insanity had left me. I was in awe and so, so thankful. I have never felt like that in my entire life! Now, do you know if that was some kind of evil spirit? If it was, do you think that it is gone now?

Also, I am planning on getting rid of all my old occult books and paraphernalia. Should I just bury the stuff, especially the metal items that can't burn? Does it even matter?

One last thing: I don't know if there is anything to this but about four or five days ago a small wooden Egyptian looking vase (4 inches tall or so with strange decorative designs on it) appeared on our mantle. No one knows where it came from. Is this something supernatural? I want to get rid of it but I don't know if there is some special way I need to do it. Maybe I am just too superstitious still and reading too much into it but it is weird.

Thank you, Rick

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:26 PM
To: Rick
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Cleaning House

Hi Rick,

"For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13 KJV).

The Lord certainly delivered you from a demonic spirit the other night when you prayed to Him. He will continue to deliver you from all evil as you call on Him in faith with obedience. You sowed much evil in your past and He has come to clean house now, that you might live by Him.

"But the Law entered so that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound, so that as sin has reigned to death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:20-21 MKJV).

Yes, burn your occult books and paraphernalia, the sooner the better. Destroy it all and put it away as best you can.

As for the strange vase, there's likely a natural explanation for it. Could your step-son be playing a joke on you? Whatever the case, if you aren't comfortable with it, get rid of it, too.

On another subject, Rick, would you like to be added to the mailing list that receives (blind carbon copy) our letters answering inquiries, comments and complaints against our website?

Also, reply to both of us when writing back. Victor and I read your letters and usually consider our answers jointly.


From: Rick
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 3:45 PM
To: Paul Cohen
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: Cleaning House

Hi, Paul and Victor,

Thank you for the reply. Bcc me for the mailer too, sounds interesting.

Thanks, Rick

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 5:14 PM
To: Rick
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: Cleaning House

Hi Rick,

You've been added to the list.


From: Rick
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 7:24 AM
To: Paul Cohen; Victor Hafichuk

I have written to you before, twice I believe.

I had told you of my past. To recap : When I was 18 (and the years around there) I had studied to be right with the Lord. I thought I was doing pretty good. Then I went to college and got messed up on drugs. Soon I got into occult stuff and pursued that for more than a decade. But then I decided it was all mythology and gave it up. I became dormant as far as anything "spiritual" in nature and I was miserable. I ended up suicidal and in the psych ward and ended up on lots of medication for bi-polar disorder and debilitating anxiety. I then found your site and read a lot, including Victors book. I soaked it up, really. From that info you may possibly remember me although it probably does not matter since I gave you enough of a recap.

Well, since then I have fell from my searching and wanting to know about God. I decided that the Christian religion was a myth too. Many things confused me and seemed to make no sense. I began to wonder if a lot the Bible was written to be figurative or perhaps an analogy, like the creation story. The creation story still seems to be impossible and silly to me. I had to read a-lot into it and try and make it logical and explainable to myself and others as well. How could I defend something like that; the creation of the earth being only thousands of years old when there are dinosaurs and other scientific things that say that the earth is millions of years old. Also there is no mention of the dinosaurs in the Bible at all, except what some people think the behemoth could have been. I cannot hide my head in the sand with this sort of thing. I am the type of person that needs to be able to explain things truthfully to my self and to others as well. There is so much knowledge and opinion out there that it's all a mess. It seems that every "christian" who deals with this mess of the creation story has their own version of the story that they try to defend. It all seems like garbage just to try and appease scientific proof of the history of the earth and how old it is as well as there being no mention of dinosaurs. This seems like mythology to me.

I also have problems with other things in the Bible that seem to make different people try and fit events into logical and true interpretations because they seem to contradict other parts of the Bible. An example is when God hardens the Pharaoh's heart. Why would God take the Pharaoh's choice away from him? Did God just use him as a puppet?

Another problem for me and many others is the brutality of the old testament. The genocide of peoples, including women and children. This is gruesome, who would want a God like this as an example of character? This seems like pure evil. I don't understand this. Imagine the pain and suffering to the other tribe and also the trauma that would follow the soldiers of the attacking army. I wouldn't be able to live with myself after doing these killings to defenseless women and children.

It also seems wrong to limit women to not even talking in "church"; also wearing coverings and such. These things seem like eastern cultural traditions that should have remained in the past.

Anyway, those are a few of my problems with christianity. There are too many opinions about it all, everything seems so confusing and people cannot agree on these things. People try and make the Bible work although there seems to be so much disagreement and seeming irrationality of it.

I am just confused and if there is a Christ, I do not know him at all. That is another point too - I can't believe that He could have risen from the dead. If that is not the biggest stumbling block, I don't know what else there could be.

Anyway, thanks for reading- Rick

From: Paul Cohen
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2015 7:16 AM
To: Rick
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: January 6th Email

Hi Rick,

We certainly do remember you from your previous contact and letter. You've also been on our mailing list for a while.

Did you destroy your occult books and paraphernalia, as directed in our last personal letter to you?

No doubt you've done a major number on yourself trying to understand the Bible with your carnal mind. Apparently you don't believe the Bible when it tells you that what you've been trying to do is impossible:

Romans 8:5-7 MKJV
(5) For they who are according to the flesh mind the things of flesh, but they who are according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
(6) For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace
(7) because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be.

1 Corinthians 2:9-14 MKJV
(9) But as it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard," nor has it entered into the heart of man, "the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
(10) But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.
(11) For who among men knows the things of a man except the spirit of man within him? So also no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.
(12) But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, so that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.
(13) These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
(14) But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

I see you using your inability to understand the things of God by carnal means as an excuse to dismiss Him and His righteous requirements of you, which are for your sake. You love your sin and destruction more than righteousness and life.

Did you understand how a devil had access to you and how it was banished when you prayed to Jesus? If Jesus Christ wasn't raised from the dead, how did He answer and deliver you?

Since when did you know more than God and were made capable of judging Him?

"You will then say to me, Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will? No, but, O man, who are you who replies against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him Who formed it, Why have you made me this way?" (Romans 9:19-20 MKJV)

You're wrong in so many things you say in your letter, such as women not being permitted to speak in the congregation of believers. You don't understand the Scriptures or intent of God's instructions and works, but the real problem is that you don't want to understand. Now that you've heard this truth, what will you do with it, and what will the Lord require?


From: Rick
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Paul Cohen; Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: January 6th Email

Greetings and thanks for getting back to me.

Well, I have to admit that I only got rid of about half of the books that I should have. It was enough that it filled my trash bin up pretty well. I had a lot of them to say the least. I could have put more in the next week but I stalled on it. For some reason I did not think about it much or it did not seem so important. Anyway, I will make it a point to get rid of the rest.

How is it possible to be of the spirit and learn and discern the things there-of ? I don't know how to do it. From what I think I understand, it is a gift from God and nothing that I can really push to get or acquire. Being without the spirit makes everything in the Bible just seem like a story with some good lessons in it.

A few months ago, I was just beginning to talk to my 14 year old daughter about the Bible. She mentioned a few things about certain parts of it like the creation story being unbelievable, no dinosaurs in it etc. She also had confusion and questions about the way homo-sexuals are treated, among other things. I quickly learned that I had no answers for her. I did not know the answers for her and by default for myself as well. My belief system was not solid. I was no one to be teaching her when I could not make sense of it all myself. (That is why I wrote you in confusion about Genesis and other things that I could not understand or explain).

So, in confusion and wanting to know, I started to try and learn by searching the internet about other peoples explanations. I wanted to know and I spent a lot of time sorting through tons of material. I was looking for answers and the more I looked the more I saw that there are so many differing opinions and ways of looking at the same issues in differing light that it seems like no one can be sure. Some things seemed to make sense and then other things seemed impossible to explain or finally and fully understand. It felt like I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere for the most part.

So after a long time of doing this, I finally just decided that the Bible must be some old ancient myth like so many others. I am carnal minded. You are right and thanks for pointing it out and the scripture too. The things of the spirit are beyond me and I have exhausted myself trying to learn with my mind. That's what I came down to. I gave up trying to learn and make sense of it all.

What is the answer though? Is it just to keep on keeping on, read the Bible and hope and pray for understanding ? Am I expecting to be given too much? I don't know if I have ever really known anything in the spirit. I don't know anymore. All I know is that something has me thinking about Jesus again lately, so I thought I'd talk to you for help once again, since you were the first ones I contacted (in my real, adult life) about Jesus initially.

You wrote to me: "You don't understand the Scriptures or intent of God's instructions and works, but the real problem is that you don't want to understand. Now that you've heard this truth, what will you do with it, and what will the Lord require?" - I must want to do what I think to be God's wishes. This involves me though, so I don't know if it will work or if I'll be correct, since I am faulted and ignorant but I think that all I can do is pray for understanding, read the Bible and be very patient. It seems like I must also accept some things on faith and understand that I will not know all the answers.

Thanks, Rick

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 9:45 AM
To: Rick
Cc: Paul Cohen
Subject: How to Move Forward

"But without faith it is impossible to please God. For it is right that the one drawing near to God should believe that He is, and that He becomes a rewarder to the ones seeking Him out" (Hebrews 11:6 LITV).

Hi Rick,

You write, "So, in confusion and wanting to know, I started to try and learn by searching the internet about other peoples explanations."

John 10:3-5 MKJV
(3) The doorkeeper opens to him, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
(4) And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him. For they know his voice.
(5) And they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.

"I was looking for answers and the more I looked the more I saw that there are so many differing opinions and ways of looking at the same issues in differing light that it seems like no one can be sure."

We can be sure; believe it. God has not left us to desolation and darkness.

"Anyway, I will make it a point to get rid of the rest."

The way to go is as you conclude. Then you ask:

"How is it possible to be of the spirit and learn and discern the things there-of ? I don't know how to do it. From what I think I understand, it is a gift from God and nothing that I can really push to get or acquire. Being without the spirit makes everything in the Bible just seem like a story with some good lessons in it."

"What is the answer though? Is it just to keep on keeping on, read the Bible and hope and pray for understanding ? Am I expecting to be given too much?"

The Lord brought Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch to explain the Scriptures to him because he couldn't understand. Note the eunuch was asking Philip to explain to him seeing he didn't have the Spirit but was interested.

Acts 8:26-39 MKJV
(26) And the angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south, on the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is a deserted place.
(27) And he arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem to worship,
(28) was returning. And sitting in his chariot he read Isaiah the prophet.
(29) Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go near and join yourself to this chariot.
(30) And Philip ran there to him and heard him read the prophet Isaiah, and said, Do you indeed understand what you are reading?
(31) And he said, How can I unless some man should guide me? And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him.
(32) And the content of the Scripture which he read was this: "He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so He opened not His mouth.
(33) In His humiliation His judgment was taken away, and who shall declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth."
(34) And the eunuch answered Philip and said, I beg you, of whom does the prophet speak this? Of himself or of some other man?
(35) Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached the gospel of Jesus to him.
(36) And as they passed along the way, they came on some water. And the eunuch said, See, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?
(37) Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, it is lawful. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
(38) And he commanded the chariot to stand still. And they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch. And he baptized him.
(39) And when they had come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more. And he went on his way rejoicing.

Throughout history, God has provided His servants to instruct those searching. We're here to help you, Rick, and your daughter, if she's being given to have the gift of faith.

Dinosaurs? They're not only mentioned in Scripture, but in our history. Archaeology and fossil records have never proven the Scriptures wrong, only right. Try Jonathan Gray's" onclick=";return false; for some exciting information on this subject.

You say, "All I know is that something has me thinking about Jesus again lately, so I thought I'd talk to you for help once again, since you were the first ones I contacted (in my real, adult life) about Jesus initially."

We know that what you're being given now is a precious gift from above:

"No one can come to Me unless the Father Who has sent Me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:44 MKJV).

True Christians know homosexuality is a perversion of how men and women were created. Read the first chapter of Romans; here's an excerpt:

"For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; males with males working out shamefulness, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error" (Romans 1:26-27 MKJV).

However, it doesn't give Christians the right to abuse or mistreat homosexuals or anyone else. Many Christians were once homosexuals or lesbians until they were granted the gift of faith from above by God's mercy. They know they have never had any virtue of their own before God and therefore can never justify despising anyone else, no matter what the shortfall or sin.

In Christ's service, contending for the faith once delivered to the saints,


From: Rick
Sent: January-21-15 5:56 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: How to Move Forward

Thank you!

Your letter to me was powerful. I was moved greatly. The first three times or so that I read it, I was reduced to tears many times even though I struggled to keep them back.

Once again, I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind. One question is : as far as baptizing, who could baptize me? I don't associate with any churches and I am not certain that anyone in a church would be qualified or not to do such a thing anyway. From what I think I remember from reading your book quite awhile ago is that you were baptized in many churches but I can't remember the final time you were done with it or felt that the process was no longer required somehow.

Also, what would be a good Bible for studying? I see that you mainly use the Modern King James Version but that does not seem to be in print any longer. The only Bible that I own is the KJV. Is that good enough? I would like to buy another Bible with larger font than I already have and was just wondering what you would recommend.

Thank you,

From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 8:15 AM
To: Rick
Cc: Paul Cohen
Subject: Baptism and Bibles

Hi Rick,

"And the earth was without form and empty. And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:2 MKJV).

Isn't that what is happening for you?

These links should answer your questions on water baptism:

Where the Witness of the Wetting?

Along with the rest of the Water Baptism section.

As for Bible versions, you could download for free" onclick=";return false; and/or" onclick=";return false;. Check out the versions, and from there you might decide to buy certain hardcopies.

True, MKJV is expensive. We don't own one. Not that the MKJV is ideal, either. The KJV is good and we use it; however, it has its particular weaknesses as well, which can be quite misleading. The LITV is another good one. We use several versions, and each version has advantages and disadvantages compared to others. We have hoped to have our own one day, at least for the New Testament, but that just isn't happening. Lord willing.


From: Rick
Sent: January-27-15 10:14 AM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: RE: Baptism and Bibles

Hi Victor,

Thank you for all the links, I will be reading them shortly. I just downloaded e-sword the other day and figured out how to download other versions of the Bible. It seems like it will be a mighty helpful tool for me.

As far as Genesis 1:2 goes, a problem that I have is that I cannot tell if I am looking into it with a carnal and seemingly clever mind or not. I only have looked at the verse literally. You asked me : "Isn't that what is happening for you?" That made me consider the verse in more of a symbolic or perhaps metaphorical way.

In that sense, the earth is me and darkness or unknowing is my state yet the Spirit of God is moving on me. You see, I don't know if I am just being clever and trying to read into the verse with a carnal prying of scripture. I am sad to say that I really don't know. I am not sure without question, therefore the spirit of God must not be in me I guess or I would know without question. To not be certain or to be certain, is that not the same as to not have the Spirit or to have the Spirit of God ? I am not certain, unfortunately.


From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 7:31 AM
To: Rick
Cc: 'Paul Cohen'
Subject: RE[2]: Baptism and Bibles

Hi Rick,

Perhaps you're learning the things of God by His grace? That's why He has given us to write and speak as we do.

Certainty can be good or bad. Many are certain of their convictions, doctrines, churches, founders, pastors and elders, and yet so wrong. But we tell you that you can also be certain of the Truth of God by the Spirit of Truth.

I hope you realize that the Genesis account of creation isn't just metaphorical. It really did happen as described, quite literally; however, all of creation and activities thereof are a living, acting metaphor of what happens to us spiritually. Jesus pointed to many things in nature that represented the Truths of the Kingdom of God. We're here in this world and dimension to learn in order to prepare us for His purposes in the world to come.

Never mind your understanding, which, the Scriptures declare, you aren't to trust. Just see to it you do what is right, not in your own judgment, but in His, according to what you learn of Him and His ways, and all will unfold as it should.

You'll find in the Scriptures and in life that God has given ministries to teach His Law, His will and ways. We're here by His appointment to instruct, explain, reprove, rebuke, admonish, encourage and guide whomever He brings. Here we are; here is our site; learn, live and prosper.

God has given us His Law not that He might live, but that we might live. We soon enough learn that only by His grace can we keep His Law, but it must be kept, and so we need a Savior. There is no other Savior but the Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave His life for us, risen from the dead, never to die again. We have His goodwill message in Him, written in His blood. We have His guarantee that nothing can prevent our salvation, which is our being brought into harmony with Him.

Read on, Rick. Don't be afraid to ask questions and receive guidance. Humble yourself before Him and He'll withhold nothing from you. It's the proud man He resists, the studied one who thinks to know so much; but the humble, who realize how little they know and readily acknowledge it, He blesses with true knowledge and abundant blessing.


Rick, Paul here. You weren't being clever in your thoughts, but were expressing the truth about what's been happening with you. You can thank God for that, because He's given you the light to see. Know that He's doing something good for you and in you. It's all about trusting Him and not ourselves.