Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Letters from those finding their way in faith.
Jordan S

Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Jordan S »

This is something I have been wondering for a few months after delving into a lot of PDF's Paul and Victor have written about falsehoods exposed and the teachings on this site.

Have you two perhaps considered writing a translation of the Bible insofar as the revelations you received from God as they relate to our modern day Bible? Regardless of translation, many things have been added to the New Testament Scriptures so many things added to it and many things that make no sense logically i.e. In Matthew and all the writings that he sees two things where in all the other Gospels there is only one thing.

I believe that both of you are truly men of God, sent as men appointed by God Himself to use you as His tool to dissolve the confusion, competition, and mind-control by fear mongering amongst what has run so rampant in so-called nominal christendom. Also to reveal that many organized religions are plagued by worshipping a man or the band instead of turning their hearts and eyes to Jesus alone who is the only one worthy of worship.

I know for myself, that even though you have revealed the errors in many of the Gospels that while I am reading them it is hard for me to discern which is truly God Breathed and which ones are simply additions or mistakes made over millennia. I feel as if I have to pull up your PDF's to help guide me as to which ones have veracity and which ones are just machinations of man (i.e. The parable of Lazarus)

I am not complaining about the extra steps it takes to obtain the real Truth in The New Testament I am simply thinking about the practicality of it for all of us believers that are here (and those to come in the future) if Paul and Victor revised the New Testament.

I do not know and have not found if there is anything errant in The Old Testament that you have found or have written on so that is why I'm explicitly stating The New Testament.

Have you, Paul or Victor, considered this? Perhaps Revelation 22:19 comes to mind where it says, "and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book."

But, I truly believe God has guided you by His grace with discernment as it relates to the passages that are either inaccurate or downright added by men over the years.

If you have considered doing, is monetary cost any part of the reason of not doing it? I know that the cost of publishing a book is not cheap so I can understand if this serves as a potential roadblock but if God Wills something, it will happen regardless of time, money, man trying to intervene.

I write and ask this in the "Finding Our Way in Faith" section because I know it would be a great help me and to other believers who struggle with passages in the New Testament that are seemingly contradictory and sometimes outright contradictory to The Spirit of God. I realize that it is not the letter of law we should focus on but the spirit of it. Thank you for reading and considering this post and question.


Rachel Gerrard

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Rachel Gerrard »

Gosh, that's extremely interesting Jordan.

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Jordan, you may be pleased to learn that the New Testament translation you're talking about is one we've been talking about for years now and hoping to bring forth. It is called the "CHAI."

We DO hope the Lord will provide the resources necessary, namely, wisdom, time and energy.

At this point, we're answering so much mail, and that activity may have to come to a halt for a few months or more in order to do the CHAI (an acronym, playing on the Hebrew word for "life", or better still, "long life," which could be interpreted as "eternal life."

A project now in process I feel I must complete in 12 parts now is the Theo-autobiography. Eight parts are up; we're about to put up the 9th, the 10th is on its way and I'm working on the 11th whenever I get a chance, which hasn't been very active recently, being so busy. And, I'm not getting any younger! God willing, as in all things, great and small.

I find it a bit remarkable that you should bring this up and even specify the NT. Perhaps the Lord is directing us to get on it? :)

Dennison Rivera
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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Dennison Rivera »

I also find it interesting that Jordan suggested something already in the works.

Just means that there is a need for a translation is in order.

Jordan S

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Jordan S »

Victor Hafichuk wrote:Jordan, you may be pleased to learn that the New Testament translation you're talking about is one we've been talking about for years now and hoping to bring forth. It is called the "CHAI."
I am very excited to hear that! Do you intend for it to include annotations? What current translation would you be planning to revise?
Victor Hafichuk wrote:We DO hope the Lord will provide the resources necessary, namely, wisdom, time and energy.

At this point, we're answering so much mail, and that activity may have to come to a halt for a few months or more in order to do the CHAI (an acronym, playing on the Hebrew word for "life", or better still, "long life," which could be interpreted as "eternal life."
Agreed, and I do hope a lot of those email responses will come to a halt. Not the ones where people are earnestly looking for the truth, God forbid!

But perhaps some of the ones where Paul and you are casting pearls to pigs. (e.g. Paul had a back and forth with a lady who wrote and email where she initiated the conversations with, "You sirs, are off your rockers".

Now I realize the false must be brought to the table to show the error of their ways but this lady was not interested in a meaningful conversation. She was just a troll who attempted to throw a sharp quip for her own amusement purposes.

In my personal opinion, responses to these are just a waste of breath and time. She provided no substantiated statement or contention with anything written on the the site. I feel the bad outweighs the good in these particular situation. I feel as if it looks to others (people who have not found this site yet) that our feathers are ruffled too easily.

I am not saying The Faith should not be contended for I am just giving my personal opinion on a specific matter that I noticed that I didn't believe warranted any response. I could very well be wrong and would like to be shown my error if I am.
Victor Hafichuk wrote:A project now in process I feel I must complete in 12 parts now is the Theo-autobiography. Eight parts are up; we're about to put up the 9th, the 10th is on its way and I'm working on the 11th whenever I get a chance, which hasn't been very active recently, being so busy. And, I'm not getting any younger! God willing, as in all things, great and small.
Lest we forget, Abraham was 100 years old when he fathered the first offspring of Israel :D

Also, just a suggestion, even if it is just written in PDF form and not submitted to a publishing press it could still be available for publication after your passing. But you are right, God willing if He has it in store for you to do it will be done.

Victor Hafichuk wrote:I find it a bit remarkable that you should bring this up and even specify the NT. Perhaps the Lord is directing us to get on it? :)
One can only hope! Though I know spiritually and intellectually that The Bible is God's written Word I cannot deny that it is tough for me when reading The Gospels and going over words that are written in red, supposedly the perfectly documented statements of our Lord and Savior, it makes me have a certain disdain for the passages I know to be false.

Paul Cohen

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Paul Cohen »

Hi Jordan,

I’m answering here about the “casting pearls to pigs” part of your post. You ventured an opinion on this matter and asked to be corrected if you were in error, so let’s examine your remarks:

Agreed, and I do hope a lot of those email responses will come to a halt.
Not the ones where people are earnestly looking for the truth, God forbid!

Most certainly, to your second statement. The Lord doesn’t turn away any who come to Him, so how could we if we're one with Him?

But perhaps some of the ones where Paul and you are casting pearls to pigs.
(e.g. Paul had a back and forth with a lady who wrote and email where she initiated the conversations with, “You sirs, are off your rockers”.

Are we casting pearls to pigs? What did the Lord say about that?

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6 EMTV).

Are we being torn in pieces, Jordan? Do you see that happening - if so, please describe how.

Or is this what’s happening with those who come against us and the Lord, with us responding by the Spirit of His Mouth?

Psalms 50:16-22 MKJV
(16) But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you, to declare My Precepts, and to take up My covenant in your mouth?
(17) Yea, you hate to be taught, and you toss My Words behind you.
(18) When you saw a thief, then you were pleased to be with him, and you have taken part with adulterers.
(19) You give your mouth to evil, and your tongue frames deceit.
(20) You sit; you speak against your brother; you slander your own mother's son.
(21) These things you have done, and I have kept silence; you thought that I was like yourself, but I will rebuke you, and set in order before your eyes.
(22) Now think of this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.

“And if anyone will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone will hurt them, so it is right for him to be killed” (Revelation 11:5 MKJV).

I refer everyone to the thread you mention that started out by saying we were “off [our] rockers” – examine it and tell us what you see there.

Now I realize the false must be brought to the table to show the error of their ways but this lady was not interested in a meaningful conversation. She was just a troll who attempted to throw a sharp quip for her own amusement purposes.

It was more than the lady – it was her husband, too, who was called into account for her wanton behavior and on both counts they were confronted regarding their lack of substance.

Were we treating them like they were respectful of the truth, or like liars?

In my personal opinion, responses to these are just a waste of breath and time. She provided no substantiated statement or contention with anything written on the the site. I feel the bad outweighs the good in these particular situation. I feel as if it looks to others (people who have not found this site yet) that our feathers are ruffled too easily.

If we were speaking to these people in the hopes that they would believe us, then surely we were wasting our breath and time. But is that what we were doing, Jordan? Do you know? Your opinion is predicated on this conclusion. Or was there another altogether different reason for our speaking, already alluded to here?

If we were treating these people as honored guests at the wedding feast, feting them with the holy things of God, then certainly we were casting our pearls before swine. But if we were setting things in order before their eyes, dealing with their presumptuous and arrogant anti-Christ ways by speaking the truth to them, then they were brought before God’s Judgment Throne.

I am not saying The Faith should not be contended for I am just giving my personal opinion on a specific matter that I noticed that I didn't believe warranted any response. I could very well be wrong and would like to be shown my error if I am.

Not only is judgment pronounced against these sinners, but we also believe these communications minister to and strengthen other believers as they face scoffers and similiar unbelief coming from so-called Christians in their day-to-day lives. Is this true? It would be good to hear from everyone on this matter.

Edwin Romero

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Edwin Romero »

Hi Jordan, and others!

I was thinking about this you said, which Paul already responded to, "In my personal opinion, responses to these are just a waste of breath and time." I'd like to add some more:

I remember Victor talks about a word he heard from the Lord, not sure where exactly he says it, but the Lord told him, "As the false are exposed, the true will manifest...," or something along those lines.

I can say it has been a wonderful way the Lord has used to open my eyes and the eyes of others by the exchanges Victor and Paul have had with these people who try to counter them, without substance or reliable witnesses.

I have appreciated so much to see the Lord's wisdom manifested in the countless replies they have written. I sometimes read first what "the attackers" have to say and wonder what I would say to them. Then when I see the reply, I find so much clarity and variety that evidence the Lord's wisdom and judgment for each particular case.

I have often wondered if Victor and Paul get tired of so much correspondence, mostly negative, but then I realize it's what the Lord has given them to do, besides so much more. They sure get physically or mentally tired, but their inner man is doing pretty well, I'm sure.

I do believe His words perfectly apply to Victor and Paul's work, "For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light" (Mathew 11:30). The same applies to all of us if we do what He says, regardless of the profit, or lack of it, we may perceive in what He asks us to do.

So when it comes to all the correspondence coming and going at TPOT, I can say it's been the Lord's way (or just one of them) to teach and disciple us in His ways, giving instruction, correction, and encouragement to the believers through those letters .

I thank the Lord for His servants and the work He has appointed them. May we all be found being deligent in all He has charged us to do.

Sarah Stuckey

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Sarah Stuckey »

Amen, Edwin! Thank you for writing this. I appreciate it.


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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Sabine »

Amen Edwin, that is exactly my experience. Praise The Lord!

Dan Lysthauge
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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Dan Lysthauge »

"Not only is judgment pronounced against these sinners, but we also believe these communications minister to and strengthen other believers as they face scoffers and similiar unbelief coming from so-called Christians in their day-to-day lives. Is this true? It would be good to hear from everyone on this matter." Quote from: Paul Cohen

This is true Paul, I often learn much from the posts, am thankful for them.

Dan Lysthauge

Terri Cabreros
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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Terri Cabreros »

Yes, I do very much agree that the posts do help in strengthening faith and at some time, in edifying or when having to speak to others.

In fact, just prior to last Sabbath meeting, I had been reading some of the e-mails and although we've talked about this before, it never ceases to amaze me how the very things they accuse you and Victor of are the very things they are; their mirror image...having no love, being of Satan's, accusing and hateful.

But at the same time, I know that if the Lord had not called me out and removed me from the religious systems of this world and given me light, I would be as them so I know I cannot condemn them.

And I also know that His Words do not return all good!
Thank You, Lord!

Jordan S

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Jordan S »

Paul Cohen wrote:Hi Jordan,

I’m answering here about the “casting pearls to pigs” part of your post. You ventured an opinion on this matter and asked to be corrected if you were in error, so let’s examine your remarks:
Agreed, and I do hope a lot of those email responses will come to a halt.
Not the ones where people are earnestly looking for the truth, God forbid!

Paul Cohen wrote: Most certainly, to your second statement. The Lord doesn’t turn away any who come to Him, so how could we if we're one with Him?
But perhaps some of the ones where Paul and you are casting pearls to pigs.
(e.g. Paul had a back and forth with a lady who wrote and email where she initiated the conversations with, “You sirs, are off your rockers”.
Paul Cohen wrote: Are we casting pearls to pigs? What did the Lord say about that?

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6 EMTV).

Are we being torn in pieces, Jordan? Do you see that happening - if so, please describe how.
You're right, I should have been more specific. I do not see them tearing you to pieces since their arguments are usually nothing more than their misinterpretation of scripture to fit the agenda they are arguing whatever. And I agree that these are the types that need to be brought to light for their own sake and for the sake of the flock here so they won't be lead astray.

I was speaking about the ones who just throw out childish attacks that to invoke a response. Such as the lady that stated "you sirs are off your rockers" I realize there was a correspondence with her husband but if I remember correctly it was after the back and forth with the wife that he chimed in.

I believed at the time that it was wasting breath on those who are too self righteous to realize the truth in rebuke. However, now I realize from discussing with Victor and Paul that I was being the self righteous one. I believed myself to know better than two men who have received direct revelation from the Lord Himself as to discern topics as worthy of being addressed. I was very arrogant to presume this and I apologize to you, Victor and Paul for questioning your authority, it is not my place to teach here only to learn. I ask you to forgive me.

Edwin also made a fantastic post telling of how much their letters corresponding with critics has helped him gain discernment and understanding.
Paul Cohen wrote: Or is this what’s happening with those who come against us and the Lord, with us responding by the Spirit of His Mouth?

Psalms 50:16-22 MKJV
(16) But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you, to declare My Precepts, and to take up My covenant in your mouth?
(17) Yea, you hate to be taught, and you toss My Words behind you.
(18) When you saw a thief, then you were pleased to be with him, and you have taken part with adulterers.
(19) You give your mouth to evil, and your tongue frames deceit.
(20) You sit; you speak against your brother; you slander your own mother's son.
(21) These things you have done, and I have kept silence; you thought that I was like yourself, but I will rebuke you, and set in order before your eyes.
(22) Now think of this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.

“And if anyone will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone will hurt them, so it is right for him to be killed” (Revelation 11:5 MKJV).
These verses describe me to a T, I spoke against the my brothers in the Lord thinking I knew better. My narcissism caused me to sin against them and more importantly to sin against the Lord.
Paul Cohen wrote: I refer everyone to the thread you mention that started out by saying we were “off [our] rockers” – examine it and tell us what you see there.
[/quote]Now I realize the false must be brought to the table to show the error of their ways but this lady was not interested in a meaningful conversation. She was just a troll who attempted to throw a sharp quip for her own amusement purposes.[/quote]
Paul Cohen wrote: It was more than the lady – it was her husband, too, who was called into account for her wanton behavior and on both counts they were confronted regarding their lack of substance.

Were we treating them like they were respectful of the truth, or like liars?
You were treating them like liars, as they deserved to be.

[/quote]In my personal opinion, responses to these are just a waste of breath and time. She provided no substantiated statement or contention with anything written on the the site. I feel the bad outweighs the good in these particular situation. I feel as if it looks to others (people who have not found this site yet) that our feathers are ruffled too easily.[/quote]
Paul Cohen wrote: If we were speaking to these people in the hopes that they would believe us, then surely we were wasting our breath and time. But is that what we were doing, Jordan? Do you know? Your opinion is predicated on this conclusion. Or was there another altogether different reason for our speaking, already alluded to here?

If we were treating these people as honored guests at the wedding feast, feting them with the holy things of God, then certainly we were casting our pearls before swine. But if we were setting things in order before their eyes, dealing with their presumptuous and arrogant anti-Christ ways by speaking the truth to them, then they were brought before God’s Judgment Throne.
[/quote]I am not saying The Faith should not be contended for I am just giving my personal opinion on a specific matter that I noticed that I didn't believe warranted any response. I could very well be wrong and would like to be shown my error if I am.[/quote]
Paul Cohen wrote: Not only is judgment pronounced against these sinners, but we also believe these communications minister to and strengthen other believers as they face scoffers and similiar unbelief coming from so-called Christians in their day-to-day lives. Is this true? It would be good to hear from everyone on this matter.
This is true, I viewed the discussions in a vacuum and not in the sense that they were applicable and helpful too all of the flock here. I was thinking selfishly and I was wrong. You put it into clarity and truth, thank you Paul for revealing my error

Victor Hafichuk
Posts: 749
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Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

For my part, apology accepted, Jordan. I'm thankful you're being given to see and understand.

Paul Cohen

Re: Perhaps a new translation of The New Testament?

Post by Paul Cohen »

Same here, Jordan - apology accepted and I'm thankful you're being given to turn from yourself to the Lord, the Truth. Keep going.

There's one Scripture we often quote because it summarizes what's happening in the correspondences we have with many scoffers and blasphemers.

"Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men, saying, 'Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly among them about all their ungodly deeds which they have committed impiously, and about all the harsh words which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him'" (Jude 1:14-15 EMTV).

For this, I'm very thankful, because it is the Lord's Day. He is putting away evil and we are with Him, enduring and prevailing by His faith.

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